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League At A Glance VOLUME 20, ISSUE 4 SEPTEMBER 2013. It’s an exciting time for the Junior League of Spokane, as we continue to grow and adapt with the needs of our community , remaining motivated to improve Spokane for the better.
League At A Glance VOLUME 20, ISSUE 4SEPTEMBER 2013 It’s an exciting time for the Junior League of Spokane, as we continue to grow and adapt with the needs of our community,remaining motivated to improve Spokane for the better. I look forward to starting our year off on September 17, 2013 at our first General Membership Meeting. As President, my first goal is to make our meetings more social, engaging and fun. We plan to have guest speakers, hear from sustainers, and provide more hands -on, interactive opportunities for members. We will begin every meeting with a social from 5:30-6:00pm, serving light food and beverages, where members can visit, relax and get to know one another. We are focusing on growing our League and evolving for the better. The Membership Committee has done a fabulous job recruiting potential members at our Meet & Greets this summer. I am excited to see this year’s Provisional class! We also have quite a few transfers, whom we are proud to welcome to Spokane. Get ready to hear more about our new mentoring program, our Platinum Membership pilot program, and more options and training opportunities for ALL members. We continue to need your support for Touch-a-Truck on September 28, 2013. Please mark this date on your calendar and tell your friends about this amazing community event. I encourage all members to participate or help in some capacity. As President – I will also be focused on helping our League find our Issue Based Community Impact with the help of AJLI. Simply stated, this is a national goal for all Leagues to find their voice in the community. This will be an ongoing experience for our League. This is a chance for our organization to hone in on how we make an impact in our community and what new and/or current things we do to foster that. I hope to lead you on a great journey, but I remind everyone that YOU are the leadership pipeline for this organization. You make your own experience. I hope that you will have a renewed excitement this September and be as involved and active as you can be. There will be many activities throughout the year that you can help plan, support or participate in. All levels of expertise are welcome, from beginner to expert, Active to Sustainer. I am excited as I look forward to the year ahead – where we will celebrate our past, be engaged in the present, and create positive change for our future! Your 2013-2014 President Heather Watson-Byrd President’s Message INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Touch-a-Truck…...… 2 Announcements…….3 2013 Summer Happenings………….5 Message to Sustainers.......…….. 6 Outstanding Sustainer……...……. 7 Calendar ….…………9 Leadership …...……10
The Junior League of Spokane’s Touch-a-Truck Event, with Disney’s Tow Mater Joining In Again The Junior League of Spokane’s third annual Touch-a-Truck will be an event to remember. Children of all ages will love seeing Disney’s Tow Mater (from the movie, Cars), exploring their favorite big trucks and vehicles, and meeting local heroes who build, serve, and protect our community. This year’s line-up of vehicles includes a crane, ambulance, sanitation truck, school bus, and more. In addition there will be face painting, local mascots, and an Operation ID information booth. The Touch-a-Truck fundraising and community event will take place on Saturday, September 28, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Spokane Community College at 1810 North Green Street. We are pleased to offer a horn-free time from 9:00-11:00 a.m. for children with special needs or sensitive ears. Ticket prices are $5 per person, age 2 and up. Attendees who bring a non-perishable food item, which will be donated to The Salvation Army, will receive $1 off their admission price. Our most exciting participant, once again, is Tow Mater, offering a keepsake photo taken with him for $10, $5 of of which will be donated back to the Junior League of Spokane. What a great time to get that perfect holiday card photo of your family WITH the kiddos smiling! (Continued on Pg. 3) Touch-a-Truck A FAMILY-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY EVENT FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES! Who: Junior League of Spokane What: 3rd Annual Touch-a-Truck Community FundraiserWhen: Saturday, September 28, 2013. Event is rain or shine. Open to the public from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Horn-free from 9-11 p.m.Where: Spokane Community College parking lot – 1810 N Greene St. Spokane, WA. Why: To fund our community projects for the 2013-2014 year Cost: $5 per person or $4 per person, with a non-perishable food item (1 per person). Children 2 & Under are free! Contact: Angelina Scull, Touch-a-Truck Chair, Junior League of Spokane 328-2801 or tat@jlspokane.org LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
