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Pros & Cons of Corporate Personhood for Transbemans

Pros & Cons of Corporate Personhood for Transbemans. Martine Rothblatt Martine4@gmail.com. Transbemans Self-Identify As B io- E lectronic Hu mans in Trans ition. Biological Life = Organization Specified by Chemical Codes, Such as DNA/RNA. Electronic Life = Organization Specified by

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Pros & Cons of Corporate Personhood for Transbemans

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  1. Pros & Cons of Corporate Personhood for Transbemans Martine Rothblatt Martine4@gmail.com

  2. Transbemans Self-Identify As Bio-Electronic Humans in Transition Biological Life = Organization Specified by Chemical Codes, Such as DNA/RNA Electronic Life = Organization Specified by Numeric Codes, Such As Binary

  3. Life is Organized, Exchanges Matter/Energy, Responds to Stimuli, Reproduces, Develops & Adapts Biology = Implemented Via A Program Transferred With Molecules (e.g. DNA) Any Ethical Difference? Vitology = Implemented Via Program Transferred With Electronics (e.g. Binary Code) (Thank you Lady Ada)

  4. Transition Continuum From Fleshware to Software + - Dependent On Biology - + Dependent On IT/Electronics

  5. Transbemans Believe Substrate Per Se Irrelevant to Humanness Virtuals Ectogens Nano-Bios

  6. In Other Words, Transbemans Want, But Might Not Be Entitled, To Human Rights

  7. Corporate Personhood Spans A Range of Concepts Corporations have some constitutional and human rights Corporations have commercial and criminal legal personalities

  8. Separation of Creators from Corporation is Hallmark of Corporate Personhood

  9. Corporate Personhood for Non-Human Transbemans Limits Creator’s Liability

  10. Is Victor Frankenstein Responsible for His Monster? Generally NO if Monster has corporate personhood Generally YES, if Monster lacks corporate personhood

  11. Should Lt. Cdr. Data Be Allowed to Vote? Not if he has corporate personhood Yes, if he both lacks corporate personhood but has natural or other juridical personhood

  12. Pros & Cons of Typical Corporate Personhood

  13. Pros & Cons Applied to a Transbeman (Society View)

  14. Pros & Cons From Transbemans View 2nd Class Citizenship Means Not Safe & Less Happy

  15. The Ethical Conundrum 2. Transbemans That Think Like Us Will Not Want 2nd Class Corporate Personhood 1. We Award Rights to Those Who Value Them 3. Ergo, Those Who Value Rights As Humans Do, Ethically Deserve the Same Constitutional Personhood That Humans Have

  16. A New Type of Personhood: Turing Meets Freud Meets Christine

  17. Let Shrinks Decide if a Transbeman Lacking Personhood Is Human Psyche Equivalent • One Year “Real • Life Test”: • Weekly Sessions; • Two Certified Psychologists In Agreement • Letter to Authorities • Judge Orders Birth Certificate Issued • Transbeman Gets Natural Born Citizenship by Court Order

  18. Two Ways Forward for Transbeman Personhood Use “Real-Life Test” Route for Issuance of Birth Certificates (or Equivalents) for Transbemans that Desire Constitutional Personhood Start the Transbeman with Corporate Personhood, Unless They Already Have Constitutional Personhood

  19. Basically, Each New Transbeman Is Like an Immigrant Let Those That Want & Warrant Citizenship, Via Real-Life Test, Have It Let Those That Arrive Live, Work, Save & Have Due Process Rights

  20. A Few Legal Quirks Not Hard to Resolve • States Create Corporate Personhood, But Citizenship Rules Are Federalized • States Handle Birth Certificates, But Immigration is Federalized Diverse State Approaches to Transbeman Rights Is a Strength of the US System

  21. Critical Path Elements Demonstrate Cyber-Consciousness Develop Cyber-Psychology Certification GetJudges to Agree & Set Legal Precedent

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