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RWANDA SUCCESS STORY IN CLIMATE CHANGE. By Dr. Rose MUKANKOMEJE Director General Rwanda Environment Management Authority. Doha, December 2012. Aerial Survey Route 19 th May 2012. Nyabihu-Musanze Busogo-Mukamira Flooding. 19 th May 2012. 14 th Dec 2008.
RWANDA SUCCESS STORY IN CLIMATE CHANGE By Dr. Rose MUKANKOMEJE Director General Rwanda Environment Management Authority Doha, December 2012
Nyabihu-MusanzeBusogo-Mukamira Flooding 19th May 2012 14th Dec 2008
Vulnerability to Climate Changeon CC NyabihuBusogo-Mukamira (19th May 2012
Destroyed installations Agricultural risks (Kanombe-Masaka sectors) Environmental Assessments Mobile GIS REMA
Climate Change Projects • From key climate change adaptation areas identified by NAPA, • Rwanda was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Government of Japan to implement 2 Climate Change Adaptation Projects entitled : • “Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change by Establishing Early Warning and DisasterPreparedness Systems and Support for Integrated Watershed Management in Flood Prone Areas throgh LDCF funds • Supporting Integrated and Comprehensive Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Africa - Building a comprehensive national approach in Rwanda through Africa adaptation Program (AAP)
Some achievements • Since 2009, under Rwanda Environment management authority (REMA), the Government of Rwanda established a Department in charge of Climate Change and International Obligations (DCCIO); • Together with 2 CCA projects implemented by REMA, the DCCIO conducted trainings for mainstreaming CC in Districts development planning; • 1094 Local Government officials trained; • 24 out 30 Districts included climate change activities in annual action plans; • 540 women from National Women Council (12 Districts) trained in CCA and impact of CC on Gender
Atlas of our Changing Environment:Implications of Climate Change Resilience
Some achievements • Conducted a consultative meeting with 416 elders to document traditional knowledge on climate change and variability; • Developed a documentary film on IVUBIRO as traditional meteo station used before colonial era for seasonal and agro-meteorological prediction • Developed a documentary film on coping of hens breeding and agriculture as solution of adaptation to climate change and reducing inorganic fertilizers; • Printed 5,000 copies of the module of climate change in Kinyarwanda to be used for training of trainers in Climate change practice;
Climate Change Adaptation ProjectsTrainings of local communities in 10 Districts delivered by Rwanda Environment Management Authority and Rwanda Agricultural Board
Adaptation activities Construction of 139 Rain Water Harvesting Tanks From roofs of houses in Eastern Province (Kirehe)
Climate Change Adaptation ProjectsLocation sites for installation of automatic Weather stations
Climate Change Adaptation Projects:Automatic weather station for synoptic observations (measurements of atmospheric, soil temperature and soil humidity)
Climate Change Adaptation ProjectsAutomatic weather station for hydro-meteorological observations (measurements of atmospheric, water temperature and height in rivers
Lessons learnt • Climate Change is real • It affects everything in developing countries(crops, infrastructure, livelihoods,…), mostly the poor • Sustainable development is ??? • Resources are needed to empower local communities in order to adapt and if possible to make them resilient
Lessons learnt • Local communities are very receptive if they are involved since the beginning • Is the planet earth has the same resilience?