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Palestine & Its People. what is the history of Palestine? In recent history the area called Palestine includes the territories of present day Israel and Jordan from 1517 to 1917 most of this area remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
Palestine & Its People what is the history of Palestine? • In recent history the area called Palestine includes the territories of present day Israel and Jordan from 1517 to 1917 most of this area remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. • The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians”. http://www.science.co.il/History-Palestine.asp • How do Palestinians feel about Israel? • There is no denying the fact that some Palestinians think as many Israel’s do, and very possibly they do so because they were the victims of such treatment themselves. • Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, you have to agree that it is human nature to respond to terror with terror and to racism with racism, these are facts that all decent people must accept and deplore simultaneously. • (JBOOTH) • http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Palestine-Remembered/Story417.html
Palestine • Who are the current Palestinian leaders? • The Current leader is Aziz Duwaik. (Jenna Booth, http://en.domotica.net/Aziz_Duwaik)Do Palestinians present a practical argument for political independence? • Yes, they have tried many things. They have tried to pass laws, "Palestine’s right of return". They have also tried the 6 day war to get back what they believe is theirs. They have tried many ways to overcome this argument but so far none of them have worked. (Jenna Booth, http://www.mideastweb.org/refugees3.htm ) • What legal rights to Palestinians have in Israel today? • They don’t really have an legal rights • They have no control over what the Israel’s do to them. They can't enter the Israel’s territory without Israel’s thinking they have bombs with them or any sort of weapon. They are currently trying to resolve this argument but so far it hasn't been working. (Jenna Booth, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/12/14/the_palestinians_are_the_real_obstacle_to_peace )
Palestinian Obstacles • What Palestinian obstacles are standing in the way of a peace settlement? • Some of the obstacles that stand in the way of peace have received much attention in this country. • Suicide bombings directed against Israeli civilians have been massively condemned, and the Palestinian leadership subjected to relentless from both Israel and the U.S. to find and arrest the bombers. • Global Exchange condemns violence directed against civilians, and we mourn the deaths of all innocents—Israelis who have been the victims of bombings and the much larger number of Palestinian civilians killed by the Israeli military and by settlers. • By knowing this information, it says that they do not get along or have any peace settlement currently. But both countries are trying to defend their own country, so in their eyes they are doing nothing wrong. (Jenna Booth, http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/mideast/palestine/ )
Main Religions of Isreal • Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Bahai, and Druze. Similarities: Similarities: Islam and Christianity; Judaism and Islam; • Eternal hell Strict Monotheism • Virgin birth of Jesus Doesn’t believe in ressurection of Jesus • God’s role in salvation is predestination • Angels and demons http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/comparison_charts/islam_judaism_christianity.htm
More Similarities • Christianity & Judaism; • Founded in the Palestine • Bibles • Learn from prophets • Good deeds • Angels and demons http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/comparison_charts/islam_judaism_christianity.htm Personal Beliefs; Islam- aside from angels and demons they also believe in jinn Christianity- Believes in the resurrection of Jesus, Islam is a false religion Judaism- Christianity and Islam are false religions, Mary didn’t have a virgin birth
Religeous Obstacles • Arab control has made it almost impossible for Israelis to go to Jewish holy places since 1948. • They have to have people there to keep the peace. • Religions need to be equal. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11096293
What is Terrorism? • The term terrorism means- calculated use of violence and by doing so install fear on people. • The Hammas which is one of the major the Palestinian terrorist group and the Lehi which is the one major Israel terrorist group. (Michael H)
The Hammas • Hammas is the Palestinian political party which runs the Gaza strip. The number of members are unknown. They have been said to be responsible for many suicide bombings against Israel citizens and the military as well. • The main goal of the Hammas is to “Destroy the state of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War)”. • (Michael H)
