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Generic Adaptation Process

Generic Adaptation Process. Evgeny Knutov Paul De Bra Mykola Pechenizkiy GAF project: Generic Adaptation Framework (project is supported by NWO ). Agenda. Adaptation process modeling AH classification and adaptation cycle AHS evolution GAF layers Generic Flowchart GAF sequence chart

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Generic Adaptation Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Generic Adaptation Process Evgeny Knutov Paul De Bra Mykola Pechenizkiy GAF project: Generic Adaptation Framework (project is supported byNWO)

  2. Agenda Adaptation process modeling AH classification and adaptation cycle AHS evolution GAF layers Generic Flowchart GAF sequence chart Use-cases Conclusions / Department of Computer Science

  3. Adaptation process modeling: Classic loop user modeling - adaptation Generic Adaptivity Model GOMAWE Munich Model: Lifecycle of Adaptation / Department of Computer Science

  4. Classification of AH methods and techniques; adaptation process highlights: / Department of Computer Science Classification of AH methods and techniques integrated with adaptation process cycle Basis for the AHS layered structure

  5. AHS evolution: / Department of Computer Science Generalize AHS functionality in GAF Enhance GAF layered structure with the process Generalize adaptation process in GAF

  6. Rotating GAF layered model: GAF layered structure / Department of Computer Science GAF aligns the order of the layers in the system according to the classification of AH methods and techniques Rotate layered structure of GAF and match with adaptation process flowcharts

  7. Adaptation process: Generic representation of the process Aligned it with the traditional ‘adaptation questions’ Provides a flowchart diagram of a generic AHS Align the layers of AHS in a sequence chart Matched flow and sequence charts Reference Adaptation Process / Department of Computer Science

  8. Generic Flowchart (example): / Department of Computer Science • 3 main blocks: • goal acquisition, • adaptive functionality • test-feedback loop • Mapped on the layered structure of GAF model • Mapped on the Adaptation process sequence chart (see process numbers and GAF sequence chart further)

  9. Key elements of GAF sequence chart: Layered structure preserved in a sequence Layers aligned with adaptation questions Layers aligned with process and generic flowchart Layers determine (de) composition of the GAF model / Department of Computer Science

  10. GAF sequence chart: / Department of Computer Science

  11. Use-case 1: Adaptive course: / Department of Computer Science • Generic Flowchart compliance • ‘next’ goal / concept / test main loop • granularity module • concept-content adaptation sequence • presentation generation

  12. Use-case 2: WWW Search: • Sequence chart (GAP) compliance with the search process: • Goal Model – defines search query • Domain Model – defines search index • Resource model - WWW • Context Models – defines user and usage context properties (IP, user profile, etc.) • Group Model – defines user collaborative profile • Adaptation and Application models – define search engine and ranking mechanisms / Department of Computer Science

  13. Use-case 2: WWW Search sequence chart: / Department of Computer Science

  14. Conclusions: Generic Adaptation Process Conformity of the adaptation process sequence and flowchart approaches Layered process-based (de)composition of an adaptive system Building Block of a User-Adaptive System process / Department of Computer Science

  15. Further work: Elaborate process description and extend generic adaptation process emphasizing new developments in AH Align adaptation sequence chart with other user-adaptive systems (e.g. Recommender systems) Emphasize interoperability of the new AH developments in the context of the process (e.g. open corpus adaptation, higher order adaptation, etc.) / Department of Computer Science

  16. Thanks! and Questions? / Department of Computer Science

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