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PNS. Assumption that chapter has already been read If you have not read the chapter I strongly suggest you get your book out now. If you have already read the chapter, use this PowerPoint as a test for understanding. Neuron. Draw and label a typical myelinated neuron. Schwann Cells.
Assumption that chapter has already been read • If you have not read the chapter I strongly suggest you get your book out now. If you have already read the chapter, use this PowerPoint as a test for understanding.
Neuron • Draw and label a typical myelinated neuron.
Schwann Cells • What are Schwann Cells?
Schwann Cells • Special cells that wrap around axons forming the myelin sheath in neurons in the PNS.
Myelin Sheath • What are the three major functions of the myelin sheath?
Myelin Sheath • Insulator • Protection • Increase speed of transmission
Types of Neurons • Sensory • Motor • Interneuron's Give a definition of each of the three types.
Types of Neurons • Sensory- carry messages from receptors in sense organs, or in the skin, TO CNS • Motor- carry messages FROM CNS to muscles and glands • Interneuron- located in CNS, links between sensory and motor neurons.
Structures of Neurons • Why are the neurons below classified as multipolar neurons?
Structures of Neurons • Why are the neurons below classified as bipolar neurons?
Structures of Neurons • Why is the neuron below classified as a unipolar neuron?
Structures of Neurons • One axon and multiple dendrites • Most common type- interneurons and motor neurons to skeletal muscle
Structures of Neurons • One axon and one dendrite- axon and dendrite have many branches • Eye, ear and nose- take impulses from receptor cells to other neurons
Structures of Neurons • One extension- an axon • Cell body to one side • Most sensory neurons that carry messages to spinal cord are this type
Neurons, Nerve fibre and Nerves • Neuron- a nerve cell • Nerve Fibre- any long extension of cytoplasm of a nerve cell body, although the term usually refers to an axon • Nerve- a bundle of fivres held together by connective tissue
Synapses • What are they and what do they do?
Synapses • Junction between branches of adjacent neurons • Occur between end branches of one neuron and a dendrite or cell body of another neuron • Messages carried across synapse • Where nerve attaches to muscle synapse called neuromuscular junction
Divisions of Nervous system • CNS- Brain + spinal cord • PNS- nerves that connect body to CNS • PNS- Ganglia (groups of nerve bodies) outside CNS • 12 Cranial nerves • 31 spinal nerves • Joined to spinal cord by 2 roots- ventral and dorsal • Ventral- motor, cell bodies in grey matter • Dorsal- sensory, cell body in dorsal root ganglion
Peripheral Division • Afferent- sensory • Somatic sensory neurons- impulses into nervous system from receptors in skin, muscles and joints • Visceral sensory neurons- impulses from internal organs • Efferent- motor • Somatic- impulses from CNS to skeltal system • Autonomic- impulses from CNS to heart muscle, involuntary muscle and glands • Divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
Reflexes • What is a reflex?
Reflexes • A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a change in the external or internal environment.
Reflexes • What are the four important properties of reflexes?
Refelxes • A stimulus is required to trigger off a reflex, it is not spontaneous • A reflex is involuntary- it occurs without any conscious through • A reflex response is rapid- only a small number of neurons are involved • A reflex response is stereotyped- it occurs in the same way each time
Reflexes • Most coordinated by spinal cord- spinal reflex • involuntary • Awareness does not occur until after the response has been initiated
Reflex arc • Path an impulse follows from receptor to effector • 5 basic components • Receptor- ending of sensory neuron or specialised cell associated with sensonry neuron, reacts to change • Sensory neuron- carries impulse to CNS • Synapse- at least one • Motor Neuron- carries impulse to effector • Effector- receives impulse and carries out response, muscle or secretory cell.
Reflexes • Eg • Blinking • Sneezing • Coughing • Constriction of pupil
Learned Reflexes • Suckling, chewing, tracking with eyes • Acquired reflexes- adjustments required to maintain balance when riding a bike, jamming the brakes of a car or catching a ball- learned through repetition.