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CV for Maram Abdel Nasser Taha Shtaya

I'm Maram Shtaya, my nationality is Palestinian and I'm living in Salfeet, Palestine. My major specialization is Pharmacy and minor specialization is American Studies. Iu2019m Pharmacist, American Studies Instructor, Author and Researcher who is teaching on Udemy Platform. However, by taking a place at Udemy site, I expect I can heighten my knowledge, develop the goodness of my experience and help people around the world. Gently let me to briefly present some of my qualifications and skills.

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CV for Maram Abdel Nasser Taha Shtaya

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  1. First and Last name: Maram Shtaya  Academic degree and position: Pharmacist, American Studies Instructor, Author and Researcher  Major Specialty: Pharmacy  Minor Specialty: American Studies  Nationality: Palestinian  City and Country: Salfeet - Palestine  Email: maramnassershtaya1994@gmail.com Biography: Personal Information:  Name: Maram Abdel Nasser Taha Shtaya  Nationality: Palestinian  Place of Birth: Nablus, Palestine  Date of Birth: 14 Oct 1994  Marital Status: Single  Gender: Girl  Mobile: 0592750813  Tel: 09 2515505  Personal Emails: maram_moon_2010@hotmail.com Education:  2014-2017 Minor in American Studies with Accum. Average (very good). English Department, Faculty of Humanities, An- Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Page of 18 1 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  2. 2012-2016 B.Sc. Pharmacy with Accum. Average (very good). Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. The Title of thesis: "Knowledge, attitudes and practices of community pharmacists on generic medicines in Palestine: A cross-sectional Study."  2011-2012High school exam “Tawjihi” with Accum. Average: 94.9% (excellent). Salfeet Secondary Girls School, Salfeet, Palestine.  2008-2010 English Access Microscholarship Program on behalf of the American people for the study of English Language with Accum. Average (excellent). AMIDEAST Program, Salfeet, Palestine. Training and Experiences:  2018-Till Now Pharmacist and American Studies Instructor, Author, a Researcher Teaching on Udemy Platform.  2015-2016Training Pharmacist Lana Care Pharmacy, Main Beit Wazan Street, Nablus, Palestine.  2010-2011Training Actor Ashtar for Theatre Productions and Training, Irsal Street, Ramallah, Palestine. Page of 18 2 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  3. Training Courses:  Accomplishment of 24 training hours in Aug 2017, in "Practical Molecular Biology and Genetics Course." It included training on many techniques like Tissue and Cell Subculture, Genomic DNA isolation, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Gel Electrophoresis. Laboratory of Scientific Researches in co-ordination with The Administration of the Continuing Education Center, New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 9 training hours which was conducted by A Native American Speaker from Jul. 18, 2017 to Jul. 26, 2017 in "Advanced Course in English Language" to develop the English-language abilities, including the pronunciation of words and English Grammars so that training students can represent their Arab culture and introduce it to other cultures worldwide. The American Corner in coordination with Office of Foreign and International Relations, New Campus Library, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 24 training hours in May 2017, in "Food Microbiology: Bio-Preservation and Food Safety Course." The Administration of the Continuing Education Center, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 24 training hours from October to November 2016 in "ISO 9001:2015" course. The Administration of the Continuing Education Center, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 30 training hours from Dec. 29, 2015 to Feb. 4, 2016 in "Build Your Business" course. Competency Development Unit in coordination with the International Youth Organization, New Campus, An- Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Page of 18 3 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  4. Accomplishment of 14 training hours from Sep. 3, 2015 to Oct. 11, 2015 in "Cross-Cultural Communication" course. Competency Development Unit, New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 12 training hours from May. 27, 2014 to May. 29, 2014 in "First Aid" Workshop. The American Corner, New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 24 training hours from Apr. 26, 2014 to May. 10, 2014 in "Theoretical and Practical Course in High Performance Liquid Chromatography" (HPLC). The Administration of Poison Control and Chemical/Biological Analysis (PCCBA) Center, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 30-hour training course from Dec. 28, 2013 to Jan. 1, 2014 in "Practical food and pharmaceutical microbiology" course. The Administration of