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CXI Photon Controls and Data Systems Gunther Haller

Coherent X-ray Imaging Instrument Final Instrument Design Review. CXI Photon Controls and Data Systems Gunther Haller. XES Near & Far Hall Hutches and Beamline Layout (not to scale). 230 m. AMO. SXR. MEC. LCLS X-Ray Endstation (XES) Provided Controls Subsystems.

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CXI Photon Controls and Data Systems Gunther Haller

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  1. Coherent X-ray Imaging Instrument Final Instrument Design Review CXI Photon Controls and Data Systems Gunther Haller

  2. XES Near & Far Hall Hutches and Beamline Layout (not to scale) 230 m AMO SXR MEC

  3. LCLS X-Ray Endstation (XES) Provided Controls Subsystems • Following sub-systems are provided to CXI by LCLS XES and are thus not described in this review (reviewed separately) • Hutch Protection System • Machine Protection System • User Safeguards (include Oxygen Deficiency Monitoring) • Laser Femto-Second Timing System • Machine Timing System • Networking • EPICS Control system • Online/Offline Processing System • 2-D Pixel Array Detector

  4. Specification and Interface Control Documents • Released Engineering Specification Documents (detailed requirements regarding controls and data systems needs of instrument) • CXI Controls ESD (SP-391-001-13) • CXI DAQ ESD (SP-391-001-18) • Released Interface Control Documents (specify where the interface is, who is responsible for what) • XES-LUSI ICD (1.1.523) • XES CXI Controls ICD (SP-391-001-14) • Status: all documents are released • http://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/PCDS/CXI_XCS-PDR

  5. Reviews • CXI Controls and Data Systems Preliminary Design Review held May 11, 09 • Presentations are at http://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/PCDS/CXI_XCS-PDR • Many controls items are already used in other (earlier) photon sections, XTOD and AMO, both are past the Final Design Review stage and are being assembled. XTOD is in the commissioning stage. In addition XPP will be installed before CXI.

  6. Risks and Procurements • No technical, schedule, cost risk items except • Usual risk that devices are changed or added without controls being informed • Mitigated by • Regular meetings • Keep ESD and ICD documents up-to-date • No long term lead-time or > $100k items • Components are ordered with sufficient margin

  7. ES&H • Hutch Protection Systems provided by LCLS XES, hutch 3 (CXI) is the fourth hutch to be operated • Same for User Safeguards (Oxygen Deficiency Monitor) • Electrical Safety • All cables/equipment are rated for their use • All equipment will be NRTL listed or inspected and approved under SLAC's Electrical Equipment Inspection Program

  8. CXI Instrument Diagnostics/Common Optics Diagnostics & Wavefront Monitor 1 micron Sample Environment * 0.1 micron KB & Sample Environment, Particle Injector and IToF (CD-4) 1 micron KB Reference Laser All Early Science except *

  9. Controls Subsystems • Vacuum • Motion • Viewing • Power Supplies • Racks and Cabling • Other items • Software: EPICS/Python/Qt • Type of controls • Valve Control • Vacuum Controls • Pop-In Profile Monitor Controls • Pop-In Intensity Monitor Controls • Intensity-Position Monitor Controls • Slit Controls • Attenuator Controls • Pulse Picker Controls • KB Mirror Controls • X-Ray Focusing Lense Control • Sample Environment Controls • Particle Injector Controls • Ion ToF Controls • Vision Camera Controls • Detector Stage Controls • Reference Laser Controls • DAQ Controls

  10. CXI Components to Control • X-Ray Optics KB system • Motion • Vendor provided, integration with LCLS • Reference Laser • Motion • Sample Environment • Sample Chamber • Motion, vacuum, vision • Ion ToF • HV, DC/pulser, digitizer • Instrument Stand • Motion • Detector Stage • Motion, vacuum, thermal • Particle Injector • Motion, vacuum, digitizer, vision, integration of commercial component • Vacuum System • Valve and Vacuum Controls

  11. CXI Components to Control con’t • Diagnostics and Common Optics • Pop-In Profile Monitor • Motion, Viewing • Pop-In Intensity • Motion, Digitization • Intensity Position • Motion, Digitization • Slit System • Motion • Attenuator • Motion • Pulse-Picker • Motion, Viewing • X-Ray Focusing Lense • Motion • CXI specific interface and programming • Racks & Cabling • Workstations • Vision Cameras • Beam Line Processor • Channel Access Gateway • Machine Protection System • Configuration • Data Acquisition

  12. EPICS/Python/Qt • EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System): • Control software for RT systems • Monitor (pull scheme) • Alarm • Archive • Widely used at SLAC and other labs • More: http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/ • Python/Qt is a user interface between the EPICS drivers and records and the user • System is used for XTOD and AMO, provided as part of the XES Photon Controls Infrastructure

  13. Example of Python/Qt user interface

  14. Example: Vacuum • All gauge controllers are MKS 937A • Interface • Terminal server – DIGI TS16 MEI • Automation Direct PLC • All ion pump controllers are Gama Vacuum DIGITEL MPC dual • All valves are controlled by PLC relay module • The out/not-out state of all valves go into the MPS system to prevent damage if a valve closes unexpectedly.

