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Metering and Smart Gird Industry Initiatives. The grid: power infrastructure to the customer. Generation, Transmission, Distribution to the Customer!. Two industries: a comparison initiated around the same time, one has improved significantly, the other has almost remained the same.
The grid: power infrastructure to the customer Generation, Transmission, Distribution to the Customer!
Two industries: a comparisoninitiated around the same time, one has improved significantly, the other has almost remained the same Alexander G. Bell Pearl St. Station Thomas A. Edison
Definition (EISA07-Title XIII) focus: utility operations Modernization of generation and T&D systems to: - meet future demand growth - incorporate various demand programs (demand response, side resource, energy efficiency resources) - use digital information and controls for increased reliability, security, and efficiency of the grid - deploy distributed resources, i.e. solar, wind, geothermal… 4
Definition (EISA07-Title XIII) focus: customer, smart appliances Modernization of generation and T&D systems to: - deploy smart metering and operations technologies: real time system data, automated distribution - integrate smart appliances and consumer devices - deploy advanced electricity storage, electric & hybrid vehicles, thermal storage AC… - provision to consumers of timely information and data and control options - develop standards for communication and interoperability of appliances and equipment connected to the grid 5
Energy Markets Energy Markets Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Generation Generation Generation Generation Transmission/Distribution Grid End Use End Use Grid Grid End Use End Use Commercial/ Commercial/ Centralized Centralized Distributed Distributed Commercial/ Commercial/ Centralized Centralized Distributed Distributed Transmission Transmission Distribution Distribution Residential Residential Transmission Transmission Distribution Distribution Residential Residential Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution Baseload Baseload Transmission Transmission Smart Motors Smart Motors Baseload Baseload Transmission Transmission Smart Smart Smart Motors Smart Motors Smart Smart Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations & Devices & Devices Operations Operations Appliances Appliances & Devices & Devices Appliances Appliances Information Information Information Information Peaking Peaking Plug Plug - - in in Peaking Peaking Plug Plug - - in in Systems Systems Systems Systems Hybrids Hybrids Hybrids Hybrids Demand Demand Demand Demand Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent Response Response Response Response Critical / Critical / Asset Asset Advanced Advanced Building Building Critical / Critical / Asset Asset Advanced Advanced Building Building Backup Backup Management Management Metering Metering Automation Automation Backup Backup Management Management Metering Metering Automation Automation Green Green Grid Grid Site Energy Site Energy Green Green Grid Grid Site Energy Site Energy Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Power Power Monitoring Monitoring Mgmt Systems Mgmt Systems Power Power Monitoring Monitoring Mgmt Systems Mgmt Systems Grid Grid Grid Grid Automation Automation Automation Automation Power Power Power Power Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Smart Smart Communication Communication Smart Smart Communication Communication Dist. Devices Dist. Devices & Control & Control Dist. Devices Dist. Devices & Control & Control Smart Smart Smart Smart Storage Storage Storage Storage Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Integration Integration Integration Integration Areas to Improve… Source: Global Environment Fund and The Center for Smart Energy
AMI, a Key to Achieve Smart Grid • DoE’s “Smart Grid System Report” published in Jul 09. • Report specifies 6 main characteristics and 20 main metrics/activities to measure smart grid approaches/ achievement • At least 5 metrics relate to advanced metering: advanced meters • dynamic pricing • data sharing • demand response • power quality
Smart Grid Metrics Ref: DoE Smart Grid System Report Note: “Emphasis” and “Mention” are determined based on interviews with major utilities around the country .
