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94 九十九隻羊 THE NINETY AND NINE. 九十九隻圈中躺臥, There were ninety and nine that safely lay 終日平安快樂; In the shelter of the fold, 但有一隻山野飄泊, But one was out on the hills away, 處境艱窘險惡- Far off from the gates of gold,. 荒山深谷流蕩孤苦, Away on the mountains wild and bare, 遠離慈牧失卻照護,
94 九十九隻羊THE NINETY AND NINE 九十九隻圈中躺臥, There were ninety and nine that safely lay 終日平安快樂; In the shelter of the fold, 但有一隻山野飄泊, But one was out on the hills away, 處境艱窘險惡- Far off from the gates of gold, Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
荒山深谷流蕩孤苦, Away on the mountains wild and bare, 遠離慈牧失卻照護, Away from the tender Shepherd's care, 遠離慈牧失卻照護。 Away from the tender Shepherd's care. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) “主阿,祢有九十九隻, "Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine; 難道仍嫌不夠?" Are they not enough for Thee?" 良牧答說: “我的這隻, But the shepherd made answer: "This of mine 離我遠在飄流; Has wandered away from me, Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
路雖艱險,涉水跋山, And altho' the road be rough and steep, 我必前去將它尋還, I go to the desert to find my sheep. 我必前去將它尋還。" I go to the desert to find my sheep." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 但是贖民無一知道, But none of the ransomed ever knew 祂涉之水何深, How deep were the waters crossed; 或知祂跋之山何高, Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed thro' 為將迷羊找尋。 Ere He found His sheep that was lost. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
荒野前行,祂聞哀聲- Out in the desert He heard its cry - 迷羊無助垂死悲鳴, Sick and helpless, and ready to die! 迷羊無助垂死悲鳴。 Sick and helpless, and ready to die! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(四) “主阿,山徑一路血滴, "Lord, whence are those blood-drops all the way 是誰,為何而流?" That mark out the mountain's track?" “乃是我為迷羊流的, "They were shed for one who had gone astray 為要將牠拯救。" Ere the Shepherd could bring him back." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
"袮的手掌為何受傷?" "Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn?" “乃是昨夜路荊所創, "They're pierced tonight by many a thorn. 乃是昨夜路荊所創。" They're pierced tonight by many a thorn." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(五) 但從迅雷轟開山嶺, But all thro' the mountains, thunder-riv'n, 穿過懸崖陡坡, And up from the rocky steep, 有一呼聲直達天庭: There arose a glad cry to the gate of heav'n, "樂哉,迷羊尋著!" "Rejoice! I have found my sheep!" Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
天使歡唱,滿天應響: And the angels echoed around the throne, “樂哉,主已尋回迷羊! "Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own. 樂哉,主已尋回迷羊!" Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own." Silicon Valley Christian Assembly