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Studer Group. Increasing Pay for Performance. Presented by: Laurie Christensen & Emmalea von Felden. Overview. Background to Studer Group and AIDET Why AIDET is needed How these congressional laws affect nurses How to implement AIDET. Studer Group.
Studer Group Increasing Pay for Performance Presented by: Laurie Christensen & Emmalea von Felden
Overview • Background to Studer Group and AIDET • Why AIDET is needed • How these congressional laws affect nurses • How to implement AIDET
Studer Group • Teaches healthcare organizations how to achieve, sustain, and accelerate exceptional clinical, operational, and financial outcomes
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will improve the quality and efficiency of U.S. medical care services for everyone, and especially for those enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. Payment for services will be linked to better quality outcomes. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will make substantial investments to improve the quality and delivery of care and support research to inform consumers about patient outcomes resulting from different approaches to treatment and care delivery. New patient care models will be created and disseminated. Rural patients and providers will see meaningful improvements. Payment accuracy will improve. The Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit will be enhanced and the coverage gap, or donut hole, will be reduced. An Independent Medicare Advisory Board will develop recommendations to ensure long-term fiscal stability.
What is Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ? The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act contains nine titles, each addressing an essential component of reform: • Quality, affordable health care for all Americans • The role of public programs • Improving the quality and efficiency of health care • Prevention of chronic disease and improving public health • Health care workforce • Transparency and program integrity • Improving access to innovative medical therapies • Community living assistance services and supports • Revenue provisions
Current statistics from the Essential Health St. Joseph's Medical Center in Park Rapids, MN.
What does that mean for Nurses? • Pay-for-performance and value-based purchasing are terms used to describe health care payment systems which reward doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers for their efficiency. Efficiency is usually defined as providing higher quality for a lower cost.
Quint Studer, Founder of Studer Group • Quint Studer spent ten years working with special needs children . • From then until he founded Studer Group he served as Department Director, Vice President, and Senior Vice President at a number of organizations . • Each of these experiences built a platform for creating tools, techniques and systems aimed at improving organizational performance and—most importantly—patient care. • In 2000, after numerous requests by organizations for assistance, Studer Group was formed.
AIDET Acknowledge Introduce Duration Explanation Thank You It is a simple acronym that represents a very powerful way to communicate with people who are often nervous, anxious and feeling vulnerable. It can also be used as we communicate with other staff and colleagues, especially when we are providing an internal service.
V I D E O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrJBxsO8o1k
A C K N O W L E D G E Greet people with a smile and use their names if you know them. Attitude is everything. Create a lasting impression.
A Examples:"Good morning/afternoon, Ms. ______. We've been expecting you and we're glad you are here.“"Good morning/afternoon, Mr. ______. Welcome to _______. We want to make your visit as convenient as possible. Would you please take a moment to confirm that we have your most current information?"
I N T R O D U C E Introduce yourself to others politely. Tell them who you are and how you are going to help them. Escort people where they need to go rather than pointing or giving directions.
I Examples:"My name is ______ and I will be conducting your test today. I am a certified ultra sonographer and I do about six of these procedures a day. The doctors say that my skills are among the best. Do you have any questions for me?“"Mrs. _______, you will be seeing Dr. _______ today. He is an excellent physician. He is very good at listening and answering patient questions. You are fortunate that he is your physician.“"Mr. ________ Dr. _________ would like you to have an X-ray in our radiology department. We have an excellent team of radiology technicians who use state-of-the-art equipment. I'm confident you will have a great experience."
D U R A T I O N Keep in touch to ease waiting times. Let others know if there is a delay and how long it will be. Make it better and apply service recovery methods when necessary.
D Example:"Dr. ______ had to attend an emergency. He was concerned about you and wanted you to know that it may be 30 minutes before he can see you. Are you able to wait or would you like me to schedule an appointment for tomorrow?"
E X P L A N A T I O N Advise others what you are doing, how procedures work and whom to contact if they need assistance. Communicate any steps they may need to take. Make words work. Talk, listen and learn. Make time to help. Ask, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
E Example:"The test takes about 30 minutes. The first step is drink this solution and the we'll have you wait 20 minutes before we take a blood sample. Would you like to read while you wait?"
T H A N K Y O U Thank somebody. Foster an attitude of gratitude. Thank people for their patronage, help or assistance. Use reward and recognition tools.
T Example:“Thank you for choosing _______ it has been a privilege to care for you.”
References Assessment tool http://www.stdavids-institute.com/Libraries/%E2%80%A2-AIDET/AIDET-Assessment--Studer.sflb.ashx AIDET Break down http://www.sharp.com/choose-sharp/sharp-experience/aidet.cfm The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act http://dpc.senate.gov/healthreformbill/healthbill04.pdf About Quint http://www.studergroup.com/about_studergroup/about_quint.dot What is Studer Group http://www.studergroup.com/about_studergroup/index.dot Nurse Picture http://www.nursing.keller.com/whatshard.html Video http://www.youtube.com/user/MGMCMediaServices Statistics www.HospitalCompare.hhs.gov