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WOOD STOVE ?????. Biomass Heat Generation. Alternative & Economical Fuel SWCS SNEC 2010 Winter Meeting Bruce Payton, RIDEM Forest Environment. Why a Biomass Project?. Higher Initial Cost vs. Tremendous Long-Term Energy Savings…. In the order of 1000% !!
Biomass Heat Generation Alternative & Economical Fuel SWCS SNEC 2010 Winter Meeting Bruce Payton, RIDEM Forest Environment
Why a Biomass Project? • Higher Initial Cost vs. Tremendous Long-Term Energy Savings…. In the order of 1000% !! • Strategic - Lessen dependence on foreign oil • Help State meet oil usage reduction standards • Demonstrate use of sustainable energy source • Support local economy • Reduce forest fire hazard material • Demonstrate technologies to reduce greenhouse gases • Become Biomass prototype for Rhode Island & SNE • Increase grant funding sources for project
Biomass Heat Generation Review of Mt. Wachusetts Community College(MWCC) • 28 March 2005 Site visit • Rob Rizzo, MWCC Associate Director Forest & Wood Products Institute, Gardner, MA. • Richard Sparks Energy and Site Development Sub-committees • Bruce Payton, Site Development Sub-committee • Broke ground in April 2002 to convert 450,000 square foot all-electric Campus to Biomass, day & evening operations. • Completed 60x60 steel and concrete building, December 2002
Cost Comparison* * Updated 3/07 Phase 1 Report, Biomass Heating Feasibility Report, Foster-Glocester Schools, Biomass Energy Resource Center, Montpelier, VT, September 2005
Simple Cost Comparison Green wood at 40% Moisture content (chips average 35%MC) at $47/ton is equal to: • #2 fuel oil at $0.68/gallon • propane at $0.42/gallon • electricity at $0.019/kWh • wood pellets at $80.59/ton
Approximately 143,000 Acres More than 20%
Live bottom floor in tractor-trailer for wood chip delivery Mostly used for below grade storage bins. Biomass Energy Resource Center, 50 State Street Montpelier,VT
Foster/Glocester Middle School Drop-down Storage Bay
Automatic Fuel Feed • Bay stores 60 tons, approximately 3 trailer loads
Combustion Unit 3.5 million Btu/hr CHIPTEC Phoenix-Series Gasifer
Multicyclone • Removes all particulate emissions • Meets RI emissions standards, only water vapor emitted • Fly ash considered hazardous material due to size of particles
Modem Interface Allows modem interface for computer diagnostics and offsite corrections
Particulate Emissions Biomass Energy Resource Center, 50 State Street Montpelier,VT - Website- Emissions and Air Quality
What difference does a 0 make in front of a number? .004 vs .04 Typo check the numbers
Firebox and Fuel Feed Auger Fire Suppression Hose
Maintenance • Rake ash every 3-4 days, empty ash pit weekly • Ash is used on property for fertilizer, non-toxic.
FUEL SPILL CLEAN UP OIL (any amount must be reported to DEM) OIL: Can be Hundreds to Thousands $$$$$$$$
COSTS TODAY • Ponagansett Middle School • 3.5 million Btu/hr • $ 2 Million (building, storage and heat unit) • Ponagansett High School • 6.5 million Btu/hr • $ 2.7 Million (building, storage and heat unit)
Conclusion and Recommendation • Biomass Heat Generation appears to be a viable and economic alternative that should be considered as part of the energy evaluation of both the Pongansett new Middle School and High Renovations. • For the future, Biomass heat and electricity in schools and • public buildings throughout the State of Rhode Island. • If you don’t think it’s possible check, check out what the • State of Vermont is doing. Public schools the size of the • one proposed for Foster/Glocester are already on line for heat • using approximately 700 tons of green hardwood chips per year. MWCC started a wood gasification project in 2007 to generate electricity to run maintenance vehicles. • Biomass Energy Resource Center: Phase 1 Report, Foster-Glocester Feasibility Report
Contact Information Biomass Energy Resource CenterP.O. Box 1611 Montpelier, VT 05601 Phone: 802.223.7770 contacts@biomasscenter.org Richard M. Sparks, Consultant 48 East Killingly Road Foster, RI.401.647.2833 E-mail: rmsparks2@verizon.net Chiptec48 Helen Ave. So.Burlington, VT 05403 802.658.0956 ww.chiptec.com Mount Wachusett Community College 444 Green Street Gardner, MA 01440-1000 Rob Rizzo Phone: 978.630-9137 E-mail: r_rizzo@mwcc.mass.edu Division of Forest Environment 1037 Hartford Pike N.Scituate,RI 02857 Bruce Payton Phone: 401.647.3367 E-mail: bruce.payton@ri.dem.gov