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IHSA. “Do What’s Right!”. “Do What’s Right!”.

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  1. IHSA “Do What’s Right!”

  2. “Do What’s Right!” • The “Do What’s Right!” Program builds upon the IHSA’s current efforts to promote and recognize sportsmanship within our teams, schools and communities. The Program sets minimum guidelines and may be incorporated into a conference’s existing sportsmanship program. • The Sportsmanship Advisory committee is responsible to evaluate and improve upon the current methods of encouraging and supporting sportsmanship. • All information and downloadable forms are available through IHSA.org.

  3. “Do What’s Right!” When a conference or independent school registers for the Do What’s Right! program, they agree to communicate and actively educate their students, fans and communities of the following: Do What’s Right! Expectations: • Represent your school and community through positive interaction with opposing fans and players. • Uses positive cheers, chants, songs or gestures. • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat. • Respect and acknowledge the integrity/judgment of officials. • Exhibit positive behavior before, during and after the contest.

  4. Do What's Right! ProgramBenefits • The DWR! Program provides an opportunity to recognize students, coaches, student bodies and communities who demonstrate positive sportsmanship. • The DWR! Program serves as a vehicle to reach tomorrow’s leaders and work with them at our division workshops and leadership conference, where they can learn new skills to share with their fellow students at their home schools. • The DWR! Program will provide an opportunity to recognize Sportspersons of the Year from each of our Board Divisions who best embody the program’s ideals. • The DWR! Program will enable the IHSA to develop resources for member schools on such topics as appropriate sportsmanship, health & wellness, and confronting hazing that they can use with their student populations. • The DWR! Program promotes Add-A-Tude, the IHSA’s sportsmanship mascot, to our communities across the state. • The DWR! Program is another avenue the IHSA can use to promote the over-all value in interscholastic participation. • The DWR! Program core Expectations provide a consistent message of positive behavior for teams, students and fans throughout Illinois.

  5. “Do What’s Right!”

  6. “Do What’s Right!” Option 1 • Conference representatives and independent school administrators register annually from May 1 - October 20 using the available online forms through the Do What’s Right! webpage. • Conference administrators or coaches do not rank teams or fans during the regular season and do not recognize a school for earning the most points through out the school year.  • All registered conference schools and independent schools are eligible to receive a DWR! State Final Banner in team bracketed sports. The rubric used by the state final sportsmanship committee is on the website for your review and use.

  7. 2010 – 2011 Registered Conferences

  8. State Final Sportsmanship Banner

  9. 2010 Fall State Final Sportsmanship Banner Recipients Girls Volleyball Class 1A/2A: Girls Volleyball Class 3A/4A : Toledo-Cumberland Joliet (Catholic Academy) Bloomington Central Catholic Breese Mater Dei Breese Central Boys Football: Class 1A Boys Soccer Class 1A - Tuscola Lisle Class 2A - Sterling Newman Catholic Class 3A - Illini West Carthage • Eleven other schools qualified to win a banner but their conferences did not register for the DWR! Program.

  10. “Do What’s Right!” Option 2 • The conference registers annually from May 1 - October 20 using the available online forms through the Do What’s Right! webpage.  • Conference administrators and/or coaches rank players, teams and fans during the regular season based on the DWR! Expectations. The rubric used by the state final sportsmanship committee is on the website for your review and use.

  11. Sport Season Conference Award Certificate

  12. “Do What’s Right!” Option 3  • The conference registers annually from May 1 - October 20 using the available online forms through the Do What’s Right! webpage to be eligible for the Regular Season Sportsmanship Award, the State Finals Sportsmanship Award and the Annual Conference Sportsmanship Award. • Conference administrators and/or coaches rank players, teams and fans during the regular season based on the DWR! Expectations. The rubric used by the state final sportsmanship committee is on the website for your review and use.

