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The History Of Cartoon Animation

The History Of Cartoon Animation. Brandon Pearce. The First Cartoons. The first ideas for cartoons were from the people of the prehistoric time period. They would paint in their caves and to show movement would draw extra sets of legs. Firsts of Cartoons.

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The History Of Cartoon Animation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The History Of Cartoon Animation Brandon Pearce

  2. The First Cartoons • The first ideas for cartoons were from the people of the prehistoric time period. • They would paint in their caves and to show movement would draw extra sets of legs.

  3. Firsts of Cartoons • Fantasmagorie directed by ÈmileCohl was officially the first animated cartoon in 1908. • Walt Disney’s, Steamship Willie, was the first cartoon that had synchronized sound in 1928. • The first feature length film was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937.

  4. Types of Animation • Traditional is the oldest form of animation and it is the hardest. • Computer animation is modern version that is used more often today. • Anime is newest type of animation and is a mix of both computer and traditional

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