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Manhood Health Secret: Vitamin D May Help Sensual Drive

So many sensual tips focus on areas related to the mechanics of male performance in bed, but the issue of decreased sensual drive should also be considered. One tip: increase vitamin D levels.

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Manhood Health Secret: Vitamin D May Help Sensual Drive

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  1. Manhood Health Secret: Vitamin D May Help Sensual Drive By John Dugan

  2. In the realm of manhood health tips, there’s a great focus on boosting performance, but the area of sensual drive enhancement sometimes gets the short end of the stick. That may be due to the fact that men have this reputation of being sensual machines, always wound up and ready to go if just given half the chance. Yet anyone with a basic knowledge of manhood health knows that sometimes a man’s sensual drive needs a little boost. And that’s where this secret comes in handy: vitamin D may be able to help in this department. www.man1health.com

  3. Sensual drive A man’s sensual drive plays a big role in his private life. Speaking in general terms, the sensual drive bursts into life in a big way during adolescence, hits a peak at some point (typically between 18 and 30) and then begins to gradually decrease. (Which isn’t to say that a man of 50 can’t still be a frisky guy; it just may mean the drive doesn’t kick in in the same way as it did when he was 20.) But that’s just the general arc. There are peaks and valleys along the way, having to do with many factors (mood, mental state, self-esteem, physical health, etc.). Still, it is safe to say that the older a man gets, the more likely it is his sensual drive will be impacted to some degree. www.man1health.com

  4. Male hormone One of the primary reasons a man’s drive changes is a decrease in male hormone levels. Although there can be numerous outside factors which bring this situation about, in general it is associated with the normal maturation process. The body changes, and one of those changes involves the amount of male hormone produced. Therefore, many men who notice they don’t have the same degree of sensual drive as they used to sometimes try to address this issue by increasing their male hormone levels. And one way which they may do this is by increasing their vitamin D intake. www.man1health.com

  5. Vitamin D In a 2015 study, the American Urological Association confirmed a link between vitamin D and male hormone. Vitamin D has long been known as an important resource for general growth and development, especially of healthy bones. It is now believed to also play a key role in male sacks health, which affects male hormone production. Called “the sunshine vitamin,” natural vitamin D production in the body is keyed to the amount of sunlight a person receives. People who are outdoors in the sun frequently have higher levels of vitamin D. This typically means that vitamin D levels vary with the seasons: they tend to be higher during the long days of summer and lower during the short days of winter. www.man1health.com

  6. Vitamin D can also be obtained from supplements and a diet with foods rich in the vitamin. Men who think their sensual drive may be affected by a lack of vitamin D should have their levels measured by a doctor and then determine the best path for increasing overall vitamin D intake. Often a man’s vitamin D levels can be increased significantly by simple measures, such as taking a half-hour walk every day at lunchtime. www.man1health.com

  7. Another secret that can be helpful: regularly use a first class manhood health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that includes vitamin D among its ingredients. The advantage of using a crème with vitamin D is that the direct topical application enables the vitamin to more efficiently soak into the member. Men should also select a crème that contains other vitamins (such as A, B5, C and E) and a powerful free radical-fighter (such as alpha lipoic acid) to attend to other health issues related to the manhood.

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