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NOE. Transferring magnetization through scalar coupling is a “coherent” process. This means that all of the spins are doing the same thing at the same time. Relaxation is an “incoherent” process, because it is caused by random fluxuations that are not coordinated.

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  1. NOE • Transferring magnetization through scalar coupling is a “coherent” process. This means that all of the spins are doing the same thing at the same time. • Relaxation is an “incoherent” process, because it is caused by random fluxuations that are not coordinated. • The nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) is in incoherent process in which two nuclear spins “cross-relax”. Recall that a single spin can relax by T1 (longitudinal or spin-latice) or T2 (transverse or spin-spin) mechanisms. Nuclear spins can also cross-relax through dipole-dipole interactions and other mechanisms. This cross relaxation causes changes in one spin through perturbations of the other spin. • The NOE is dependent on many factors. The major factors are molecular tumbling frequency and internuclear distance. The intensity of the NOE is proportional to r-6 where r is the distance between the 2 spins.

  2. Qualitative Description 2 spins I and S Two nuclear spins within about 5 Å will interact with each other through space. This interaction is called cross-relaxation, and it gives rise to the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE). Two spins have 4 energy levels, and the transitions along the edges correspond to transitions of one or the other spin alone. W2 and W0 are the cross-relaxation pathways, which depend on the tumbling of the molecule. bb n4(*) WI(2) WS(2) W2 (***)n2ab ban3(*) W0 WI(1) WS(1) aa n1(***)

  3. dn1/dt = -WS(1)n1-WI(1)n1–W2n1 + WS(1)n2+WI(1)n3+W2n4 … etc for n2,3,4 using: Iz= n1-n3+n2-n4 Sz= n1-n2+n3-n4 2IzSz= n1-n3-n2+n4 One gets the ‘master equation’ or Solomon equation dIz/dt = -(WI(1)+WI(2)+W2+W0)Iz – (W2-W0)Sz –(WI(1)-WI(2))2IzSz dSz/dt = -(WS(1)+WS(2)+W2+W0)Sz – (W2-W0)Iz – (WS(1)-WS(2))2IzSz d2IzSz/dt = -(WI(1)+WI(2)+ WS(1)+WS(2))2IzSz - (WS(1)-WS(2))Sz - (WI(1)-WI(2))Iz (WI(1)+WI(2)+W2+W0) auto relaxation rate of Iz or rI (WS(1)+WS(2)+W2+W0) auto relaxation rate of Rz or rR (W2-W0) cross relaxation rate sIS Terms with 2IzSz can be neglected in many circumstances unless (WI/S(1)-WI/S(2)) (D-CSA ‘cross correlated relaxation’ etc …)

  4. Spectral densities J(w) • W0gI2gS2rIS-6tc / [ 1 + (wI - wS)2tc2] • W2gI2gS2rIS-6tc / [ 1 + (wI + wS)2tc2] • WSgI2gS2rIS-6tc / [ 1 + wS2tc2] • WIgI2gS2rIS-6tc / [ 1 + wI2tc2] • Since the probability of a transition depends on the different • frequencies that the system has (the spectral density), the • W terms are proportional the J(w). • Also, since we need two magnetic dipoles to have dipolar • coupling, the NOE depends on the strength of the two • dipoles involved. The strength of a dipole is proportional to • rIS-3, and the Ws will depend on rIS-6: • for proteins only W0 is of importance W I,S,2 << • The relationship is to the inverse sixth power of rIS, which • means that the NOE decays very fast as we pull the two • nuclei away from each other. • For protons, this means that we can see things which are at • most 5 to 6 Å apart in the molecule (under ideal conditions…).

  5. d(Iz – Iz0)/dt = - rI (Iz–Iz0) - sIS (Sz–Sz0) d(Sz – Sz0)/dt = - sIS (Iz–Iz0) - rS (Sz–Sz0) Note that in general there is no simple mono-exponential T1 behaviour !!

  6. Steady State NOE Experiment For a ‘steady state’ with Sz saturation Sz=0 d(IzSS – Iz0)/dt = - rI (IzSS–Iz0) - sIS (0–Sz0) = 0 IzSS = sIS/rI Sz0 + Iz0 for the NOE enhancement h=(IzSS-Iz0)/ Iz0= sIS/rI Sz0/Iz0

  7. NOE difference Ultrahigh quality NOE spectra: The upper spectrum shows the NOE enhancements observed when H 5 is irradiated. The NOE spectrum has been recorded using a new technique in which pulsed field gradients are used; the result is a spectrum of exceptional quality. In the example shown here, it is possible to detect the enhancement of H10 which comes from a three step transfer via H6 and H9. One-dimensional NOE experiments using pulsed field gradients, J. Magn. Reson., 1997, 125, 302.

  8. Transient NOE experiment Solve the Solomon equation With the initial condition Iz(0)=Iz0 Sz(0)=-Sz0 For small mixing times tm the ‘linear approximation’ applies: d(Iz(t)– Iz0)/dt = -rI(Iz(t)–Iz0) - sIS(Sz–Sz0) ~ 2 sISSz0 Valid for tmrS and tmsIS << 1 (i.e. S is still inverted and very little transfer from S) h(tm) = (Iz(tm ) - Iz0)/ Iz0 = 2sIStm The NOE enhancement is proportional to sIS !

  9. Longer mixing times a system of coupled differential equations can be solved by diagonalization or by numerical integration Multi-exponential solution: the exponentials are the Eigenvalues of the relaxation matrix

  10. NOESY The selective S inversion is replaced with a t1evolution period Sz(0)=cosWSt1Sz0, Iz(0)=cosWIt1Iz0 (using the initial rate appx.) Sz(tm)=sIStmIz0 + rStmSz0 (a) +cosWIt1[sIStm]Iz0 (b) +cosWSt1[rStm-1]Sz0 (c)

  11. Enhancement NOE goes through zero wtc NOE ~33kDa ~10 kDa Small peptides ~1 kDa NOE vs. ROE

  12. ROESY 90s • wSL << wo, w * tc << 1 • The analysis of a 2D ROESY is pretty much the same than for a 2D NOESY, with the exception that all cross-peaks are the same sign (and opposite sign to peaks in the diagonal). Also, integration of volumes is not as accurate… 90 tm tm t1

  13. 1H-1H (homonuclear) 2D 1H 1H 3D 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 15N 13C 13C 15N 15N 15N 13C 13C 1H 1H 3D 4D Approaches to Identifying NOEs • 15N- or 13C-dispersed (heteronuclear)

  14. 2D - 3D NOE 3D- NOESY-HSQC

  15. 4D NH-NH NOE N1 – H1 H2 – N2 H1 H2 N1 N2

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