  13. “Do What’s Right!” Option 3 (con’t) • The conference also recognizes one of their schools for the annual sportsmanship award by earning the most points through the three sports seasons. The school, accumulating the most regular season points throughout the three seasons, will earn the Annual Conference Sportsmanship Award winner for the year. The conference contact will send in the name of the winning school by June 1 to the IHSA for recognition on the website. Conferences have an opportunity to order a banner for the school through the IHSA website.

  14. Annual Conference Sportsmanship Award

  15. Independent School Information • Because the program has among its characteristics strong conference elements (i.e., selection, reporting, etc.), a distinction is made between schools within a conference and independent schools with no conference affiliation. • Registered conference-affiliated schools are eligible to earn each of the three awards described above, while registered independent schools are only eligible to earn a State Finals Sportsmanship Award. • Independent schools must register annually by October 20 with the IHSA to be eligible for the State Final Sportsmanship award consideration.

  16. SAWA Certificate • Sport AWinning Attitude • SAWA Reports should be used to report any instance where a coach, player, team, official, or spectator has demonstrated exemplary sportsmanship at an IHSA interscholastic contest. • Recipients of SAWA Reports will receive the report and a certificate as well as recognition on the IHSA website. • SAWA Reports forms are located in the Schools Center and the Officials Center for completion.

  17. SAWA Certificate

  18. Add A. Tude • You, too, can have Add A. Tude bring the right attitude to your event. Charming and energetic, Add A. Tude is perfect for assemblies, conferences, special events, and any sporting contest. Add A. Tude is comfortable anywhere! • The Add A. Tude mascot is scheduled to make public appearances throughout the school year. Among the venues will be the state tournaments for both the IHSA and the IESA, the IPA Fall Conference in October, the State School Board Joint Conference, and the IADA Annual Conference. • To book Add A. Tude for an appearance at your next event,  fill out a downloadable scheduling form from the IHSA website and submit it to the IHSA Office.

  19. Do What’s Right! Customized Banners • Personalized Do What’s Right! Sportsmanship Banners • These banners are available for purchase directly through the Sportsmanship Link on the IHSA website for $75.00 plus shipping. • You may individualize each banner with your school name, mascot or nickname. • Downloadable order forms are available on the IHSA website.

  20. “Do What’s Right!” Sportsmanship Banners

  21. IHSA Student Advisory Committee

  22. Student Advisory Committee SAC Mission Statement The Student Advisory Committee is a group of students who participate in diverse interscholastic athletics and activities. The SAC promotes the sportsmanship and integrity ideals of the Illinois High School Association. We are focused on providing leadership and communication between participants, administrators and fans of IHSA activities.

  23. 2011-2012 Student Advisory Committee Members SchoolName Chicago (Northside College Prep) Cecile Franke Chicago (Hales Franciscan) Andrew Williams Chicago (Mother McAuley) Kristen Kleist Skokie (Niles West) Valerie Fung Sandwich Morgan Murphy Belvidere (North) Tyler Yunk Hinsdale South Katie Guth Lemont (H.S.) Rebekah Michaelson Kankakee (Bishop MacNamara) Jaelen Hull Lanark (Eastland) Devin Hartman Orion Abigail Taets El Paso (E.P.-Gridley) Brian Ehresman Champaign (St. Thomas More) Sean Kelley Shelbyville Neil Yockey Normal (Community) Cameron Baker Mt. Zion Carly Sarff Astoria Courtney Musson Carlinville Adelmo Marchiori IV East Peoria Lucas Joseph Dupo Matthew McDonald Flora Kristina Hodges Murphysboro Andrew Novara

  24. Student Advisory Committee SAC Nomination Process for 2011-2012 • Nomination Forms are available online from October 1 through December 3, 2011. • All forms must be completed and in the IHSA office on December 3, 2011. • All current Freshmen and Sophomore IHSA member school students are eligible to participate. • Each new SAC member and their Administrator will receive a letter welcoming them to the committee by December 17, 2011

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