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s tarfishexpo 2012. Presenter: Gunnar Simonsen. Navigating Twitter for Developing a LSMN. starfish expo. # SocialMediaTips. # sfexpo. Post pictures. Follow and engage updates from these p rofiles before, during and after expo: Facebook.com / HISGroup Facebook.com / IDRNetwork
starfishexpo 2012 Presenter: Gunnar Simonsen Navigating Twitter for Developing a LSMN
starfishexpo #SocialMediaTips #sfexpo Post pictures Follow and engage updates from these profiles before, during and after expo: Facebook.com/HISGroup Facebook.com/IDRNetwork Facebook.com/BDINetwork Twitter.com/HISG_News Twitter.com/IDRN_News Twitter.com/BDIN_News *Use #sfexpo at end of all your Tweets during the event and add to the conversation. Post quotes from the presentations Post your thoughts, make a comment, ask a question, or respond to a post Add/follow new friends, start a group or community Post a video taken from your smartphone interviewing an attendee, speaker or of a presentation
Getting to know Twitter Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People write short updates, often called "Tweets" of 140 characters or fewer. These messages are posted to your profile, sent to your followers, and are searchable on Twitter search.
How do I find my friends? When you create an account, you can search for people by name or user name, import friends from other networks, or invite friends via email. If you don't want to do that, follow some of the people Twitter suggested. Once you've found your friends, follow them to start getting their updates.
For example: My Twitter username is: @GunnarSimonsen
What does it mean to follow someone on Twitter? Following someone simply means receiving their Twitter updates. When you follow someone, every time they post a new message, it will appear on your Twitter home page. New messages are added to your home page as people post them, so you always get the updates in real time. When you log in, you can see what the latest updates are. Twitter offers other ways to follow people too: you can get updates from certain people on your phone!
To follow someone, when viewing their profile, simply click follow.
Four things I look for before I follow someone: Do they have a profile picture Does their bio seem interesting Are they tweeting interesting content Are they engaging others
How do I know who is following me? Twitter sends you an email when someone new follows you. Set up your email preferences to notify you when you have a new follower. The 'Followers' link on your profile page or home page's sidebar will also tell you how many followers you have.
Who reads my updates? It's up to you. Your followers read your updates, and anyone else who comes across them in a search. Your Tweets are public by default; if you're hesitant to have strangers read your updates, protect your Tweets to approve followers and keep your updates out of search.
What are @replies? An @reply is a public message sent from one person to another, distinguished from normal updates by the @username prefix. If a message begins with @username, we collect it as an @reply. Reply publicly to any update on Twitter by using the @username format. Following is not necessary to reply to someone, and all @replies directed to you are visible in the Mentions tab on the Connect page.
What are direct messages? Direct messages are personal messages sent from one Twitter person to another; they do not appear in the public timeline, like an @reply or mention. You can only send a direct message to a person who follows you. When you receive a direct message, we save it in your direct message inbox, accessible by clicking on the person icon and selecting Direct messages from the drop down. You can also set your email preferences to notify you by mail if you have a new message.
What are Retweets (RT)? A Retweet a re-posting of someone else's Tweet. Sometimes you will see the initials RT in a Tweet. Sometimes users add RT somewhere in a Tweet to indicate that part of their Tweet includes something they're re-posting from another person's Tweet, sometimes with a comment of their own.
What Are Hashtags ("#" Symbols)? Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. Hashtags: Helping you find interesting Tweets People use the hashtag symbol # before relevant keywords in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets to show more easily in Twitter Search Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets in that category
Trending? • It’s what people on Twitter are talking about the most at any given time. • This can be done by most cities by selecting the “change” option. • By clicking on a trending topic, it will • then show all tweets with the trending topic in them. • Warning – some can be for mature audiences only • Promoted tweets are tweets purchased to promote by businesses
The New Header for Profile Pages @GunnarSimonsen
Step 1 Click this Step 2 Click Settings
Step 3 Click Design
Step 4 Scroll Down Page Step 5 Click Change Header
Step 6 Click Choose Existing Image
Step 7 Choose photo from your desktop Step 8 Click choose
Step 9 Adjust placement of Photo and click save
Show us your header, what’s your handle? @GunnarSimonsen
Twitter Daily Discipline What are the first things I do when I log onto Twitter?
Twitter Daily Discipline Who mentioned me Who retweeted me Who direct messaged me Who followed me I respond accordingly and timely.
To view who mentioned you, retweeted you, and who followed you, click “comment”
Twitter Daily Discipline Read the Feed Check my Lists Tweet Something See what’s Trending I engage by replying and retweeting.
Trending Topics Post Tweet here Access lists here Tweet Feed
Replying to another users tweet As Twitter users post tweets, often times, you want to respond to their tweets and add to the discussion. In clicking reply on a selected tweet, your response will be public as well as alert the poster that you have replied.
To reply to a tweet, hover over the tweet with your cursor. This will prompt the words: expand, reply, retweet, favorite to appear. Click reply.
This pop up window will appear with the twitter users handle and a text box. After the the Twitter handle, begin typing your message and click the Tweet button. * All tweets only get 140 characters
When you clicked the Tweet button, that tweet then entered the public tweet feed as well as alerted the Twitter user that you replied. * Not all replies are instant. Reply in feed
Retweeting another users tweet As Twitter users post tweets, often times, you will find something you like and want to share with your followers. You can do this by retweeting that tweet.
To retweet a tweet, hover over the tweet with your cursor. This will prompt the words: expand, reply, retweet, favorite to appear. Click retweet.
This pop up window will appear with the tweet you want to retweet to your followers. When using Twitter via twitter.com, simply click the retweet button. * Twitter.com does not currently allow to make a comment with your tweet. However, other Twitter clients like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, and Smart Phone apps do.
When you clicked the retweet button, that retweet then entered the public tweet feed as well as alerted the Twitter user that you retweeted them. Retweet in feed
Mention another Twitter user Twitter is all about engagement. Often times, I like to reach out to other users publically and say hello, ask a question, compliment, or even with a business… sometimes voice a concern.
For the other Twitter user to see your tweet, it must include their Twitter handle in it which begins with the @ symbol
Direct Message another Twitter user Twitter is all about engagement. Often times, you will want to take that engagement offline by sending another Twitter user a private message.
To send a direct message, click this icon, scroll down, click direct messages
When you click direct messages, this pop up window appeared. To respond to a direct message, click the message you want to respond to. A pop up window will appear. Type your response and click send message.
When you click direct messages, this pop up window appeared. To send a new message, click new message.
When you clicked new message, this pop up window appeared. Simply type in the twitter handle of who you want to message, type your message, and then click send message.
Geographic Search Benefit: Identify, follow, and engage Twitter users that have common interests or showcase specific characteristics that represent potential prospect by location.
Geo Search Step 1 Type keyword into search box and hit return
Geo Search Step 2 Click settings icon for drop down menu to appear and click advanced search.
Geo Search Step 3 Enter in city, state in “Near this place” box. Set mile radius. Click search.