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The Blackpool Primary Partnership

“Blackpool Primary Schools working together for Blackpool Children.”. The Blackpool Primary Partnership. Summary of work carried out by Blackpool Primary Headteachers on Wednesday 26th May 2011. Where we are now…. May 2011. Diminishing role of LA – cuts

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The Blackpool Primary Partnership

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  1. “Blackpool Primary Schools working together for Blackpool Children.” The Blackpool Primary Partnership Summary of work carried out by Blackpool Primary Headteachers on Wednesday 26th May 2011

  2. Where we are now…. May 2011 • Diminishing role of LA – cuts • Diminishing role of LA - academies • Expertise around school improvement being either in school or schools know where to get it (TSN, NCSL) • Creation of a new direction for Blackpool schools – innovation for schools v national strategies • Economies of scale in procurement by buying together/ sharing resources • Schools empowered by Government and BPP was epitome of taking this new role on.

  3. Strategy for implementation….* Message that all schools have a part to playAcademies, VA, VC and Community schools all engaged* Led initially by Sue Wilson and I * Handed over to schools to run

  4. Sue Wilson – Westcliff Andy Mellor – St Nicholas Liz Yates – St Teresa’s Ruth Coupe – Marton Sandra Gillibrand – Roseacre Barbara Lund – Unity Sandra Hall – St John’s Sarah Smith – Christ the King Catherine Woodall – Revoe Lynn Harrowell – Layton Barbara Ivell – Moor Park Lesley Bennett – Revoe Delegates present: Helen Moreton – Holy Family Melanie Haggerty – Our Lady of the Assumption Jo Hirst – Bispham Endowed Karen McCarter – Norbreck Fran Wygladala – St Kentigern’s Tracy Harrison – Thames Dayle Harrison – Boundary Lynne Worden – St John Vianney Ann Henderson – Woodlands Michael Shepherd – Hawes Side Jonathan Clucas – Kincraig

  5. Purpose: Principles: To secure the best outcomes for every Blackpool Child. To create a collaborative where all partners are equal. To hold partners and external agencies to account. To develop social capital. To be a strong and united voice for Blackpool Primary School leaders. Understanding that you can lead a horse to water! But that somehow lack of engagement from head shouldn’t hamper staff. • Mutuality • Reciprocity • Synergy • Inclusivity

  6. Strategic Organisation of BPPA model Short life working groups to carry out tasks and support these groups. Strategic Groups Achievement Curriculum Development Steering group of all group chairs CPD Inclusion Finance and Best Value Behaviour and Safety

  7. These groups were agreed and suggestions were placed for Chairs and representation. They are aimed at building upon current known strengths within our group but are subject to agreement by those who were unable to attend the meeting.

  8. Achievement Chair: Sue Wilson Vice Chair: Sandra Gillibrand Expert role HT/ Dht reps: Tracy Harrison, Ruth Coupe, Unity 1 year then move on * BIG • SIPs • ICT strategy • MIT / data / RAISE • Data sharing • Benchmarking • Similar schools • Moderation

  9. Finance and Best Value Chair: Neil Hodgkins Vice Chair: Cath Woodall Expert role HT/ Dht reps: Sandra Wolfe, Jo Hirst 1 year then move on Funding streams • Best value • Commissioning • School business managers • Fair funding • How does this group interact with School Forum? • Estates and premises • DFC issues re funding • Marketing • Funding acquisition to support teaching and learning cluster groups.

  10. CPD Chair: Michael Shepherd Vice Chair: Karen McCarter Expert role HT/ Dht reps: Jo Snape, Jonathan Clucas 1 year then move on • Staff training • Teaching schools • Succession planning • NLE’s • SSAT/ NCSL • Support for NQT’s • ITT • Planning for CPD • Calendaring all of this • Inventory of suppliers for delivering cpd and / or consultancy • Common policy/ quality assurance • Performance Management

  11. Curriculum Development Chair: Lesley Bennett Vice Chair: Sandra Hall Expert role HT/ Dht reps: Barbara Ivell, Liz Yates, Andy Mellor 1 year then move on • ICT • Common Policy • Response to NC reform • Blackpool curriculum – innovation • Assessment • Reporting • Sub groups ? T&L, achievement, cultural development • Brokering curriculum support based on school requirements • HT/ NQT conference etc

