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Review. So far… Regular sets/expressions define FSA accept Regular grammars generate Algorithm to transform expression graphs into regular expressions that define regular languages Today Use of pumping lemma to demonstrate a language is not regular Context-free grammars.
Review • So far… • Regular sets/expressions define • FSAaccept • Regular grammars generate • Algorithm to transform expression graphs into regular expressions that define regular languages • Today • Use of pumping lemma to demonstrate a language is not regular • Context-free grammars Regular Languages
Pumping Lemma Regular Languages • The pumping lemma for regular languages requires strings in regular language to admit decompositions satisfying certain repetition properties • Consider a string z=aba in L(M) • z can be decomposed into substrings u, v, w where u=a, v=b, and w=a, and z=uvw • The strings abiacan be obtained by pumping b in aba • The strings are accepted by DFA since the repetition of v simply adds additional trips around the loop b a a 1 2 3 >
Pumping Lemma Regular Languages • Lemma 6.6.1 • Let G be the state diagram of a DFA with k states. Any path of length k in G contains a cycle. • Proof • A path of length k contains k+1 nodes (states). Since there are only k nodes in G, there must be a node, qi, that occurs in at least two positions in the path. The subpath from the first occurrence of qito the second produces a cycle b a a 1 2 3 > qi
Pumping Lemma Regular Languages • Corollary 6.6.2 • Let G be the state diagram of a DFA with k states and let p be the path of length k or more. The path p can be decomposed into subpaths q, r, and s where p=qrs, the |qr| ≤ k, and r is a cycle
Pumping Lemma Regular Languages • Theorem 6.6.3 (Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages) • Let L be a regular language that is accepted by a DFA M with k states. Let z be any string in L, with length(z)≥k. Then z can be written as uvw with length(uv)≤k, length(v)>0, and uviw L for all i ≥0 • Proof: • Let z L be a string with length n>k. Processing z in M generates a path of length n in the state diagram of M. By corollary 6.6.2, this path can be broken into subpaths q, r, and s, where r is a cycle in the diagram. The decomposition of z into u, v, w consists of string generated by paths q, r, and s.
Pumping Lemma Non Regular Languages • The pumping lemma can be used to show a language is non-regular • To demonstrate a language is not regular, it is sufficient to find one string that does not satisfy the conditions of the pumping lemma • To use the pumping lemma to show a language is not regular • It is necessary to choose a string z in L and show that there is not decomposition uvw for z for which uviw is in L for all i ≥0
Pumping Lemma Non Regular Languages • Example: L={aibi| i ≥ 0} • Assume L is regular, and let k be the number specified by the pumping lemma • Let z be the string akbkand |z|≥ k. There exist substrings u, v, w, such that z=uvw, |uv|<k, |v|>0, and uviw is in L for all i ≥0 • Pumping v twice generates uv2w= aiajajak-i-jbk=akajbk • Since j>0, then k+j≠k, which is a contradiction, thus ak+jbk is not in L. Since z in L cannot be decomposed to satisfy the conditions of the pumping lemma, L is not regular u v w ai aj ak-i-jbk i+j< k j >0