the Continuing Education Center (CEC) in coordination with the Poison Control and Chemical/Biological Analysis (PCCBA) Center, An- Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 16-hour training course from Sept. 29, 2013 to Dec. 5, 2013 in "Communication and Conversation Skills" course. The Deputy President for Graduate Affairs and Tomorrow's Youth Organization, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 8 training hours from Jan. 5 to Feb. 9 in "Debate Workshop". The American Corner, New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment a course within the series of INJAZ courses entitled "Work Ethics". The Deputy President for Graduate Affairs in coordination with INJAZ. New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. 2013- 2014. Page of 18 4 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  5. Accomplishment a course within the series of INJAZ courses entitled "My Route to the Job". The Deputy President for Graduate Affairs in coordination with INJAZ. New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. 2013-2014. Online Courses:  Successfully completed 33 minutes (17 Lectures) through an online course entitled "Bloodborne Pathogens Certification Course" on June 18, 2018 as taught by National Health Care Provider Solutions on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Bloodborne Pathogens and 2) Interested in Learning CPR? URL: https://udemy-certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC- INJ4FTAA.pdf  Successfully completed 31 minutes (7 Lectures) in "Intro to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy" online course on June 13, 2018 as taught by Martha Macaluso on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, 2) The History of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, 3) The Future of Myofunctional Therapy, 4) Research, 5) Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD's), 6) Professionals Involved, and 7) Review. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-KCEUHJNG.pdf  Successfully completed 1 hour (10 Lectures) in "A World of Difference: Exploring Intercultural Communication" online course on June 9, 2018 as taught by Philip Thompsen, Bessie Lawton, and Anita Foeman on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Cultural Building Blocks, 3) Cultural Taxonomies, 4) Conclusion. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-0H3VLW9N.pdf  Successfully completed 43 minutes (8 Items) in "Concentration and Focus: The Principles of Deep Work" online course on May 26, 2018 as taught by Page of 18 5 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  6. Nathan Robertson on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Deep Work vs. Shallow Work, 3) Newport's Four Styles of Deep Work, 4) Christensen's Four Aspects of Discipline, 5) The Grand Gesture, 6) The Perks of Laziness and 7) Apply Deep Work to Learning New Skills. URL: https://udemy-certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC- OH3Q2NKD.pdf  Successfully completed 34 minutes (15 Lectures) in "Know The Hebrew Alphabet" online course on May 24, 2018 as taught by Guy Ben-Moshe and Itzik Pinhasov on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) The Alef-Bet, and 3) Introduction to the full "Hebrew For Beginners" course. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-1L5J26MA.pdf  Successfully completed 1 hour (15 Lectures) in "Create Gourmet Vegetarian Salads with Super Food Ingredients" online course on May 12, 2018 as taught by Victoria Holder on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction to the gourmet salad course, 2) Super Food Salad, 3) Green Bean & Sesame Seed Salad, 4) Deluxe Nutty Salad, and 5) Course Summary. URL: https://udemy-certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC- PF8S8J4V.pdf  Successfully completed 1.5 hours (22 Lectures) in "Learn Social Psychology Fundamentals" online course on May 12, 2018 as taught by Andrew Luttrell, Ph.D. on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Schemas & Accessibility: The Structure of the Mind, 3) Heuristics & Biases, 4) Attribution, and 5) Conclusion. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-YHI97YQ7.pdf  Successfully completed 2.5 hours (18 Lectures) in "Basics on Cell Biology" online course on May 11, 2018 as taught by LetsTute E-tutor on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction to Biology, 2) Cells and its components, 3) Cell Organelles and its Functions (Nucleus & Page of 18 6 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  7. Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus and lysosme, Mitochondria, Plastids and Vacuoles), 4) Quiz- Cells, 5) Plant tissues ( Introduction to Tissues, Meristematic Tissues, Simple Permanent Tissue, Complex Permanent Tissue and Plant Epidermis), 6) Animal Tissues (Introduction to Animal tissue, Nervous Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscular Tissue, and Epithelial Tissue). URL: https://udemy-certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-VW2IHFOS.pdf  Successfully completed 1 hour (18 Lectures) in the course of "Aromatherapy for all Seasons" on March 24, 2018 as taught by Deanna Russell on Udemy. The course included the following topics: Top essential oils for (spring, summer, fall, and winter), Planning your aromatic garden, Aromatic spring cleaning tips, Self care tips for spring, Summer beauty tips, Summer sprays, Enjoying your aromatic garden, Aromatic garden pest control, Harvesting your garden aromatics, Essential oil blends for fall, Festive essential oil blends, Winter self care tips for cold & flu season, Stress busters, and Winter dry skin management. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-C4CBSBNY.pdf  Successfully completed 1.5 hours (13 Lectures) in the course of "Cancer Nutrition" on March 24, 2018 as taught by Doctor Homer Lim on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Medical Disclaimer, 3) Cancer: What's up with it, 4) Cancer Metabolism: What cancer cells eat, 5) Food and supplements great against cancer, 6) Detoxification and Fasting, 7) Specific nutrition tips for different cancer treatments, 8) Combining it all together, 9) Conclusion. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-V4C5MGGV.pdf  Successfully completed 34 minutes (20 Lectures) in the course of "Home Health & Herbal Remedies: Essential Favorites" on March 20, 2018 as taught by Elizabeth Heck on Udemy. The course included the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Herbal First Aid, 3) Kitchen Medicine, 4) Cold & Page of 18 7 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  8. Flu Remedies, and 5) Herbs for Energy. URL: https://udemy- certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC-C4EO9P5G.pdf  Successfully completed 2.5 hours (10 Lectures) in the course of "Basics of Clinical Pharmacology" on March 19, 2018 as taught by Marwa Bakry on Udemy. The aims of course were: 1) To define basic principle of pharmacology, 2) To outline the scope of pharmacology, 3) To describe what is pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, 4) To recognize the importance of absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion, 5) To discuss drug- receptor interaction and pharmacodynamics, 6) To discuss pharmacological action, therapeutic uses, mechanism of action and side effect of different classes of cardiovascular, cholinergic and adrenergic drugs, local anesthetics, and autacoids. URL: https://udemy-certificate.s3.amazonaws.com/pdf/UC- M35GXUNC.pdf Workshops and Conferences:  Accomplishment of 9 training hours from Aug. 20, 2017 to Aug. 22, 2017 by the German Trainer, Mascha J. Wendler, in "Design Thinking Workshop" which was a training on strategy and methodology, using a global way of thinking to solve problems and innovation. It included the following topics: Interviews, collection of ideas, stereotypes, personality and reverse prediction. Competency Development Unit in collaboration with the Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD). New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.  Accomplishment of 12 training hours from Jul. 3, 2017 to Jul. 13, 2017 in "Controversy and Debate Skills Workshop" with International volunteers from the United States of America, Spain and Britain (Momen, Nerea and Ifza), and this Workshop was actually organized within the activities of the International Volunteer Camp in coordination with The International Youth Exchange Program (Zajel) of the Public Relations Department. Old Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Page of 18 8 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  9. Attendance a lecture where The Education USA adviser was available to present a session on "U.S graduate study", which included information about the application process, scholarships, internship opportunities and much more. Old Campus Library Conference Room, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. May. 31, 2017  Attendance a lecture about "Postcolonial Arab World Literature and Edward Said Memoir", conducted by Dr. Lindsey Moore. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Apr. 26, 2017.  Attendance a lecture about "Postcolonial Rewritings", conducted by Dr. Lindsey Moore. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Apr. 25, 2017.  Attendance a presentation about "The U.S. Electoral System" which was conducted by Dr. Thomas Schaller. Conference Hall, Old Campus Library, An-Najah National University. Aug. 23, 2016 – Tuesday.  Attendance a literary symposium entitled: "The Theory of the Author's Death". Conference Hall, Old Campus Library, An-Najah National University. Mar. 30, 2016 – Wednesday.  Attendance a seminar about "Sama Company For Pharmaceutical Industries" which was conducted by General Manager of Sama Company in cooperation with An-Najah Center for Innovation and Industrial Partnership, and Society of Industrial Engineers. Theater of Engineering College, New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Feb. 23, 2016.  