  15. Example: Motion • Control System provides support for all motions • Motors • IMS MDrive Plus2 integrated controller and motor • IMS MForce Plus2 controller for control of in vacuum and other specialized motors • Newport motor controllers • Others as required • Pneumatic motion • Solenoid Driver chassis, SLAC 385-001

  16. Fast (DAQ) Camera System

  17. Data System Architecture XPP specific Photon Control Data Systems (PCDS)‏ Beam Line Data L1: Acquisition (Many) Digitizers + Cameras L2: Processing (Many) Timing L0: Control (One) L3: Data Cache (Many) • DAQ system primary features • Trigger and readout • Process and veto • Monitoring • Storage • Provided to CXI by XES, same system as used for AMO and XPP

  18. CXI 2D-Detector Control and DAQ Chain Vacuum Ground-isolation Fiber Cornell detector/ASIC with SLAC quadrant board Carrier Board ATCA crate with SLAC DAQ Boards S:AC RCE ATCA Module • Each Cornell detector has ~36,000 pixels • Controlled and read out using Cornell custom ASIC • ~36,000 front-end amplifier circuits and analog-to-digital converters • Initially 16 x 32,000-pixel devices, then up to 64 x 32,000-pixel devices • 4.6 Gbit/sec average with > 10 Gbit/sec peak

  19. CXI Online Processing • Electronics gain correction (in RCE) • Response of amplifying electronics is mapped during calibration • Science data images are corrected for channel gain non-uniformity + non-linearity. • Dark image correction (in RCE) • Dark images accumulated between x-ray pulses • Averaged dark image subtracted from each science data image • Flat field correction (in RCE) • Each science data image is corrected for non-uniform pixel response • Event filtering (in RCE or later) • Events are associated with beam line data (BLD) via timestamp and vetoed based upon BLD values. Veto action is recorded. • Images may be sparsified by predefined regions of interest.

  20. CXI Online Processing con’t • Event processing (processing stage) • Examples are • Sparcification (region of interest) • Locating center • Reducing data by binning pixels • Mask errant pixels (saturated, negative intensity from dark image subtraction due to e.g. noise, non-functioning pixels, edge pixels from moving center) • Filling in missing data with centro-symmetric equivalent points • Transforming camera geometry due solid angle coverage and dead space between tiles • Radial averaging, showing intensity versus scattering angle or momentum transfer • Compute 2D autocorrelation function (single FFT) and store. Essentially at rate of 1 Hz with 4 MB (2Mpixel x 2 bytes) frames. • Peak finding (locate and fit Gaussian intensity peaks). There may be multiple peaks in some cases and the peak finding algorithms should be able to identify up to a few thousand peaks. • The CXI instrument will have an Ion Time-of-Flight which will produce data at 120Hz. The online processing of this data involves data reduction based on thresholding and vetoing based on thresholding or the fitting of peak positions and height.

  21. CXI Monitoring • A copy of the data is distributed (multicast) to monitoring nodes on the DAQ subnet. • The monitoring nodes will provide displays for experimenters’ viewing: • corrected detector images at ≥ 5 Hz • histories of veto rates, beam intensity, + other BLD values. • Reduced analysis of sampled binned data (versus scan parameter) or other processing tbd • Implemented with Qt (C++/Python open source GUI)

  22. Common Diagnostics Readout Quad-Detector R2 q1 q2 R1 Target L • E.g. intensity, profile monitor, intensity position monitors • E.g. Canberra PIPS or IRD SXUV large area diodes (single or quad) • Amplifier/shaper/ADC for control/calibration/readout FEL • Four-diode design • On-board calibration circuits not shown • Board designed, fabricated, loaded, is in test

  23. WBS for LUSI XPP Controls & Data Systems • XPP H3 Controls Requirements, Design and Setup • XPP H3 Standard Hutch Controls • XPP H3 Specific Controls

  24. Milestones • Controls Dates for Installation in FEH (incremental installation driven by instrument component availability) • Start: Early ~April 2010 • Finish: Early ~Nov 2010 • Finish “Early Science” Commissioning before ~ May 2011

  25. Summary • Interface and Requirements documents released • Clear what needs to be done • No issues, design meets requirements • Design Mature • Most items are already used (hardware and software) in XTOD and AMO, plus XPP ahead of CXI • CXI Preliminary Design Review completed • Most items similar to XTOD and AMO and XPP which already had Final Design Reviews for Controls and Data Systems (XTOD is being installed, AMO will follow in July 09) • Team • Engineers and technicians from PPA Research Engineering Group, sufficient man-power available for CXI

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