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The United States Agency for International Development

The United States Agency for International Development. Advocacy from a Public Sector Perspective. USAID’s work. USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah. USAID is an independent U.S. Government Agency providing foreign assistance to over 100 countries to make a better future for all.

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The United States Agency for International Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The United States Agency for International Development Advocacy from a Public Sector Perspective

  2. USAID’s work USAID AdministratorDr. Rajiv Shah • USAID is an independent U.S. Government Agency providing foreign assistance to over 100 countries to make a better future for all. • USAID is a funder, not implementer • Over 75% of USAID’s workforces is present in overseas missions, including our new missions in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Pakistan, Thailand, Iraq, Yemen, Cyprus, and East Timor.

  3. USAID’s budget is less than 1% of our nation’s budget • This results in astounding returns on the investment for national security • Building hundreds of schools to educate girls in Afghanistan • Eliminating half-a-million acres of illicit narcotics • Putting over 4 million people on life-saving HIV medicine

  4. Who is your audience? Shedding light on the Public Sector Humanitarian Assistance in Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake

  5. Feed the Future • Began as an initiative by President Obama to focus on global food security • Addresses the root causes of hunger • Success depends on each sector

  6. Feed the Future • Public Sector • USAID has done outreach and consultation in the country strategy planning process • FTF agricultural investment in Rwanda and Kenya have helped ease the effects of the current drought

  7. Feed the Future Private Sector • Pepsi Company is partnering with USAID through FTF to reach 30,000 chickpea farmers • World Food Program will purchase half of the chickpeas to produce a Plumpynut-like paste

  8. Center for Faith-based and Community Initiative Established on December 12, 2002 Creates a level playing field and ensures faith-based partners have a voice at the table Works as a convener Educates – what can and cannot be done with government dollars CFBCI is not a grantmaking office

  9. We advocate for you • Administrator Shah recognizes the crucial role of faith-based development organizations • We champion the success stories of faith-based partners to USAID colleagues • Adventist Development Relief Agency and USAID partnered to promote fruit trees to farmers as a path to sustainable economic growth. 5 years later the project is now self sustaining

  10. What I need from you • Be involved • Use your voice • We as government officials are limited • Your constituency base has a tremendous ability to influence • Help us help you • When meeting with USAID understand the goals of those you are meeting with and their ability to implement change. • Send us your stories • We can help amplify your work

  11. Ways to engage our office • Sign up for our newsletter • Participate on conference calls • Invite us to speak • Share you stories • Email us at FBCI@usaid.gov

  12. Day-in and day-out, USAID makes a world of difference around the world by saving lives, building economies and promoting democracy.

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