Attendance a film about "The Civil Rights Movement" with the Congressman and Civil Rights Supporter, John Lewis, via video conferencing. The American House, Irsal Street, Ramallah. Feb. 19, 2016. Page of 18 9 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  10. Participation in a Skype discussion with an American lawyer working for New York's public defenders office who discussed both of "Race and Incarceration in the United States". The American Corner, New Campus Library, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. Feb. 16, 2016 - Tuesday.  Participation in "The American Studies Symposium". Old Campus, An- Najah National University. Apr. 22, 2015.  A workshop within the series of INJAZ courses entitled "Skills of Success". The Deputy President for Graduate Affairs in coordination with INJAZ. New Campus, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. 2013-2014. Languages:  Arabic (Native)  English (Fluent in Reading, Writing and Speaking)  Hebrew (Basics in Reading, Writing and Speaking) Computer Skills:  MS Office  Internet  SPSS  Endnote Interests and Special Skills:  Acting and creative producing Drama  Excellent mathematical calculation skills  Statistical analysis skills Page of 18 10 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  11. Creative Writings (Nice Connections between English Literature and Pharmaceutical Scope).  Producing imaginary cognitive stories and shows  Telling poetry and poems  Leadership skills  Working well within a team  Self-Motivated & hardworking  Reading books and novels in American literature  Excellent research abilities (Interdisciplinary and Qualitative Researches).  Publishing articles and e-books in different disciplines Awards:  Award fromAmerican Consulate General in Jerusalem to the students who attended a film about "The Civil Rights Movement" with the Congressman and Civil Rights Supporter, John Lewis, via video conferencing. The American House, Irsal Street, Ramallah. Feb. 19, 2016.  Award from Municipality of Salfeet to the top students in Secondary Certificate, 2012, Salfeet, Palestine.  Award from American Consulate General in Jerusalem to the Top Twenty Four Students in AMIDEAST Center in the West Bank. And thus far, I was selected to Participate in The Access "Got Talent" Show that was held on June 23, 2011. Masrah Al Qasba, Ramallah, Palestine.  Award for the first rank in Salfeet City, in the Science Competition "The Scientific Technological Exposition". 2009-2010, Salfeet, Palestine. Page of 18 11 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  12. Published Teaching Courses with their Articles, E-Books, Videos, Assignments and Questions:  Udemy (2019). "Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Theory of Reasoned Action". URL: https://www.udemy.com/gestational-diabetes-mellitus-theory- of-reasoned-action/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about one hour, it contains fourteen articles and fifty-five resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Clinical Pharmacology, 2) Physiology, 3) Social Behavior, 4) Health Education & Behavior, 5) Health Promotion, 6) Nutrition, 7) Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8) Endocrinology and Metabolism, 9) Medical Sciences, 10) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 11) Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 12) Clinical Chemistry, 13) Clinical Therapy, 14) Biochemistry, 15) Pathology, 16) Laboratory Sciences, 17) Epidemiology, 18) Etiology, 19) Human Relationships, 20) Pharmacotherapy, 21) Quality Management in Health Care, 22) Theory and Research, 23) Women Health, 24) Clinical research, 25) Pathophysiology, 26) Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 27) Social Psychology, and 28) Teratology.  Udemy (2019). "Type 2 Diabetes Tale & Pharmacology: Multilevel Intervention". URL: https://www.udemy.com/type-2-diabetes-tale- pharmacology-multilevel-intervention/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about one hour, it contains eighteen articles and eighty-three resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Clinical Pharmacology, 2) Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 3) Principles of Organization Behavior, 4) Health Education & Behavior, 5) Health Promotion, 6) Nutrition, 7) Human Learning, 8) Endocrinology and Metabolism, 9) Medical Sciences, 10) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 11) Autoimmunity, 12) Page of 18 12 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  13. Clinical Chemistry, 13) Clinical Therapy, 14) Biochemistry, 15) Pathology, 16) Laboratory Sciences, 17) Epidemiology, 18) Etiology, 19) Social Science & Medicine, 20) Pharmacotherapy, and 21) Quality Management in Health Care.  