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6/5/2013. Design for a Lifetime. Preparing Your Home for Successful Aging. NYPL FACILITATOR: Brigid Cahalan, MLS. MODERATOR: Lorraine G. Hiatt, Ph.D. Environmental Gerontologist. PANELISTS:. Gail Ressler, Interior Designer.

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  1. 6/5/2013 Design for a Lifetime Preparing Your Home for Successful Aging NYPL FACILITATOR: Brigid Cahalan, MLS MODERATOR:Lorraine G. Hiatt, Ph.D. Environmental Gerontologist PANELISTS: Gail Ressler, Interior Designer Joelle Lichtman, Interior DesignerManny Feris, Lighting SpecialistPhyllis Sperling, Architect May 28, 2013 5:30-7:30 Schwarzman Building South Court Auditorium Design for Aging Committee Design for a Lifetime - OUTLINEWhat and Why This is Important 1. How to Make It (“Design”) Happen? 2. Bath and Kitchen Design 3. Does Your Furniture Support Your? 4. Lighting Solutions 5. Auditory Solutions 6. Resources Questions and Responses 1

  2. 6/5/2013 Lorraine G. Hiatt, Ph.D. Environmental Phyllis Sperling, AIA Gerontologist Architect National Design Consultant and 44 Professor Emeritus years Design Research City Tech CUNY phyllis.sperling@gmail. lghiatt@aol.com com Gail Ressler, BS Interior Design griD.Business and Manny Feris, LEED Residential Interiors, ™ P, Lighting Specialized in Aging in Specialist, Lutron Place, Universal OEM Team Designgailressler@gm mferis@lutron.com ail.com Joelle Lichtman, MA Brigid Cahalan, MLS Design Consultant, Outreach Librarian and NY Home Safety NY Public Library Assessments for Older brigidcahalan@nypl Adults .org Joelle.lichtman@gmail. com Gather Ideas, Work with Others New York Times 12/14/1998 ! Rosemary Bakker, MS, ASID RosemaryBakker.comrbdesign@earthlink.net http://www.ies.org/store/product/lighting-and-the-visual-environment-for-senior-living-1032.cfm 2

  3. 6/5/2013 Combine Lists and Users’ Priorities For more info: www.lghiatt@aol.com Capabilities We Bring to Living Visual Discernment: “See, Use with Contrast”: Hearing/Understanding: Less Noise Movement: “Building Balance, gility” Judgment: Safely Use What we Have 3

  4. 6/5/2013 Design for Living in One Place? Memory Loss in Urban Apartments͙. Memory for Safety • Can I Reliably Make Needs Known? • Do I Follow-through on Important Aspects of Daily Life, SelfCare? • Will I Exit Under Own Power from Signal, Instruction? • Am I Living Well? http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/24/staying-independent-in-old-age-with-a-little-help/ How to Make it Happen Phyllis Sperling Architect 4

  5. 6/5/2013 Do I need anArchitect or Interior Designer? http://seniorcarecorner.com/top-10-design-trends-for-aging-in-place And, what’s is the difference? Architect? Interior designer? 5

  6. 6/5/2013 In NYC you need an architect if you plan to make significantalterations to your apartment, or even to one room. Moving partitions, changing plumbing locations and anystructural changes require that you file with the NYCDepartment of Buildings. Only an architect or engineer can file with the DOB. http://www.huduser.org/portal/publications/pdf/fai rhousing/fairch7.pdf A major modification like this will likely requirean application to the DOB. http://mlkinteriors.com/aging-in-place.html 6

  7. 6/5/2013 Ifyou decide to do a major renovation: New York City Local Law 58 requires that allrenovations in multiple dwelling buildings(with elevators) must be designedto be adaptable to the needsof the disabled. These changes include: • Interior door widths of 2’ - 10”. •Corridor widths wide enough for a wheelchair. •Reinforcement provided in walls behind the tilesfor future grab bars. • Minimum clearances in bathrooms and kitchens. •http://www.nyc.gov/html/records/rwg/mopd/html/local58.html ‘Cosmetic’ upgrades, replacing plumbing fixtures in place,usually does not require an architect or conformance to LL 58. http://www.kiplinger.com/slideshow/real-estate/T029-S001-small-remodeling-budgets-big-upgrades/images/8.jpg 7

  8. 6/5/2013 Minor modifications to an existing bath to accommodateAging-in-place can be done inexpensively. http://mlkinteriors.com/aging-in-place.html Both an architect and an interiordesigner can help you selectfixtures, tiles and colors. http://home4alifetime.com/Photo_Gallery___Links.php 8

  9. 6/5/2013 An example of a renovated kitchen conforming to LL 58. Both before and after kitchens are too narrow for aWheelchair or a wide walker. 9