Nearly 1,300 people attended last year’s event, and over 550 pounds of food were collected for The Salvation Army. There were 22 truck participants including the Spokane County Sheriff’s helicopter, motorcycles, and squad car, an armored car, and a fire truck from the Spokane Valley Fire Department. Attendees were able to meet local sports mascots, like Spike and Otto. Television stations KXLY and KHQ, along with radio station 105.7FM, did live-feed broadcasts from the event. Most importantly, Touch-a-Truck raised over $5,000 to benefit foster children in the Spokane community. We hope to continue to grow this event each year. To sign up for a volunteer shift at Touch-a-Truck, please contact Angelina Scull at tat@JLSpokane.org. If you know of a company that we should contact about lending us a truck, please contact the Junior League of Spokane office at 509-328-2801. For more information about Touch-a-Truck, please visit our website at www.jlspokane.org. Members at last year’s Touch-a-Truck event. Welcome New Transfer Member Wendy Harvey I grew up in Spokane and attended Ferris High School. I went to the University of Washington and graduated with a Business Degree in Accounting. Soon after graduation I got married and moved to Abilene, Texas where my husband (Joe) was stationed in the Air Force. I am a CPA and worked for a small public accounting firm and have continued to stay in public accounting as we have moved to New York City, Austin, Dallas, and now back home to Spokane. We do not have any children yet, but have a lovely dog named Molly. My husband and I enjoy being outdoors, camping, biking, hiking, swimming, and skiing. I joined the Junior League of Dallas last year and finished my provisional year this May. I was placed on a project that helped rebuild the gardens at two elementary schools. My first placement was going to be at Habitat for Humanity before I transferred to the Spokane Junior League, where I will be working on the Foster Santa Breakfast committee. Announcements LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
Save the Date Tuesday, September 17, 2013 First General Membership Meeting of the Year 5:30-6:00pm Social/Meet & Greet 6:00pm Meeting Begins Where: AmericanWest Bank Building – 41 W. Riverside Spokane, WA 99201 (Parking lot is on the east side of the building, please enter on the north side of the building – look for the balloons and stairs leading down to our meeting space) Thursday, October 24, 2013 Wine Tasting at Latah Creek Winery for Sustainers & Actives 5:30-7:30pm Latah Creek Winery – 13030 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Cost: $20/person, which includes tasting, wine glass, hearty hors d’oeuvre and discounts on most items! Call the JLS Office to reserve your spot (509) 328-2801 GlamAGAIN GlamAGAIN is back, and we need your donations! GlamAGAIN is the premier fashion consignment event, selling name brand and designer women, men and children’s clothing, shoes, accessories and more. Last spring we collected gently-used fashion items to sell at the March GlamAGAIN event and made over $600! We are confident we can more than double that at the October 17, 2013 sale. We are soliciting your gently-used donations of clothing, handbags, shoes, accessories and jewelry for all members of the family. GlamAGIN will sell the items on our behalf and we earn up to 75% of the sales. When you donate at least five sellable items, GlamAGAIN will give you a VIP pass to attend the event for free and to shop eat the pre-sale event to get the best selection of merchandise. You can also earn a VIP pass by volunteering to work at the event. Please bring your donations to the September 17 General Membership Meeting, or arrange to drop them off at Susannah Stoltz’s home. All donations must be received BEFORE October 1st. Visit www.GlamAGAIN.com for more information, and “Like” them on Facebook. Announcements LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
Welcoming the new board for 2013-2014 Left to Right: Trish McFarland, Jackie Worobeck, Michelle Tompkins, Heather Byrd, Julie Munson, Michelle Grover, Amy Dowell, Christi Gerhardt. Not Pictured: Kim Koch, Tammy Everts Leslie Culley and Maria Cahill. Junior League of Spokane’s Booth at Farm Chicks 2013 "The Pour, A Wine Event” at Arbor Crest to benefit The Family Maternity Center at Holy Family and the BEST psychiatry program at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital Pictured: Angelina Scull, ChrissyDunham, Julia McGann, Jackie Worobec and Susannah Stoltz 2013 Summer Happenings LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
Dear Fellow Junior League Sustainer: It has been twenty-five years since I was President of the Junior League, and it is my honor to serve as Sustaining Director on the Board. It is so true, that the more things change the more they also stay the same. Committed women with busy lives are working to make a positive impact on the life and culture of Spokane. Active members are being trained to develop their leadership skills, just like we were! They are forming friendships that will last the rest of their lives, just like we did! And they are meeting the challenges of a volunteer organization, just like we did!!! I realize that we Sustainers are a large group of women the Actives hold in very high esteem! They value our financial support through our dues and they value our advice and experience. Each general membership meeting begins with a brief talk by a Sustainer about the impact of their League experience. As with all other national volunteer groups these days, the active membership of the League is lower than when we were involved. By a lot! You can imagine that this presents both opportunities and challenges. The biggest challenge is continuing the legacy of impact in the community, while staying financially strong and viable. I realize that membership dues are no longer enough to sustain programs and training. Our Sustainer dues are critically important to the foundation of the League and I thank each of you who have remained current with your dues. I appeal to any of you who are thinking about renewing your Sustaining membership to do so, no matter what time of the year!! Doing so before the end of May is very important for the budget, but it is