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Ion beams for NA61: status and plans D.Manglunki CERN/BE-OP 10/10/2012. Agenda. Fragmented Pb run 3/12/2012-11/2/2013 Primary Ar & Xe runs after LS1. Schedule for Pb run in 2012-13. 3/12 Protons stop in North Area and CNGS NA61 start Pb ion run . (13 AGeV /c?)
Ion beams for NA61: status and plansD.ManglunkiCERN/BE-OP10/10/2012
Agenda • Fragmented Pb run 3/12/2012-11/2/2013 • Primary Ar & Xe runs after LS1 D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Schedule for Pb run in 2012-13 • 3/12Protons stop in North Area and CNGSNA61 start Pb ion run. (13 AGeV/c?) • 17/12 All users stop for Xmas break. Accelerators in standby except ECR source which keeps running • 7/1 Accelerators restart • 14/1 p-Pbrun start in LHCFixed target fragmented physics in North Area restart(20 then 30 AGeV/c?) • 11/2stop accelerators; start LS1. D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Cycles ready • Acceleration / ramp down <1.5 s • Spill = 10 s • Flat bottom = 0.8 + (10.8, 7.2 or 3.6) s • 13 AGeV/c (4 injections, 36 GeV/c p+ eq, dc 40%) • 20 AGeV/c (3 injections, 55 GeV/c p+ eq, dc 50%) • 30 AGeV/c (2 injections, 80.7 GeV/c p+ eq, dc 60%) D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Supercycle example: NA61 ions + proton LHC Filling 144b December 2012 D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Supercycle example: NA61 ions alone January-February 2013 D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Supercycle example: NA61 ions + LHC Pilot or proton MD January-February 2013 D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Delay of LS1 • LS1 now starts on February 12th • No room in 2013 for 2x13 weeks (Ar + Xe) in ECR source, which needs services: water, vacuum, electricity, controls… • Restart mid-2014 • SPS starting with protons for LHC • Fixed target proton run already in question • Possibility of an ion run in 2014 unlikely D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Tight but not impossible schedule***preliminary, not approved*** • 2013: ECR prepares Ar • Spring 2014: ECR prepares Xe • Fall 2014: LEIR + PS commission Ar • 2015: Ar in SPS, then Arrun in North Area before LHC Pb run • 2016: LEIR/PS/SPS commission Xe, then Xerun in North Area before LHC Pbrun D.Manglunki NA61 meeting
Conclusion • Fixed target Be (fragmented Pb) run looks under control: • Cycles ready for 13, 20 & 30 AGeV/c • NA61 practically sole user during most of the time • Questions about scheduling Ar and Xe runs: • 2014 FT ion run unlikely • Xe may be pushed until 2017 D.Manglunki NA61 meeting