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AGROVOC Thesaurus. 1980s: developed as multilingual structured thesaurus for agricultural terminology (“rice”) 2000-2009: parallel effort to express thesaurus as hierarchy of OWL classes 2009+: converted into SKOS-XL Terms translated into more than fifteen languages. Use case scenario.
1980s: developed as multilingual structured thesaurus for agricultural terminology (“rice”) • 2000-2009: parallel effort to express thesaurus as hierarchy of OWL classes • 2009+: converted into SKOS-XL • Terms translated into more than fifteen languages
Use case scenario • An indexer creating a bibliographic record uses AGROVOC Agrotagger Web service to search on the name of a fish in Arabic. • Retrieves related synonyms and scientific names for the fish • Pastes into the record
Topics of AGROVOC • SW.CROSS-LINKING-VOCABS: facilitates vocabulary federation • “easier to express alignments with other agricultural thesaurri in an interoperable and reusable way” • SW.LINKING: links between AGROVOC and data using AGROVOC • LLD.SKOS-MULTILINGUAL • Navigating concept schemes (actually a requirement of SKOS)
Authority control lists • Concept-based system for representing traditional authority control lists • for Corporate Bodies, Conferences, Series, Journals, Projects • Labels in 15 languages: both preferred and non-preferred forms • Subjects, concept-to-concept relationships, geoographic information… • Authority records identified with URIs, expressed in RDF, with SPARQL endpoint
Usage scenario • Searcher retrieves an authorized literal form (which is associated with authority record URI) • To deposit a journal paper in a repository, use Web services to display FADCS records and copy information about the journal into local database • Record for a journal links to a Directory of Open Access Journals for discovering more
Vocabularies used in FADCS • SKOS • BIBO • FOAF • DCTERMS • RDA
Topics of FADCS • SW.CROSS-LINKING-VOCABS with other (authority) vocabularies in the cloud • SW.LINKING: e.g., to geographic entities • Concepts with labels in multiple languages
AGRIS bibliographic database • String-based XML data from 150 agricultural research institutes, 100 countries, for 35 years, 2.6 million records • People search AGRIS to find that something exists, then Google to locate it • At ingest, FAO Authority control (see FADCS) • Strategy to convert into RDF, publish as linked data • Strategy to cite URIs of other linked data sets (e.g., subject vocabularies, authority control, bibliographic records)
AGRIS usage scenarios • Kenyan research center sends batch of records to AGRIS for normalization using FADCS • Indexer uses AgroTagger to extract keywords from submitted records and generate a list of relevant related keywords • Searchers will be able to click on displayed record fields to browse related AGRIS records