  12. Inclusion Chair: Ann Henderson Vice Chair: Sue Diver Expert role HT/ Dht reps: Holy Family rep, Boundary rep 1 year then move on • SEN • EAL/ G&T/ Ethnic minority achievement • Equality • Interventions • Families • Health • CAFs • Extended schools • Children’s centres • Common Policy • Social Services

  13. Behaviour and Safety Chair: Fran Wygladala Vice Chair: Lynne Worden Expert role HT/ Dht reps: Mark Gray, CtK rep, moor Park rep 1 year then move on • Link to statutory bodies within LA. • Links to LA re school place review. • Managed moves • Children Missing from Education • Links to PWO/ Social Services/ CP • Consistency of support for pupils within school to school transfer • Safeguarding • Exclusion • Attendance • Behaviour • Transience • Transition

  14. Actions to take forward • Discussion at Lakeside • Discussion with SH around changing Fed meeting to BPP meeting. • Ask others to sign up • SMT’s to sign up to groups • Plan briefing to Govs • Discuss with our COGs informally • Advertise BM post • Sound out possible Chair of steering group • Sue W to talk to SH about funding • Build workshop into Thursday of HT conference • Speak to John Sutton re BPP website with blog pages for Year group clusters and subject areas, also pages for strategic groups

  15. Brass Tacks Each group chaired by a Head Groups made up of “specialists in their field” from within Blackpool schools LA officers to be members or to be invited to attend as and when? SBM’s to have clerking role and in the case of Finance and Best Value to have a critical representation within the group. Clerk and Chair to create agenda for meetings from Partnership requests and challenges faced by the group. Feedback from groups to be a feature of future Primary Heads meetings. Salesmen etc to be invited to Finance/ Best Value group instead of Primary Heads meetings.

  16. School Year Group Clusters • Year group meetings. ie FS to Wescliff, Y1 to Anchorsholme • 1 Meeting per half term • 2nd meeting per term – assessment • Moderation of judgements across town • Set their own agenda…imp issues for them. • 2 things that work well and 2 things they’d like to improve • Set dates at start of year 19th Sept, 28th Nov. • Venues rotated • Facilitator as school host, NQT supported by SMT member • Feedback from host school to main steering group • Outcome sheet with actions for the group and feedback to steering group, requests for further support.

  17. School Level School to School Support a Key Feature • Schools grouped to form clusters to focus on improving teaching and learning. • Solution is by teachers for teachers. • Seeing other schools, other classrooms. • Sharing expertise. • Shared problem solving. • Clusters to meet 6 times a year, calendared a year in advance. • Would have a Head or senior leader to facilitate if required but ideally this is where our new leaders come from.

  18. Issues to take forward • Independent strategic director goal focused not embroiled in local politics • Find funding streams. International lead as well. • Look outside Blackpool for lead, challenge Heads and schools, garner views, national knowledge • Flexible groups wrapped around partnership • Need for business manager for day to day delivery of the business • Agenda and shared vision for teacher groups • Focus on teaching and learning and start with this focus. Scaffold start until groups established to ensure they are productive. • Clear structure/ chain of communication for chair, groups, sub groups but fluidity of groups. Feedback to everyone. • Sign up to agreement. Entitlement to all staff regardless of school. • Chair of Governors able to question gains from group and extent of school participation to be brought back in terms of entitlement to children. • possibly online inventory of good practice so all staff have access 24/7. • National chair to be at Govs briefing re: entitlement and take up of partnership offer.

  19. Still to be resolved: • How to store and share documentation/ learning, log ins etc • Funding going forward • Strategic workload/ business management • Head to head support network • Governors engagement • Access to BPP for those in schools where heads aren’t as active • Overall we are coming towards the anniversary of the meeting which set this up and the group is valued at all levels. • We’ve had some challenging situations not least the academy agenda. • We need to audit the whole organisation before we finish for summer to find out how we can do better. • Overall it is valued by all heads and has created a power base and a voice for primary education in Blackpool at a time when academies could be seeing a fragmentation. • Key words: collaboration, trust, reciprocity, ambition, vision, child centredness.

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