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Administrative Boundaries and Parcels Workgroups

Administrative Boundaries and Parcels Workgroups. John Owens, John Scrivani, and Dan Widner Virginia Geographic Information Network Virginia GIS Conference September 17, 2013. www.vita.virginia.gov. 1. Genesis of Workgroups.

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Administrative Boundaries and Parcels Workgroups

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  1. Administrative Boundaries and Parcels Workgroups John Owens, John Scrivani, and Dan Widner Virginia Geographic Information Network Virginia GIS Conference September 17, 2013 www.vita.virginia.gov 1

  2. Genesis of Workgroups • Administrative Boundaries and Parcels Workgroups were identified as priorities in the 2010-2015 VGIN Strategic Plan • Administrative Boundaries Workgroup had its first conference call in June, 2013, followed by several additional calls • Parcels Workgroup had its first conference call in August, 2013

  3. Administrative Boundaries • VGIN developed a Workgroup Charter • Participation by more than 44 individuals • Presentations by Zach Robbins from the Commission on Local Government and Kevin Holmes from the US Census • Discussions of issues with Karen Mullins of Wise County, Page Cockrell of the VGIN Board and Surveyor community, and Brandon Moore working with the Southwest VA MERG group • Information available for download from the VGIN website http://www.vita.virginia.gov/ISP

  4. State of Boundaries Administrative Boundaries and Changes Notification to Sec. of Commonwealth, sent to distribution list for announcement, changes tracked by Commission on Local Government Locality Boundary Changes, Locality updates internal boundary Submission to and Approval by Circuit Court No Process for Generation of Up to Date VA GIS Boundary Data Layer

  5. The Census BAS • The Census Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) produces boundary products as part of their TIGER datasets • In states without state authority for boundary submissions, Census polls localities each year the Survey is performed to solicit updates of boundaries from individual localities (paper and/or digital) • Census decides updates to accept, and topologically integrate them into their TIGER boundaries • TIGER boundaries are intended for use with Census products, and as a national product data may be changed in the integration process to ensure a seamless product

  6. Strawman To-Be Boundaries Process QA Review of Product by Commission on Local Government VGIN Admin Boundary Product Editing Process VGIN Administrative Boundaries Edit Team Verification of Nature of and Legal Approval for Boundary Changes Description of Boundary Changes (draft) Notification by Sec of Commonwealth and Review by Commission on Local Government Locality needs to make changes to boundaries Submission to and Approval by Circuit Court

  7. Products from Strawman Process • Virginia Administrative Boundary Dataset for use by public, agencies, localities • If VGIN had authority for statewide submission of boundaries with Census, then VGIN could submit all integrated changes on behalf of localities

  8. Boundaries Next Steps • Consensus from call to explore strawman strategy with VGIN leading Boundary data management effort • VGIN had initial meeting with Commission on Local Government to discuss current processes for boundary changes • VGIN met with Joe Grubbs from VITA Enterprise Architecture group to discuss data standards • Discussion with VGIN Board about next steps

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