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NEPTUNE Canada Seismograph Network (a progress report - April 2009). Garry Rogers 1,2 , Bob Meldrum 1 , Taimi Mulder 1 , Richard Baldwin 1 & Andreas Rosenberger 1 Camille Brillon 2 1 Geological Survey of Canada, 2 University of Victoria. 2010.
NEPTUNE Canada Seismograph Network(a progress report - April 2009) Garry Rogers1,2, Bob Meldrum1, Taimi Mulder1, Richard Baldwin1 & Andreas Rosenberger1 Camille Brillon2 1Geological Survey of Canada, 2University of Victoria
2009 - NEPTUNE Canada Broadband Seismic Observatory (3) Guralp Systems successful bidder Broadband seismometer Strong motion accelerometer Spherical titanium case Buried beneath the sea floor Nearby differential pressure gauge, current meter and hydrophone ( for 2010) Backup battery for power outages (for 2010)
Current recording and archiving of broadband seismic data • Data received and distributed by an ANTELOPE system behind military firewall • Data is being archived temporarily at PGC • Seismometer masses not yet centred and instruments not yet calibrated (soon). • Hi frequency data flow is subject to military screening (~14% diverted since December) • Military diversion for testing Sep - Nov
2010 - 4th NEPTUNE Canada Broadband Seismic Observatory Partnership: University of Washington, IRIS, GSC, (USGS), NEPTUNE Canada. Guralp Systems will refurbish UW OBS to be identical to NEPTUNE Canada design Occupy same vault as UW installation
2010 - NEPTUNE Canada Short Period Ob (4) • GEOSENSE feedback seismometer (1hz) on long term loan from MBARI • Same Guralp digitizer • Battery backup • Deployed in corehole in basalt or in concrete monument on sediment.
NEPTUNE Canada and the Military • Low frequency data from broadband instruments will flow all the time • High frequency seismic data from all seismometers may be embargoed at certain times (0.8Hz) • Tests were conducted after deployment to determine embargo criteria (Sep.-Nov.) • Once set up, automatically picked phases and hypocenters from ridge events will flow all the time
Data flow from NEPTUNE Canada seismographs (2010) Once calibrated, seismic data will be archived at IRIS the Geological Survey of Canada. Associated data: hydrophone, current meter, pressure gauge will be archived at NEPTUNE Canada. Automatic earthquake solutions from the ridge will be sent in real time to NEPTUNE Canada and the Geological Survey of Canada.