Smart Grid Demonstration32 projects nationwide, announced 25 Nov 09 “These demo projects will further our knowledge and understanding of what works best and delivers the best results for the smart grid, setting the course for a modern grid…”
Smart Grid Demonstration32 projects nationwide, announced 25 Nov 09 • $1.65 B (ARRA covers $620 M) • First phase to involve 50 utilities, effecting 100 million customers • Smart metering, energy storage, T&D monitoring, renewable energy, etc. examples: • SCE: $40.13M, focused on interoperability, technologies interactions in metering • SCE: $25M, wind power, storage • NYSE&G: $29.56M, 150MW energy storage demo • Beacon Power Corp: $24M, 20MW frequency regulator (power quality)
Latest AMI Activities SCE: 5.3 M, ConEd: 4.3 M, Centerpoint Energy: 2 M San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: 170,000 water meters, major goal: detecting water leaks UK energy providers focus on in-home display, with customer’s choice of data to be displayed EPB Energy, 170,000 meters: reducing outage minutes (outages reduced by 750,000 minutes in 2009) KCP&L and ConEd: use of PowerWatch (color-coded maps), and CenterPoint Energy with Energy-InSightSM to determine outage areas Duke Energy: 3.9M meters, renewable energy, automating the grid by using meter data
Voluntary time-based-tariff programs in: CT, CA, NY,… PG&E: 4 million solid state meters thus far (remote communication not in place yet) Only ~ 5% of electric meters in the US, ~ 7M are “smart” (up from 1% in 2006) Largest increase of advanced meters: Florida Various MDM and network companies are joining forces to offer one stop shop to utilities Latest AMI Activities
Path to “Standard” NIST to work with 1500 government and industry stakeholders to develop smart grid standards ANSI C12.19 to be revised by 3/2010 to meet NIST requirements on data shared with customers Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP – 002-009), developed by NERC; mandatory for utilities on 1 Jul 2010: reliability, security, training, reporting,… ISO 31000:2009 : new risk management standard, a blueprint to analyze and control risks “Open Meter” project by European Standardization Organization (ESO) www.openmeter.com
A Glance at HAN Market • Intermatic • Leviton • RAM Industries • Baco Controls • Corporate Sys. Engineering • Invensys • Domosys Corp. • Dencor • Brayden Automation Corp. • Comverge • Invensys • Broadband Energy Networks • Intellicom Innovation AB In-Home Display Devices Load Control Switches • Johnson Controls, Inc. • Honeywell • Carrier • Domosys Corp. • Comverge • Delta Controls • Adjala Controls and Technologies (Log-One Ltd.) Smart Thermostats • Electric City • Lightstat Inc. • Douglas Lighting Controls Inc. • Powerline Control Systems, Inc. • Vantage Controls Lighting Controls The key to success of this “next generation” of products will be through industry-wide, open communications protocols and interoperability
Home Monitoring Devices increasingly entering the market …
PowerMeter by Google Receives data from smart meter to provide to customer’s iGoogle homepage Partnered with GE I210 residential metering Partnered with utilities such as SDG&E, TXU, Reliance E.(India), Toronto Hydro… GE I210 Meter
Hohm by Microsoft Processes information about house/apartment, appliances, frequency of use,… Provides estimation of bill and tips to reduce it
Challenges Economic situation Legal argument: who owns the billing data? (utility, communications company, or customer....?) Preparing customers for new behaviors / expectations Public Trust: 1100 complains about PG&E new meters (4M new meters installed) Interoperability / Standardization Issues Regulations and policies Security concerns about increased connectivity …
Challenges… Utility Back Office Remote Access Customer Premise Utility Substation AMI Meter Smart System • Vulnerabilities • Unprotected access to cust. and utility systems • Inadequate anti-virus protection • Insufficient disaster recovery plans • Lack of security policy, procedures or training • Single instance or chain-of-events that impacts ability to perform • Threats • Sabotage, hacking, theft, assaults • Floods, hurricane, earthquakes • Unintentional “Denial of Service” • Security Implications • Asset/ capital preservation • Liabilities for claims and injuries • Lost or misreported revenue • Unanticipated consequences of compromised commands • Regulatory certainty for sensitive customer data • Grid reliability and system performance • Media or public scrutiny on potential weaknesses • Privacy Protection Laws/Regulations • State regulatory rules on confidentiality of utility bills, usage and payment records • Federal legislation includes Sarbanes-Oxley internal control structures and reporting for financial reporting • Miscellaneous state legislation on data privacy protection
Advanced Metering in the US despite all challenges, the AMI is improving