  10. 6/5/2013 This kitchen is good for a contortionist Adaptable kitchen design 10

  11. 6/5/2013 Other accommodations for successful aging: A decorative grab bar Color contrast at the edge of the steps What are your rights? 11

  12. 6/5/2013 Reasonable Accommodation for Personswith Disabilities in Housing The City Human Rights Law protects the rights of peoplewith disabilities. It requires that landlords, (co-ops andcondominiums) reasonably accommodate the needs ofdisabled tenants, (shareholders or owners) in theirapartments or in the common areas. Reasonable accommodation can be structural, such as aramp or installing grab bars in the bathroom. You can get help The law provides guidance in assessing requests for ‘reasonable accommodation’. It takes into account the natureand cost of the proposed accommodation and the financialresources of the landlord. If you have a disability and need an accommodation, you should inform the landlord and identify the type of accommodation you need. You may have to give the landlorda note from your doctor or other health care professionalstating that you have a disability and describing the functionallimitations that your disability imposes. If you need to file a complaint, call (212) 306-7450 12

  13. 6/5/2013 Bath and Kitchen Design Joelle Lichtman Interior Designer Aging-In-Place According to an AARP survey, over 80% ofolder adults wish to remain in their currenthome for the rest of their lives. Over 70% of falls occur in the home for those65+. We need to ensure their home environment isa safe place to live. 27 13

  14. 6/5/2013 Principles of Universal Design “The design of products and environments tobe usable by all people, to the greatestextent possible, without the need foradaptation or specialized design.” 1. Equitable Use 2. Flexibility in Use 3. Simple and Intuitive Use 4. Perceptible Information 5. Tolerance for Error 6. Low Physical Effort 7. Size and Space for Approach and Use 28 Universal Design 29 14

  15. 6/5/2013 Bathroom: Before 30 Phillips Lifeline. Falls Prevention and Safety Plan. From: http://www.learnnottofall.com/servlet/DownloadServlet?id=784 Bathroom: After 31 Phillips Lifeline. Falls Prevention and Safety Plan. From: http://www.learnnottofall.com/servlet/DownloadServlet?id=784 15

  16. 6/5/2013 Bathroom: Clear, Visible Pathway • Keep a clear path to the bathroom • Light the pathway Products: • Motion sensors • LED lights or glow tape 32 Bathroom: Bathing Safely • Most falls in the house occur in the bathroom!nceProducts: • Grab bars (not the same as towel bar!) • Walk-in shower • Shower chair/transfer bench 33 16

  17. 6/5/2013 Bathroom: Bathing Safely • Utilize tools to control water flow, temperatureProducts: • Handheld shower • Anti-scald valve • Lever controls 34 Bathroom: Bathing Safely • Keep surfaces slip-free Products: • Non-slip mat or tape • Shower caddy • Bathmat outside of tub 17

  18. 6/5/2013 Bathroom: NYC example Bathroom: Modifications http://home4alifetime.com/Photo_Gallery___Links.php 18

  19. 6/5/2013 Bathroom: Toileting Products: For individuals with visualimpairments, use highcolor contrast and forindividuals in wheelchairsremoving the bathroomdoor can allow for morespace. • Comfort height toilet • Attachable bidet • Bedside commode 38 Kitchen: Before 39 Phillips Lifeline. Falls Prevention and Safety Plan. From: http://www.learnnottofall.com/servlet/DownloadServlet?id=784 19

  20. 6/5/2013 Kitchen: After 40 Phillips Lifeline. Falls Prevention and Safety Plan. From: http://www.learnnottofall.com/servlet/DownloadServlet?id=784 Kitchen: Accessibility • Organize items based on use • Utilize appliances with front controlsProducts/Modifications: • Pull out/down storage and appliances • Counters at different heights 41 20

  21. 6/5/2013 Kitchen: Accessibility Kitchen: Low Physical Effort • Utilize tools with easy to grip handles • Modify cooking activities with gadgetsProducts: • OXO Good Grips products • Lever controls 43 21

  22. 6/5/2013 Kitchen: Low Physical Effort • Utilize products with visual and auditory cuesProducts: • Timer (auditory and visual aids) • Grabber/Reacher • Sturdy stepstool 44 Kitchen: Low Physical Effort • Simplify cooking with one touch, easy-to-useor single use products Products: • Chopper • One-cup coffee maker 45 22

