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Parliamentary procedure is a systematic way of organizing meetings. Parliamentary procedure is governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. What is parlimentary procedure?. General Henry M. Robert. Main Objectives Focus on one item at a time, this helps prevent confusion.
Parliamentary procedure is a systematic way of organizing meetings. Parliamentary procedure is governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. What is parlimentary procedure? General Henry M. Robert
Main Objectives • Focus on one item at a time, this helps prevent confusion. • Extend courtesy to everyone. You should be recognized before speaking. • Observing the rule of the majority keeps unpopular ideas from being adopted. • Ensure the rights of the minority, all sides can make motions, second motions, discuss and vote. PARLIMENTARY LAW
Chapter FFA President • Must be fair and impartial • Must relinquish the chairman’s station and relinquish chairman’s duties to present or discuss a motion. Presiding officer
Symbol of authority • The president uses the gavel to control aspects of the meeting. • The number of taps determines the meaning. • One tap means to sit down, announce vote or adjourn • Two taps calls the meeting to order. • Three taps symbols to rise during opening and closing ceremonies • Series of taps used to bring the group to order The gavel
List of what will be discussed at a meeting • Should be prepared in advance Agenda
To present a new idea or item of business • Wording: “I move” NOT “I make a motion” Motion
Presents a new idea or item of business • Only one can be on the floor or before the group at the same time. • It is debatable, amendable, requires a second and majority vote • Discussion gives members opportunities to discuss pros and cons of the main motion. Requires 2/3 of vote to stop discussion. Main Motion
Address presiding officer • Receive recognition to speak • State motion - “I move to” or “I move that” • Another member seconds the motion • Motion is discussed • Vote on motion • Chair announces results of vote Steps to making a main motion
Used to stop debate and vote • Working “I move to previous question” • Second required • Not debatable and not amendable • Can be reconsidered before vote • 2/3rd vote required Previous question
Majority – more than half the votes minority is less than half the votes 2/3 the majority Four methods of voting Voice vote Visual vote (standing or raising hand) Roll call Ballot General Consent Voting
Amend is to change a motion by striking out or adding words. • It is debatable, amendable, requires a second and a majority vote. Division of the House • To get a counted vote when voice vote is hard to determine • It is not debatable or amendable • Member seeking a division does not have to be recognized by the chair to speak. You say “Division”. amendment
Places the motion in a committee or small group The motion is debatable, amendable, requires a second and a majority vote. Motion should include the number on the committee, how they are appointed, their powers, duties and when to report back. Powers may be to report, to report with recommendations, or to act on behalf of the chapter. Refer to a committee
Tabling a motion • To postpone a motion to the next meeting, in order to move on to the next item of busines • Motion must be taken from the table at the next meeting to be discussed • Wording: “I move to lay this motion on the table” • Requires second and majority vote • Not debatable and not amendable
Point of Order – used to correct a parliamentary mistake. • Is not debatable, not amendable, does not require a second or a vote. • Member says “I rise to a point of order” • Appeal – used to appeal the chair’s decision after a point of order has been made. • It is debatable, not amendable, requires a second and a majority vote • Changes a decision made by the chair • Wording : “ I appeal the decision of the chair” Other motions
Suspend the rules – motion used to temporarily suspend the rules of an organization • Not debatable or amendable • Requires a second and 2/3 majority vote • Adjourn - close the meeting (simple majority vote) • Not debatable or amendable, requires a second and majority vote. • A motion to adjourn takes precedence over all other motions. Other motions continued