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Webinar for Springer, for their association partners, on how to use social media for marketing and membership recruitment.
How to Leverage Social Media For Successful Marketing and Membership Recruitment www.socialfish.org
AGENDAPART 1• Statistics - association social media• Challenges for marketers• How Social CRM can help• Some examplesPART 2• Questions submitted in advancePART 3• Open Q&A AGENDAPART 1• Statistics - association social media• Challenges for marketers• How Social CRM can help• Some examplesPART 2• Questions submitted in advancePART 3• Open Q&A
POLL: WHO’S HERE? I consider my organization to be… • New to social media • Comfortable, but still experimenting • Using social media strategically • A fully integrated social business POLL: WHO’S HERE? I consider my organization to be… • New to social media • Comfortable, but still experimenting • Using social media strategically • A fully integrated social business
CURRENT STATISTICS (NOV 2012) Source: The Realtime Report CURRENT STATISTICS (NOV 2012) Source: The Realtime Report
ASSOCIATION SOCIAL MEDIASURVEYCollaboration of: Association Trends Qrisp Research ASSOCIATION SOCIAL MEDIASURVEYCollaboration of: Association Trends Qrisp Research
BENCHMARKING RESULTSReport provides group averages that allow associations to compare activity against peers: Large National Associations Medium National Associations Small National Associations Large Regional Associations Small Regional Associations BENCHMARKING RESULTSReport provides group averages that allow associations to compare activity against peers: Large National Associations Medium National Associations Small National Associations Large Regional Associations Small Regional Associations
METHODOLOGY330 associations selected from among 15,000 associations included in Association Trends’ association directories.Selected associations in five broad categories: National > 100 staff (all) National 10 to 100 staff National < 10 staff Regional > 100 staff Regional < 100 staff METHODOLOGY330 associations selected from among 15,000 associations included in Association Trends’ association directories.Selected associations in five broad categories: National > 100 staff (all) National 10 to 100 staff National < 10 staff Regional > 100 staff Regional < 100 staff
METHODOLOGY(CONTINUED)Facebook, Twitter, YouTubeIdentified primary account for each organizationCompiled publicly available information: Facebook: Likes, Talking About, and Were Here data YouTube: Channel Views, Upload Views, Subscribers data Twitter: Tweets, Following, Followers, Listed data METHODOLOGY(CONTINUED)Facebook, Twitter, YouTubeIdentified primary account for each organizationCompiled publicly available information: Facebook: Likes, Talking About, and Were Here data YouTube: Channel Views, Upload Views, Subscribers data Twitter: Tweets, Following, Followers, Listed data
ADOPTION BY SUBJECT MATTER Facebook Twitter YouTube 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ADOPTION BY SUBJECT MATTER Facebook Twitter YouTube 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
. A BASIC TRUTHAs organizations, we’re not very good at measuring business resultsfor social media activity.
. CHALLENGES FOR MARKETERSThe State of Social Media Marketing Survey 2012 by Awareness concludes:There is misalignment between Business Objectives, MeasurementMethodologies and Social Marketing Investment• Biggest challenge – 57% of marketers say it’s MEASURING ROI• 50% want tighter integration between social and the rest of marketing and overall business• 54% do not have an allocated budget for social marketing
. POLL QUESTION: WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE?• Not able to measure ROI• Not enough integration of social media throughout the organization• Having no allocated budget for social media marketing• Not knowing what our social media goals should be• Not using social media yet• Other
. Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM)“A philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a technologyplatform, business rules, workflow, processes, and socialcharacteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversationin order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted and transparent businessenvironment. It’s the company’s [programmatic] response to the customer’sownership of the conversation.”- Paul Greenberg
. WHAT IS SOCIAL CRM? Philosophy & business strategy Processes Technology platform & workflow Stakeholder Trust & Member Value Engagement Transparency
. WHAT IS SOCIAL CRM (FOR ASSOCIATIONS)? Social CRM is the discipline of applying social media data to membership management.
. Social CRM is the way to get to the return oninvestment (ROI) of our social media activities.
. SO HOW DO WE START? STEP 1: START CHANGING THE CONVERSATION Away from social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)To Social CRM (social data applied to membership management)
. STEP 2 – IDENTIFY MARKETING GOALS Recruit Retain Serve OutreachMembers Members Members
. WHAT DO THESE ALL HAVE IN COMMON?It’s not about the tools……it’s about aligning your social media activity with your membership management goals and your MARKETING goals.
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS – GETTING STARTEDTYPE OF ORGANIZATION• How effective is social media for small associations?• How do you leverage social media when your organization is a global one?
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS – GETTING STARTEDGOALS• How do we measure success?• What do you think is the most effective social media tool we have for societies?• What tips would you provide for efficiently using social media in conjunction with the Society’s website?• How do we choose between Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn?• How do we reach our target audience on social media?
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS – GETTING STARTEDENGAGEMENT TACTICS• Tips on how to make social media posts more visually interesting?• What is the best way to encourage members to join your social network?• Whats the best way to get your followers interacting on your Facebook or LinkedIn page?
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS – GETTING STARTEDINFRASTRUCTURE• How much time does one realistically have to be prepared to invest (per day or per week)?• Who do you recommend is responsible for a journals social media presence: Editors/Editorial Staff/Society staff? What expertise is needed?• What tools to manage multiple departments on multiple social media networks?
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS - INTERMEDIATERECRUITMENT• How can you use social media for membership recruitment of the younger generation?• How does social media help to acquire extremely busy people?• How do you directly recruit non-members using social media?• What are the things an Association can offer to attract memberships through the web (discounts, etc)• What are some strategies for turning followers into members?• What are the most effective social media marketing campaigns/tactics for conferences?
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS - INTERMEDIATEMEASUREMENT• What is the baseline social-media presence needed to get your program going?• What are the benchmarks for and measures of success with social media outreach?• How to increase the scope of your social media platforms?• How can we best track how many members joined through social media campaigns?
. SUBMITTED QUESTIONS - ADVANCED• When is it NOT worth implementing social media?
. RESOURCES• Olivier Blanchard – Social Media ROI• Brian Carter – The Like Economy• Christopher Barger – The Social Media Strategist• Ann Handley – Content Rules• SocialFish white papers – Social CRM for Associations & the ROI of Social CRM: 12 Forward-Looking Use Cases [handouts]• SocialFish Be A Social CRM Hero series – How to Apply Social to Marketing and Membership Recruitment [handout]
. QUESTIONS?THANK YOUMaddie Grant, CAETwitter: @maddiegrantmaddie@socialfish.orgwww.sociafish.org