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AIRPORT 机场. - Flight Information 航班信息 - Traffic Direction 交通指引 - General Enquires 一般查询. Flight Information. Departures 出发 A rrival Hall 到港大厅 – Domestic Arrivals 国内到港 Airline 航空公司 Flight No . 航班号 STA 计划时间 ETA 变更时间 From / Via 始发站 / 经停站 Terminal 楼号

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  1. AIRPORT 机场 - Flight Information 航班信息 - Traffic Direction 交通指引 - General Enquires 一般查询

  2. Flight Information • Departures 出发 • Arrival Hall 到港大厅– Domestic Arrivals 国内到港 • Airline 航空公司 • Flight No. 航班号 • STA 计划时间 • ETA 变更时间 • From / Via 始发站/经停站 • Terminal 楼号 • Flight Status 航班状态

  3. Traffic Direction • GTC – Ground Traffic Center 地面交通中心 • Parking 停车场 • Taxi 出租车 • Bus / Airport Bus 公交 / 机场巴士 • Airport Ferry Terminal 机场码头 • Express / Coach 城际快线 / 过境巴士(330A goes to Hong Kong, 330B goes to Longgang 330A线去香港;330B线去龙岗)

  4. Metro / Subway 地铁 • Please go to gate No. 7 and take bus No. M416 to Hourui Metro Station. The fare is 2 yuan. You can change to take the subway from there. • 请到 7 号门外坐 M416 号公交车去后瑞站转乘地铁。车费2元。

  5. Departures 出发 • From GTC to Departure Hall 从GTC到出发大厅 • Please go to the Domestic Arrival Hall, you can take either the lift or the escalator to the 4/F. 请您到国内到港大厅乘坐垂直电梯或扶手电梯直达4楼

  6. Parking 停车场/ Long Distance Coach 长途巴士 • Car parks are located at the 1/F. 停车场在1楼There are indoor and outdoor parkings. 有室内和室外 • The long distance coach 长途巴士 ticketing counter is located downstairs. 售票处在楼下 • You can take the escalator going down. 您可坐扶手电梯 下去

  7. General Enquiries • Where is the nearest toilet/washroom? 最近的洗手间在哪? • They are in the middle of GTC on both sides. 在GTC 中间的左右两边 • The sign is over there 标志就在那边 • Where can I change my money 换钱? • The money exchange shop 找换店 is located next to …

  8. You’re welcome! • 我乐于为你服务!

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