  23. 6/5/2013 Does Your Furniture Support You? Gail Ressler Interior Designer 23

  24. 6/5/2013 24

  25. 6/5/2013 25

  26. 6/5/2013 26

  27. 6/5/2013 27

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  29. 6/5/2013 29

  30. 6/5/2013 30

  31. 6/5/2013 31

  32. 6/5/2013 Lighting Solutions Manny Feris Lighting Control Specialist 32

  33. 6/5/2013 Lighting Solutions Livable New York Resource Manual http://www.aging.ny.gov/LivableNY/ResourceManual/Index.cfmJoan E. Roberts, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Fordham University LIGHTING FOR MAXIMAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Lighting is not neutral, but has either a positive or negative effecton health.Correct spectrum and timing of lighting is essentialbecause lighting modifies brain neurotransmitters andneuropeptides which, in turn, alter both mood and the human immune response. Proper lighting can improve health and well- being while poor lighting can alter mood and increase stress andthe risk of disease…lighting in individuals' homes, apartmentbuildings, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other healthcare settings must be specifically designed to compensate for thedecrease in visible light reaching the retinas of those who are over 50 years old,as well as for those individuals of younger ages whohave visual impairments. Lighting Solutions Recommended FootCandle Levels (IESNA)Library Ordinary reading, stacks 20-50 Book repair and binding 20-50 Offices Accounting 50-100 Audio-visual areas 20-50 Conference areas 20-70 Corridors, stairways 20(k) Drafting 50-200 General and private offices 50-100 Lobbies, lounges & reception areas 0-20 33

  34. 6/5/2013 Why 2700° - 4500° choices? natural light electric light twilight 12000 K cold white LED 8000K 65000 overcast sky 550KK noon natural white LED cool fluorescent 4500K daylight CFL,warmLED 3000K sunrise/sunset halogen incandescent 2800K 1800K candle K midnight Lighting Solutions increase the energy efficiency of the United States (enacted in 2007) •incandescent light bulbs are not being ‘outlawed’ - new regulations (~30% more efficient) just makes themobsolete • the new standards will phase in over 3 years starting in2012 for medium-screw-base, general service bulbs 34

  35. 6/5/2013 Lighting Solutions • bulbs can no longer be manufactured, but…inventory can besold...until depleted: Screw-base Lamp Wattage Effective Date 100W 1/1/2012 75W 1/1/2013 60W & 40W 1/1/2014 • many decorative and specialty incandescent bulbs, and allbulbs less than 40 Watts and more than 100 Watts areexempt • MR-16 and AR-111 (low-voltage, halogen) bulbs are exempt Lighting Solutions • distributed RF wireless lighting control mini-system • dimmers, switches, plug-in lamp dimmersand appliance modules • RF remote control keypads • occupancy/vacancy, daylight sensor • system size: up to 10 RF dimmers 35

  36. 6/5/2013 Lighting Solutions Wall box sensors Countdown Timers Occupancy - Auto On & Rated for 600 watts or 3A Auto Off Switch Vacancy - Manual On & Timers - 5-60 Minutes Auto Off Eco version - 30 Minutes Auditory Solutions Phyllis Sperling Architect 36

  37. 6/5/2013 Hearing Loss There are many household accommodations for people who are deaf or hard of hearing Amplification phones for the hard of hearing. 37

  38. 6/5/2013 Ear phones that plug into the TV are useful for peoplewith hearing loss. ..as is closed caption TV. 38

  39. 6/5/2013 A CapTel (Captioned telephone)uses voice recognition technology to display text of theconversation on the telephonescreen. Strobe lights, or devicesconnected to lamps, cansignal incoming telephonecalls or someone at the door. This combination alarm clockand fire alarm comes withstrobes and a bed shaker. 39

  40. 6/5/2013 For more information contact: The Center for Hearing and Communication, 50 Broadway, NYC Resources 40

  41. 6/5/2013 Resources: CAPS Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) “…aging-in-place means living in one’s home safely,independently and comfortably, regardless of age,income or ability level. It means the pleasure ofremaining in a familiar environment throughout one’smaturing years, and the ability to enjoy the familiar dailyrituals and the special events that enrich all our lives. Itmeans the reassurance of being able to call a house ahome for a lifetime. 82 Resource: Age-friendly NYC “urban areas are attracting residents in their 50s because they provide walkable, mixed-useliving opportunities that are more amenable toaging in place.” • Libraries • Architects • Businesses 83 41

  42. 6/5/2013 Resource: New York City Commission of Human Rights 40 Rector Street 212-306-7450 84 Resource: Design for Aging Committee AIA NY Design For Aging Committee Mission: Increase public awareness of the needs of seniors living in an urbanenvironment, and encourage design that accommodates those needs Vision: Create an Age-Friendly City for all to enjoy Learn More, Get Involved: Contact Jerry Maltz, AIA 212.777.5131 njmaltz@earthlink.net http://boomingboroughs.org/contact/ http://main.aiany.org/eOCULUS/newsletter/ 42

  43. 6/5/2013 Thank you! any questions? 43

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