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The Fall of the Roman Empire. By Maria Ruvalcaba 7th Grade Social Studies. Lesson Summary. Factors leading to the fall of the Roman Empire: The Collapse of the family unit The decline in public morals Pressures on the frontiers by barbarian tribes The lack of good leadership
The Fall of the Roman Empire By Maria Ruvalcaba 7th Grade Social Studies
Lesson Summary Factors leading to the fall of the Roman Empire: • The Collapse of the family unit • The decline in public morals • Pressures on the frontiers by barbarian tribes • The lack of good leadership • Use of a mercenary army to protect Rome • Widespread corruption Students will identify the factor that contributed most to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Learning Objectives and Computer Functions This lesson plan uses 5 objectives. • 1. Searching the internet: Primary Sources • An Eyewitness Account of the Fall of Rome http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/fallofrome.htm • How to keep a slave in Ancient Rome • http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/slaveryrome.htm • Dining with Attila the Hun, 448 AD • http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/attila.htm • Distrust of imperial coinage - Oxyrhynchus Papyrus • http://books.google.com/books?id=GO8tcTpgj-0C&pg=PA399&lpg=PA399&dq=Distrust+of+imperial+coinage+%2B+oxyrhynchus+papyrus&source=bl&ots=X6cAwfsZYt&sig=ikhYw43kevB8pJB7H3zN6q7qBPM&hl=en&ei=LomBTLm5Bo6osQOB3Oz2Bw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Distrust%20of%20imperial%20coinage%20%2B%20oxyrhynchus%20papyrus&f=false • 3. The Fall of Rome video (Discovery Education)
The Fall of Rome video • Film Analysis Think Sheet • Factors: • The collapse of the family unit • The decline in public morals • Pressure on the frontiers by barbarian tribes • The lack of good leadership • Use of a mercenary army to protect Rome • Widespread corruption in the government
Learning Objectives and computer functions • 4. Collaborates with peers- Uses KWL and Document Analysis Think Sheets. • 5. Creates a PowerPoint integrating research and identifying the most important factor that contributed to the Fall of Rome.
Problem • Students will look at Socio-Economics in Ancient Rome and Today. The issue of social class and how it plays a big in the past and in the present.
Instructional Strategies • Integration Strategies: Students will use a KWL Think Sheet in their planning. • Organization Strategies: Document Analysis Think Sheet and Film Analysis Think Sheet. Students will use the Think Sheet to gather information in order to interpret flow chart and create PowerPoint. • Elaboration Strategies: Group discussion to sharpen critical skills using Think Sheets.
Results • Student will present factors in a detailed PowerPoint to their peers. • This is a group assignment. Each student will be assigned one factor. At the end the group will decide which factor contributed most to the fall of Rome.
Activities • Activities Before Using the Computer: KWL • Strategies to develop students' attitudes towards the problem, motivation, and overall mindfulness:The Fall of Rome video (Discovery Education) Video Cornell Notes • Activities While Using the Computer: Primary sources (hard copy) maps, Encyclopedias, textbook, etc.
Activities • Supporting Activities. Reviewing information, writing their history log, reading other books related to the topic, looking at maps, and discussing with their peers. Group Information: • Data Analysis Think Sheet, Encyclopedia, books, posters, maps etc.. • Activities After Using the Computer; Think Sheet Document Analysis. Student will use the research to create their slide.
Graphic Organizers By MARIA RUVALCABA
WHAT EXPERTS SAY • "Self-regulation is a proactive learning activity that students initiate to gain understanding." (Zimmerman, 1998, 2008) • Planning Think Sheets are a great strategy students can use for planning. (Ogle, 1986)
K W L What I Know The K focuses on what students already know the toopic. Teacher guides discussion -- What do you know about the topic?
KWL What I Want to Know The W will pose the questions of what they need to know in order to gather the research for each factor presented in the lesson.
KWL • Integration Strategies: Students will use a KWL Think Sheet in their planning. • The purpose of the the KWL chart is to tap on prior knowledge. What is it that I already know? And what else do I need to learn in order to answer the question at hand? • In Social Studies the KWL chart serves as the planning tool. Students use the W part to write down the steps required to solve the problem.
Document Analysis Think Sheet Organization Strategies & Performance Control activities: Document Analysis Think Sheet - Students will use the Think Sheet to gather information in order to interpret flow chart and create PowerPoint. According to Zimmerman (1998) “Performance Control Activities” or learning activities are primarily created for the Activities during the computer use, Activities after Computer Use, and Supporting Activities.
Film Analysis Think Sheet Peak student interest: Film Analysis Think Sheet will introduce students to the Fall of the Roman Empire along with the Discovery Education film. Student will use the Think Sheet to take notes during the film. • After viewing: Students will engage in group discussion using their notes to guide the debate. • Research data: Students will use the Film Analysis to compile historical research in order to design their Group PowerPoint Presentation.
Self-Reflection - KWL What I Learned The L can be part of the reflection piece at the end of the project.