never too late and I know that several of you have sent in dues since the end of May. Thank you for that!! The Annual Sustainers Dinner in June was so much fun this year!! What a joy to see women like Donna Greenough, whom I haven’t seen for such a long time! What a pleasure to hear from the current leadership about their accomplishments and goals. And best of all, to see lifelong friends that we made in the League! The noise level was through the roof!! A sign of a very happy crowd! If we could bottle that energy and enthusiasm, we will continue to have an impact! I will report each month here in the LAAG about the activities of the active membership. We truly need each of us to attend events and maintain our support of the League. We also have several new transfers to welcome to our ranks. Hope to see you at Touch A Truck on Sept. 28th at Spokane Community College parking lot from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. And stay tuned for a fall date for wine tasting!!! Fondly, Trish McFarland Sustaining Advisor trishmcfarland46@gmail.com Message to Sustainers PAGE 6 LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
JUNIOR LEAGUE OF SPOKANE • OUTSTANDING SUSTAINER • APPLICATION FORM • Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2013 • Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 Sustainer of the Year Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize a Sustaining Member of the Junior League of Spokane who demonstrates our mission through her community service and support of the Junior League of Spokane. The following criteria should be considered: • Candidate is currently active in the community or has made a significant impact in the Spokane community • Candidate has made contributions to the Junior League during her active membership or as a sustainer • Candidate is recognized for her professional accomplishments. • Activities of the candidate reflect continued support for the Junior League of Spokane and its purpose. • I would like to nominate the following woman for the • Outstanding Sustainer Award: • Nominee Name:_____________________________________________________________________ • Address:____________________________________________________________________________ • Phone:_____________________________________________________________________________ • Email:______________________________________________________________________________ • Nominators Name:___________________________________________________________________ • Address:____________________________________________________________________________ • Phone:_____________________________________________________________________________ • Email:______________________________________________________________________________ LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
Describe the Nominee’s community involvement by listing bullet points which highlight a program/project in which they were actively involved: • Current Involvement (please list by using bullet points): • Past Involvement in the Junior League and Community (please list by using bullet points): • Professional Involvement (please list by using bullet points): • Please write a short paragraph describing how the nominee continues to support the Junior League of Spokane and its purpose. • Please send this application to Junior League of Spokane, 1315 N Napa, Spokane, WA. 99202 or jlspokane@qwestoffice.net Submission Deadline is November 14th. LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
September 2013 2 Labor Day 3 Board Meeting 17 General Membership Meeting 28 Touch-a-Truck October 2013 1Board Meeting 15 General Membership Meeting November 2013 5 Board Meeting 19 General Membership Meeting December 2013 3 Board Meeting 7 Foster Santa Breakfast 13 Holiday Luncheon 2013-2014 Calendar LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
2013-2014 Board of Directors President: Heather Byrd - Pres@JLSpokane.org President-elect: Jackie Worobec - PresElect@JLSpokane.org Treasurer: Tammy Everts - Treas@JLSpokane.org Treasurer-elect: Maria Cahill - TreasElect@JLSpokane.org Sustaining Director: Trish McFarland - SustainingDirector@JLSpokane.org Administrative Director: Kim Koch - AdminDirector@JLSpokane.org Community Director: Michelle Grover - CommDirector@JLSpokane.org Membership Director: Amy Dowell - MembershipDirector@JLSpokane.org Funding Director: Michelle Tompkins - FundingDirector@JLSpokane.org LDC Chair: Julie Munson - LDC@JLSpokane.org Parliamentarian: Christi Gerhardt - Parliamentarian@JLSpokane.org Presidential Assistant: Lesley Culley - PresAsst@JLSpokane.org Committee Chairs Meetings and Arrangements: Mary Lynn Boardman - MA@JLSpokane.org Communications/Marketing: Kerri Stubb - MarCom@JLSpokane.org Membership Development: Sally Stopher - Membership@JLSpokane.org Placement: Cynthia Gustafson - Placement@JLSpokane.org Foster Santa Breakfast: Colleen Schneider and Anna Poole - FSB@JLSpokane.org PR&D/Impact: Tricia Morgan - Impact@JLSpokane.org Kids in the Kitchen: Sarah Clifford - KITK@JLSpokane.org FRM & Cookbook: Lauren Warrick - FRM@JLSpokane.org Touch-a-Truck: Angelina Scull - TAT@JLSpokane.org Project Research & Development and Impact: Tricia Morgan - Impact@JLSpokane.org Funding Task Force: Julia McGann - jadmcgann@comcast.net Historian: Kathleen Wynia - KathleenWynia@Windermere.com 2013-2014 Leadership LEAGUE AT A GLANCE September 2013
1315 N. Napa Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: 509-328-2801 Email: jlspokane@qwestoffice.net We reach out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. www.jlspokane.org Our Mission: The Junior League of Spokane is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.