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Packaging. Marketing English Semester Two Week Six. •to preserve •to protect • to attract •to transport. Purpose of Packaging. Layers of Packaging. reusable heat-resistant recyclable keeps shape low cost. fragile safety issues heavy. Types of Materials -Glass. recyclable

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Packaging Marketing English Semester Two Week Six

  2. •to preserve • •to protect • •to attract • •to transport Purpose of Packaging

  3. Layers of Packaging

  4. reusable • heat-resistant • recyclable • keeps shape • low cost • fragile • safety issues • heavy Types of Materials-Glass

  5. recyclable • lightweight • impermeable • withstands heat processing • may react with food Types of Materials-Metal

  6. easy to print on • cheap to produce • biodegradable • recyclable • can be molded • can be coated • lightweight • not water-resistant • easily damaged Types of Materials- Card or Paper

  7. Labels on Packaging

  8. Labels on Packaging

  9. Context: A new pizza store has opened in Hongo. They need to present their new corporate image and identity to their customers. • Task: They need a new package for their pizza and a new package for their salads. Design a package for 1) pizzas and 2) salad. • Be sure to include all the items above and remember the package will need to be delivered safely by motorbike. • You must include the labels on the package AND a description of the material you will use. Sketch and annotate your designs. We will upload your designs to the blog. Task

  10. We will have a vocabulary test on all the vocabulary on these slides in the next class: November 9th 2012 Vocabulary Test

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