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August 4-6, 2006 75 th Anniversary of the First Clair Family Reunion. This booklet is dedicated to Da and Mae, our Irish ancestors, who founded this family in the United States and to the future generations who will share in this family's legacy. We wish to acknowledge and thank:
August 4-6, 200675th Anniversary of the First Clair Family Reunion
This booklet is dedicated to Da and Mae, our Irish ancestors, who founded this family in the United States and to the future generations who will share in this family's legacy. We wish to acknowledge and thank: Pat Gylfe and Terry Greaves, who gave their time and talents toward the production of this first edition booklet in the hopes that upcoming editions will expand each branch of our family tree. Jody Kovach, Janet Clair, and Kathleen Janesh, co-chairpersons, and everyone whose planning and organization made this 75th Clair Family Reunion a special occasion for all.
The story begins…… in Ireland, in the town of Ballyboy, near Upperchurch, Thurles, Tipperary County. Jeremiah Joseph And Mary Joseph Clair (Da and Mae) left Ireland August, 1898 on the SS Campania, Cunard Line bound for the United States. They landed in New York Harbor and settled in Madison, Ohio.
Key to ship’s manifest Jeremiah’s birth certificate
The next generation… On October 19, 1898, (two months after Da and Mae landed in America) twins arrived, Wynifred and William. Three more children were born John in 1900, Mary Kathryn (Kad) in 1902, and Teresa in 1906. The family settled in Ashtabula. According to Kad, later, they loaded a wagon and moved to Willoughby to help Da’s uncle, Jerry Darmody on his Vine Street farm.
The First Generation of Clairs born in the United States Wynifred married Russell Davis. Their son, Jerry (Da and Mae’s first grandchild), was born in 1921. Wynifred died at the age of 24 and Jerry was raised by Mae and Da. William married Genevieve Foley (Bill Foley’s sister). Their daughter, Patricia, was born in 1930. John married Estelle McShay. They had two sons, John (b. 1925) and Robert (b.1927). Mary Kathryn (Kad) married William Foley. They had a son, William, born in 1933, and a daughter, Terry Anne, in 1937. Teresa married John Vohlers. They had two sons, John (b. 1923) and Albert Joseph (Joe)(b. 1925). Their daughter, Wynifred, was born in 1927.
The First Annual Clair Family ReunionAugust 2, 1931 “Every reunion should have a group picture taken and put in this book”from the minutes of the first meeting “It was moved and seconded that the next meeting should be held on the nearest Sunday to August 2…Jack Clair’s birthday.” from the minutes of the first meeting 5 Maple Street, Willoughby, Ohio
7th Annual-1938 And the reunions continue….. The News-Herald covers the big story
13th Annual-1943 14th Annual-1944
40th Annual -1970 50th Annual- 1980 Our Australian cousins, Claire, Bob, Kathy and Ben Longland were present for this landmark reunion. Can you spot them?
71st Anniversary of the First Annual Clair Family Reunion2002 and the story continues……