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Pennsylvania s Act 101 Recycling Back to the Basics

Current status of recycling. 945 curbside recycling programs415 mandated by Act 101 of 1988530 implemented voluntarily635 municipalities with drop-off recycling programs1580 total municipalities with recycling programs. Newly mandated programs. Includes municipalities with:10,000 or greater

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Pennsylvania s Act 101 Recycling Back to the Basics

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    1. Pennsylvanias Act 101 Recycling Back to the Basics Pa. State Association of Township Supervisors Conference April 16, 2002

    2. Current status of recycling 945 curbside recycling programs 415 mandated by Act 101 of 1988 530 implemented voluntarily 635 municipalities with drop-off recycling programs 1580 total municipalities with recycling programs

    3. Newly mandated programs Includes municipalities with: 10,000 or greater population 5,000 to <10,000 and population densities greater than 300 persons/square mile 42 municipalities 37 townships 5 boroughs

    4. 42 new mandated - status 16 have mandatory curbside programs 8 have voluntary curbside programs 10 have drop-off recycling programs 8 with no recycling programs All must meet Act 101 requirements by March 16, 2003.

    5. Act 101 requirements Residential curb- side recycling Residential leaf waste collection Residential recycling education program Commercial Recycling Businesses Institutions Municipal facilities Commercial recycling education Community event recycling

    6. Leaf waste definition Act 101, Section 103: Leaf waste. Leaves, garden residues, shrubbery and tree trimmings, and similar material, but not including grass clippings

    7. Recycling education At least 30 days prior and 2X per year How system will operate Collection dates Residents responsibilities Commercial estab. responsibilities Education Methods Print, radio, TV advertisements Official notice Newsletter Public place notice Bill stuffers Calendars Other direct mail

    8. Collection options Municipal collection Collect recyclables and leaf waste Contract collection of recyclables and/or leaf collection Contracted collection Contract collection of recyclables and/or leaf waste collection Possible municipal collection of recyclables and/or leaf waste collection

    9. Collection options Subscription collection Mandatory recycling ordinance All residents must have curbside recycling and leaf waste collection service Require reporting of types and amounts of recyclables collected annually by haulers

    10. Recycling ordinance Minimum monthly residential recycling collection At least three of the following: Aluminum, steel and bimetallic cans, clear or colored glass, newspaper, high-grade office paper, corrugated paper, plastics Seasonal collection of residential leaf waste

    11. Recycling ordinance Commercial, institutional and municipal establishments Aluminum cans, high grade office paper, corrugated paper (cardboard) Leaf waste Other materials required by ordinance Store materials until collection

    12. Community event recycling Aluminum cans Corrugated paper (cardboard) High-grade office paper Other materials per local ordinance Store materials until collection

    13. Recycling reporting Report to county by February 15 Residential recycling Leaf waste collection Commercial recycling Potential sources of recycling records: Haulers Businesses, institutions, municipal facilities Materials processors

    14. Performance grants Source separated recyclables Aluminum, steel and bimetallic cans Clear or colored glass Corrugated paper, newspaper, high-grade office paper, other marketable grades Plastics Residential or commercial postconsumer materials only. Leaf waste not eligible.

    15. Performance grant formula $5.00/ton for residential tons $5.00/ton for commercial tons equal to residential tons excess gets bonus $1.00/ton for each percent of DEP calculated recycling rate $10.00/ton bonus for commercial tons in excess of residential tons

    16. Sample performance grant 5,000 residential tons $25,000 7,000 commercial tons $25,000 15% recycling rate $150,000 Excess commercial tons $20,000 TOTAL GRANT AWARD $220,000 (Use of funds unrestricted)

    17. Recycling development & implementation grants 90 percent funding of approved costs Project development Collection equipment Processing equipment Drop-off or processing facilities Recycling education programs Two-year contract Payable on reimbursement basis

    18. Recycling development & implementation grants Pre-application conference required Contact DEP Regional Recycling Coord. SE (610) 832-6212, Conshohocken NE (570) 826-2516, Wilkes-Barre SC (717) 705-4706, Harrisburg NC (570) 327-3653, Williamsport SW- (412) 442-4000, Pittsburgh NW- (814) 332-6848, Meadville

    19. Free recycling technical assistance program Professional assistance with: Curbside program design Leaf waste collection & composting Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) programs Recycling education programs Up to $6,000 professional engineering One-page application Reports posted on DEP website

    20. Recycling is big business in PA Recycling/Reuse Establishments 3,247 Recycling/Reuse Employment 81,322 Annual Sales Receipts $18.4 billion Annual Payroll $ 2.9 billion Taxes to General Fund (est.) $ 0.3 billion Indirect Benefits $ 1.8 billion TOTAL $23.4 billion

    21. Contact information www.dep.state.pa.us directLINK (recycling technical assistance) www.dep.state.pa.us directLINK (recycling coordinators corner) chursh@state.pa.us (717) 787-7382

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