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GAMING IN KODU – Lesson 8. Learning Objective. Write the Learning objective onto your Self Assessment Sheet LO: Understand the importance of testing and reviewing a game to make it better. Testing your Game. Use a the Test Table to check your game works properly. Today’s Tasks.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GAMING IN KODU– Lesson 8

  2. Learning Objective • Write the Learning objective onto your Self Assessment Sheet LO: Understand the importance of testing and reviewing a game to make it better.

  3. Testing your Game • Use a the Test Table to check your game works properly.

  4. Today’s Tasks • Finish making your own game using Kodu. • Complete the Test Table template. • Make any necessary improvements to your game. • Use the Peer Assessment Sheetto assess the game your partner has made. • Make suggested improvements to your game.

  5. Partner’s Game • Use the Peer Assessment Sheetto assess the game your partner has made.

  6. Self Assessment • Use your Self Assessment Sheet to assess your progress against today’s learning objective.   

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