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A methodology and supporting techniques for the assessment of insider threats. Nicola Nostro Tutors Bondavalli Andrea, Di Giandomenico Felicita Università degli Studi di Firenze. Subject of the research.
A methodology and supporting techniques for the assessment of insider threats Nicola Nostro TutorsBondavalli Andrea, Di GiandomenicoFelicita UniversitàdegliStudidi Firenze
Subjectof the research • Nowadays the life of each of us is highly dependent on critical infrastructures. • Characterized by heterogeneity, and dynamicity • They may be prone to failures, intrusions, and attacks from outside and inside. • It is crucial to designsystems ensuring resilience and security.
Context • Security is a major challenge for today’s companies. • Security measures are attentively selected and maintained to protect organizations from external threats. • Several tools and solutions are available for this scope • firewalls, antivirus, intrusion detection systems,… • What happens inside the system?
Motivations • Amongst the multitude of attacks and threats to which a system is potentially exposed, there are insider attackers. • They are difficult to detect and mitigate due to the nature of the attackers. • How to detect data theft or sabotage by malicious insiders? • These activities can be difficult to differentiate from legitimate uses. • Protecting from insider threats requires a deep study on the socio-economical profiles, possible actions, and the impact of these actions on the system. • Insider attackers constitute an actual threat for ICT organizations. • This calls for a tailored insider threats assessment activity
Objectives • Define a methodology and supporting libraries for insider threats assessment and mitigation. • Evaluate the possibility that a user will perform an attack, the severity of potential violations, the costs. • Identify proper countermeasures.
The methodology in 6 steps System under analysis ProfilingpotentialInsiders Countermeasuresselection Insider Threats Attackpaths Iteration and Update • Identificationofcomponents • Interactions • Functional description • Allusers are identified • Definitionofattributes • Referenceto a predefinedlibrary • Identification • Description • Potentialconsequences • Identifyexploitablepaths • Set up the modelingapproach • Evaluation • Selectionpropercountermeasures • Referenceto a predefinedlibrary
Methodology - System description • A system is characterized by • a number of resources: services, computers, removable drives, etc. • more communication networks • users, which can use the system or in general interact with it • new features can be integrated over time, due to the evolution of technologies, and the update of system specification or requirements. • Providing a formal description of the overall system, may be expensive in terms of time.
Methodology - System description • A semi-formal description limited to the aspects of interest of the system and the interactions that users may have with it, is appropriate. • Through a semi-formalnotation, itispossibletoimmediatelyunderstand the descriptionof the system • byusinggraphicalnotationsalongwithnaturallanguagedescriptions. • UML use case diagrams allow to describe the system's functionalities and use case scenarios, from the point of view of the users/insiders, and the use case descriptions are shown in tables.
Methodology – Insiders’ profile • Identify a taxonomy of system users and potential attributes • A predefined library of insiders to consider • which constitute a consistent reference library describing the human agents involved in IT systems and that could pose threats to such kind of systems • eightattributesdefined: • Intent, Access, Outcome, Limits, Resource, Skill Level, Objective, Visibility T. Casey, “Threat Agent Library Helps Identify Information Security Risks,” Intel White Paper, September 2007
Methodology – Insider threats • We can identify a number of threats of different type of severity, related to the actions performed by the insiders • install malicious software/code, create backdoors, disable system logs and anti-virus, create new users, plant logic bombs, perform operation on data base. • The idea is to list the possible threats and try to associate them to the previously identified insiders
Methodology – AttackPaths • Identify the path(s) exploitableby the insider(s) to realize the threat(s) and achieve the goal(s). • A critical step, especially if we think of unknown paths • Many insiders are able to set up unexpected attack paths, that are unknown • Several techniques exist and are very useful for determining what threats exist in a system and how to deal with them • attack trees, attack graphs, privilege graphs, ADVISE • Evaluate success rate and effects of the attack is of paramount importance, allowing to get information on the probability of occurrence of an attack.
Methodology – Countermeasures • Selection of the proper countermeasure(s), to avoid or mitigate the identified threat(s). • A defined library which lists the countermeasures can be used. • Introduction of such countermeasures may require to re-assess the system. • In case a model of the system and of the countermeasure is available, these can be integrated with the attack path.
Methodologyapplication – System & Insider Profiling • Insiders: Operator, Domain expert, Unknown user, System Expert, System Administrator (SA)
Methodologyapplication – Insider Threats Mapping Insiders to Threats Matching attributes-values • Attack goals: • degradation of the performance of the system, • theft of sensitive data
Methodologyapplication – AttackPaths • ADVISE attack execution graph for Data Theft • Rectangular boxes represent the attack steps; • Squares are the access domain; • Circles are the knowledge items; • Ovals represent the attack goal.
Methodologyapplication - Countermeasures • Countermeasures: • Identify the sensitive data and set up a detection system that prevents all queries on such data • Keep track of accesses (username, timestamp, event description (computer system, devices, utilized software, software installation, error condition, etc.). • Implement biometric system, which every predetermined time (minutes, hours), performs an identity check. • Avoid to log into the system during holiday days or outside the office hours. • Allow printing reports only in specific printers • Implement an e-mail system with an automatic cc forwarding to a higher-ranking person.
Conclusions • Several techniques exists to avoid or detect the risk that a legitimate user abuses of its authority. • Technological protection from external threats is important, but • Defending against insider attacks is and will remain challenging. • Insider attacks are difficult to detect, either by human or technical means. • We identified a lack in the definition of a methodology and related supports for the systematic investigation and assessment of insider threats.
Future works • Define a method which supports the creation, usage and maintenance of the threats library. • Identify an approach to support the selection of the input parameters that characterize the attack path • to understand the costs and dangerousness of an attack. • Mapping between the Insider Library and ADVISE profiles must be provided, also assigning numerical values.