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This strategic plan from the Department of Basic Education focuses on addressing schools without proper water, sanitation, electricity, or fencing, as well as those made of inappropriate materials. Overcrowded schools and critical teaching spaces are prioritized and improved. The plan includes a four-strand strategy to upgrade schools to basic safety functionality, replace inadequate structures, and optimize functionality with essential spaces like libraries and laboratories. Implementation has begun for identified mud schools, with stakeholder engagements and scoping processes in progress. The plan also covers initiatives for water, sanitation, and electricity projects, managed in collaboration with various departments. The progress and future plans for infrastructure improvements in specific provinces are outlined, highlighting the importance of enhancing educational facilities for a conducive learning environment.
ASIDI FOCUS 2010-2014 Strategic Planning Period: Schools without water, sanitation, electricity and or fencing Schools constructed from inappropriate material and are a danger to learners and educators and overcrowded schools In addition, prioritised critical teaching and learning spaces in those identified schools will be provided. Phase delivered in an accelerated mode
FOCUS FOR ASIDI 2010-2014 • Four Strand Strategy • 3627 schools to Basic Safety Functionality by providing water, sanitation and electricity • Replace all entire inappropriate structures • Replace all entire 395 mud schools in Eastern Cape to Optimum Functionality • Upgrade schools to Optimum Functionality by providing core spaces (specialist rooms) e.g. libraries, laboratories, admin blocks
Progress-Inappropriate structures • The first batch of 50 mud schools have been identified and costed in the Eastern Cape. • An MOA was signed on the 06th July 2011 appointing the Development Bank of Southern Africa as the implementing agent on the first batch of 50 mud schools in the Eastern Cape • The process of stakeholder engagements commenced on 14 July 2011 in Umtata with a meeting between DBE, ECDoE, DBSA and Umtata, Libode and Lusikisiki districts to formally introduce DBSA as the Implementing agent of the 50 identified Mud Schools in these districts for 2011/12 financial year
Progress-Inappropriate structures • A process of preliminary scoping, including site verification, focusing on land suitability, site dynamics, availability of services, compliance to regulations etc, commenced on 25 July 2011 • Requests for proposals to PSP’s for a detailed scoping exersize were issued on 28 July 2011 and a compulsory briefing session held on 01 August 2011 with a closing date on 12 August 2011. A preferred bidder will be announced on 19 August 2011 and with a project start date on 24 August and completion on 23 September 2011
Progress-Inappropriate structures • Requests for proposals will be issued/advertised on 16 August 2011 with the closing date on 26 August 2011 and the prequalified contractors will be announced on 09 September 2011. The prequalification will be based on contractors with CIDB Grade 7-9 with a presence in the Eastern Cape Province. Request for Quotations will be issued to prequalified contractors on 12 September 2011 and the quotations will be based on a develop and construct based on the standard architectural plans already developed and sites will be handed out to contractors from 03 October 2011 for the 50 schools to be constructed in Libode, Mthata and Lusikisiki. • An additional 21 schools have been identified in the districts of Dutywa (8), Qumbu (8), Mthata (2), Lusikisiki (3).
Progress • An additional 21 schools have been identified in the districts of Dutywa (8), Qumbu (8), Mthata (2), Lusikisiki (3).
Progress-Basic Services • Water and sanitation: ( 354 sanitation and 188 water projects) As part of a transversal contract with the Department of Human Settlements as part of the Rural Household Infrastructure Programme(RHIP). This programme will be run in conjunction with the Departments of Water Affairs(water) and Human Settlements(sanitation)
Progress • Electricity: ( 231 electricity projects), The MOU with ESKOM has been finalised and has been submitted to ESKOM Legal Services which will be responsible for the electrification of schools. This programme will be managed with the Department of Energy. • Planning for 2012/13 and 2013/14 has commenced with the verification of the backlogs. This will be undertaken by the PSU with provinces. This will entail verification of backlogs, compilation of project business plans as well as a procurement plan for implementation.
Progress-Electricity • Eastern Cape: 104 schools costed and to be electrified • Free State: 31 Schools identified • 5 already electrified • 16 No agreement between dept and landowner • 9 schools have enrolment less than 30 • 1 closed
Progress-Electricity • Limpopo: 21 identified • 15 electrified • 2 closed • 4 to be connected • Mpumalanga; 66 identified • 17 electrified • 3 no agreement between department and landowner • 46 to be connected
Programme Support Unit • The DBSA issued a Request for Proposals on 27 July 2011 to identified engineering consulting and project management firms to select service providers that would establish the PSP. A compulsory briefing session was held on 01 August 2011 with a closing date on 12 August 2011. Tender evaluations will be taking place at the DBSA from Monday 15 August and a preferred bidder will be announced on 19 August 2011 with commencement date between 24 August and 30 August 2011
Monitoring and Evaluation • The project lists from provinces have been posted on the DBE website • DBE to conduct monitoring on projects through the PSU. This will be done also as part of the evaluation the implementation of programme and seeking remedial actions where necessary. • Sites will be visited on a sample basis from projects captured by DBE in the quarterly Infrastructure Reporting Model (IRM) • PPMT’s to monitor projects at a provincial level • Reports to Programme Steering Committee, HEDCOM and CEM