Udemy (2019). "Type 1 Diabetes & Pharmacology: Precaution Adoption Process". URL: https://www.udemy.com/type-1-diabetes-pharmacology- precaution-adoption-process/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about one hour, it contains fourteen articles and fifty-seven resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Precaution Adoption Process Model, 2) Pathology, 3) Laboratory Sciences, 4) Nutrition, 5) Health Behavior, 6) Health Education, 7) Health and Risk Management, 8) Health Psychology, 9) Clinical Pharmacology, 10) Diabetes Care, 11) Health Promotion, 12) Nutrition, 13) Endocrinology and Metabolism, 14) Medical Sciences, 15) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 16) Autoimmunity, 17) Clinical Chemistry, 18) Clinical Therapy, and 19) Biochemistry.  Udemy (2019). "Diabetes Tale and Pharmacology via Social Cognitive Theory". URL: https://www.udemy.com/diabetes-tale-and-pharmacology- via-social-cognitive-theory/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about fifty-one minutes, it contains fifteen articles and sixty-seven resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Clinical Pharmacology, 2) Diabetes Care, 3) Principles of Organization Behavior, 4) Health Education & Behavior, 5) Health Promotion, 6) Nutrition, 7) Human Learning, 8) Endocrinology and Metabolism, 9) Medical Sciences, 10) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 11) Autoimmunity, 12) Clinical Chemistry, 13) Social learning and Cognition, 14) Clinical Therapy, 15) Biochemistry, 16) Pathology, 17) Laboratory Sciences, 18) Epidemiology and 19) Etiology. Page of 18 13 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  14. Udemy (2019). "Complexity Tour via Chemistry-Pharmacology- Toxicology Bridge". URL: https://www.udemy.com/complexity-tour-via- chemistry-pharmacology-toxicology-bridge/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about forty-two minutes, it contains twelve articles and forty-five resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Complexity, 2) Medicinal Chemistry, 3) Pharmacology, 4) Toxicology, 5) Physical Pharmacy, 6) Drug Discovery, 7) Medicalization, 8) Pharmaceuticalization, 9) Biomedical Science, and 10) Nanotechnology Science.  Udemy (2019). "Homeo-Osteo: A Medical Bricolage of Homeopathy & Osteopathy". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/homeo-osteo-a- medical-bricolage-of-homeopathy-osteopathy/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about thirty-nine minutes, it contains nine articles and twenty-four resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) The Art of Literature, 2) Homeopathy, 3) Osteopathy, 4) Traditional Medicine, 5) Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and 6) Pharmacology.  Udemy (2019). "Allo-Naturo: A Medical Bricolage of Allopathy & Naturopathy". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/allo-naturo-a- medical-bricolage-of-allopathy-naturopathy/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about thirty-eight minutes, it contains eleven articles and nineteen resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) The Art of Literature, 2) Allopathy, 3) Naturopathy, 4) Traditional Medicine, 5) Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and 6) Pharmacology. Page of 18 14 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  15. Udemy (2019). "Chemical biology, Pharmacology & Computational Toxicology". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/chemical-biology- pharmacology-computational-toxicology/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about forty minutes, it contains twelve articles and thirty-five resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) The Art of Literature, 2) Structural Biology, 3) Chemical Biology, 4) Chemical Toxicology, 5) Medication Research and Improvement, 6) Dynamical Modeling, 7) Clinical Pharmacology, 8) Clinical Toxicology, 9) Physiology, 10) Chemistry, 11) Drug Invention, 12) Molecular biology, 13) Translational Medicine, 14) Pathophysiology, 15) Bioinformatics, 16) Computational Toxicology, 17) Pharmacological Sciences, 18) Medicinal and Organic Chemistry, 19) Molecular Biology, 20) Educational Research, 21) Genomics, and 22) Cheminformatics.  Udemy (2019). "Pharmaco's Utopia: Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Design". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/pharmacos-utopia- pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic-design/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about forty-two minutes, it contains twelve articles and forty resources. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Pharmaceuticals, 2) Drug Metabolism, 3) Pharmacokinetics, 4) Holism in Science, 5) Dynamical Modeling, 6) Clinical Pharmacology, 7) Clinical Toxicology, 8) Pathophysiology, 9) Chemistry, 10) Drug Invention, 11) Molecular biology, 12) Translational Medicine, 13) Medical Ethics, and 14) Cheminformatics.  Udemy (2019). "Biology, Translational Pharmacology & Toxicology Computation". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/biology- translational-pharmacology-toxicology- computation/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Page of 18 15 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  16. Course Description: This course is about thirty-eight minutes, it contains ten articles and thirty-nine resource. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Biology, 2) Translational Pharmacology, 3) Computational Toxicology, 4) Pharmacogenetics, 5) Computational Modeling Tactics, 6) The Art of Literature, 7) Chemical Biology, 8) Biochemistry, 9) Cheminformatics, 10) Bioinformatics, and 11) Biomedicine.  Udemy (2019). "Biology, Nanochemistry and Drug Discovery: The Hidden Holism". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/biology- nanochemistry-and-drug-discovery-the-hidden- holism/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about thirty-seven minutes, it contains ten articles and thirty-nine resource. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Biology, 2) Nanochemistry, 3) Drug Discovery, 4) Holism Theory, 5) Nano Technology Research, 6) Biochemical Science, 7) Analytical Chemistry, 8) Medicinal Chemistry, 9) Mechanobiology, 10) Molecular Biology, 11) Systems biology, 12) Physical Pharmacy, 13) Pharmacological Science, 14) Cheminformatics, 15) Biotechnology, 16) Toxicology, 17) Physical Chemistry and 18) Biogenetics.  Udemy (2018). "The Hybrid Identity for Globalized Herbal Medications". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/the-hybrid-identity-for-globalized- herbal-medications/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about one hour, it contains thirteen article and thirty-eight resource. It is appropriate for people from whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Minor in American Studies, 2) Ontology, 3) Hybrid Identity, 4) Phytochemistry and Page of 18 16 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  17. Pharmacognosy, 5) Natural Medicine, 6) Pharmaceutics, 7) Globalization and 8) Toxicology.  Udemy (2018). "What's about Pharmacognosy in the Globalized Space?". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/whats-about-pharmacognosy-in-the- globalized-space/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about one hour, it contains eight articles and thirty-three resource. It is appropriate for people from the whole of the world who have an interest in the following approaches: 1) Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, 2) Natural Medicine, 3) Pharmaceutics, 4) Globalization, 5) Artificial Intelligence Technology and 6) Minor in American Studies.  Udemy (2018). "The Pharmacology Flavor for Hyperlipidemia in Palestine". Retrieved from https://www.udemy.com/the-pharmacology- flavor-for-hyperlipidemia-in-palestine/?instructorPreviewMode=guest Course Description: This course is about one hour. It is appropriate for people from whole of the world who are interesting in Bio-medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Published Stories:  Medium. (2018, July 19). "The Rat Screams……Why Does the Physician Inject Me??!!". Retrieved from https://medium.com/@maramnassershtaya1994/the-rat-screams-why-does-the- physician-inject-me-e173b51305dc  Medium. (2018, July 15). "Mama…Mama, Can I make A Perfume From Your Odor?". Retrieved from https://medium.com/@maramnassershtaya1994/mama-mama-can-i-make-a- perfume-from-your-odor-90297a6024a9 Page of 18 17 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

  18. Published Recordings at SoundCloud:  SoundCloud, (2018). "Mama…Mama, Can I make A Perfume From Your Odor?" Retrieved from https://soundcloud.com/maram-shtaya/maram-a-n- shtaya?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=googl eplus Published Teaching Lectures on YouTube Channel:  My YouTube Channel Name: Maram Abdel Nasser Taha Shtaya  URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKAT_J-S-6PJJkgyXspxk2w Published Articles:  Shraim, N. Y., Al Taha, T. A., Qawasmeh, R. F., Jarrar, H. N., Shtaya, M. AN., Shayeb, L. A., and Sweileh, W. M. (2017). "Knowledge, attitudes and practices of community pharmacists on generic medicines in Palestine: a cross-sectional study". BMC Health Services Research, Vol 17, No 1, pp 847. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2813-z External Links:  Udemy Platform: https://www.udemy.com/user/maram-abdel-nasser-taha- shtaya/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85- %D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A9/100011615169821  SlideShare: https://www.slideshare.net/MaramShtaya  Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Maram-Abdel-Nasser-Taha-Shtaya  Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maram-shtaya-b74413189/  SlideServe: https://www.slideserve.com/account/dashboard.php  Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/maramabdelnassertaha/  SlidePlayer: https://slideplayer.com/user/slides/  Medium:https://medium.com/@maramnassershtaya1994 Page of 18 18 CV for Maram A. N. Shtaya 23/7/2019

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