Lehi • Founded in 1940 • Means “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel • The goals of Lehi is To “bring together all those interested in liberation (that is, those willing to join in active fighting against the British)”. • “To appear before the world as the only active Jewish military organization”. • “To take over EretzYisrael (the Land of Israel) by armed force”. • Considered a terrorist group by some • (Michael H)
Attempts to Stop Terrorism? • A lot of countries have just stood by and watched the violence in Israel continue. Other countries should try to help out and try and help with a peace agreement. • If killing breaks out, might result in a genocide. “Are terrorists making it harder to do a peace settlement?” • Yes because if the hammas or the Israelis are making violent attacks against one another. • (Michael H)
Michael’s Citations • 1948, March. "Lehi (group)." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)>. • Bill's 'Faith Matters' Weblog. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://billtammeus.typepad.com/>. • "Churches and Koran Burning." The American Spectator. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://spectator.org/archives/2010/09/10/churches-and-koran-burning>. • "THE COVENANT OF THE HAMAS - MAIN POINTS." Federation of American Scientists. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/880818a.htm>. • Digital Journal: A Global Digital Media Network. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://www.digitaljournal.com/>. • Moroni's Unofficial Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Mormon History Page, Includes: Bible References, Temple Tours, Information about the Prophets and Apostles and Gospel Perspectives. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://www.moroni10.com/>. • Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <http://www.frontpage.com/>.
U.S./Israel Relations • The U.S. puts importance on keeping the peace with other states and countries. The U.S. has given aid to Israel from 1976 to 2004. The U.S. tries to keep things balanced and not get into difficult situations with Israel. Some say the US is too friendly with Irael and is not treating them equal to the other countries with the amount of aid we give them. Other people think that because we are close with Israel that there are more US relations in that area. Israel is also one of the US's main allies. (Lauren Gaffney) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_%E2%80%93_United_States_relations • http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=52063
What is Zionism? • Zionism is the belief that the Jewish people have a right to exist in peace and dignity in their own place which they have lived in generations before. Israel has provided a refuge and home for Jews running from persecution from many parts of the world. Zionism has always stood for peaceful coexistence with other people foreign to Israel. (Lauren Gaffney) http://www.peacewithrealism.org/zionism.htm
What is Persecution? • A bad attitude towards people that have a different race, age, religion, gender, or any other similar issue. As a basic concept, it can often overlap with ideas such as racism, sexism, discrimination. (Lauren Gaffney) http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-persecution.htm
Israel Leaders: • Haim Weizmann • YosefSprinzak • Yitzhak Ben-Zvi • Kadish Luz • ZalmanShazar • Ephraim Katzir Yitzhak Navonhttp://www.terra.es/personal2/monolith/israel.htm (Lauren Gaffney)
Why Was Israel Created? • "Israel was created as a result of the League of Nations Mandate of 1922, which granted a mandate to Great Britain to create a "National Home" for the Jews in Palestine. This right was based on the right to self determination, a right shared by all people." http://www.zionism-israel.com/issues/holocaust1.html (Lauren Gaffney)
When/How Was Israel Created? • Jews have long historical and religious ties to israel dating back thousands of years. They believe it was promised to them by God.In the 20th century thousands of Jews moved to the area before it became Israel to start new lives and set up new communities.http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_1900000/newsid_1909200/1909217.stm (laurengaffney) • It was created May 14, 1948. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3581.htm
Israelis/Palestinians • They do not get along very well at all. • The religious and political views are different. • Makes coexistence hard. • “Many other obstacles may prevent the peaceful negotiations between Israel in Palestine in resolving the conflict. The U.S.'s involvement has been argued to be one of them.”http://media.www.depauliaonline.com/media/storage/paper1414/news/2010/09/27/News/IsraeliPalestinian.Peace.Talks.Freeze-3939763.shtml
Our Peace Settlement Plan • They should split up the land equally. • They should have equal rights. • They let people worship whatever religion they believe in. • Have the leaders get together and agree on a decision that can help everybody • Pic: • http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1259&bih=594&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=palestinians+conflict+peace&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=