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European Association for Vision and Eye Research – Crete, Oct 5-8, 2011 . Ranibizumab for the Treatment of Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration Associated With Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachment.
European Association for Vision and Eye Research – Crete, Oct 5-8, 2011 Ranibizumab for the Treatment of Exudative Age-Related Macular DegenerationAssociated With Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachment Ophthalmic surgical clinic “Rascheskoff”, Kazan, RussiaDrs. O.Ziyatdinova, L.Safiullina
Dr OlesyaZiyatdinova(the presenter) has no financial interest in the subject matter of this topic Financial Disclosure
Purpose Toevaluatetheefficacyofintravitrealranibizumabineyeswithexudativeage-relatedmaculardegenerationassociatedwithretinalpigmentepithelialdetachment. • Materials and methods The study included 15 patients (15 eyes) withexudativeage-relatedmaculardegenerationassociatedwithretinalpigmentepithelialdetachment.
5 eyes with foveal involvement 10 eyes without foveal involvement
Duration of disease: from 3 to 12 months Observation time: 12 months Number of injections: from 1 to 6 times
Technique • Injection of 0,5 mg (0,05ml) of ranibizumab into vitreous body • Lower quadrant at a distance of 4 mm from limbus, needle 30G • Slow introduction • IOP control and instillation of antibiotics after operation
Criteria of efficacy Visual acuity (BCVA, UCVA) Ophthalmoscopy OCT
Results Average BCVA increased from 20/100 to 20/50 and the average retinal thickness decreased from 367 +/-111 mkm to 281+/- 104 mkmin 8 eyes (53,4%) without foveal involvement.
Results BCVA remainedstablein 5 eyes (33,3%) but there was a decrease onlyin 2eyes (13,3%) with foveal involvement. 3 eyes (20%) showeddisease stabilization after 1st injection 12 eyes (80%) required re-injection of the ranibizumab for 1-2 months
OCT dynamics Before 1 month later 3 months later
Conclusions • Intravitrealranibizumabwaseffectiveinimprovingorstabilizingvisionofpatientswithexudativeage-relatedmaculardegenerationassociatedwithretinalpigmentepithelialdetachment. • Thefunctionalresultswerebetterineyeswithoutfovealinvolvementwithretinalpigmentepithelialdetachment. • Visual acuity and OCT data are reliable criteria for evaluatingtheefficacyofintravitrealranibizumabineyeswithexudativeage-relatedmaculardegenerationassociatedwithretinalpigmentepithelialdetachment.
Seeing is believing… Thank you!