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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization. Information, Ideas & Best Practices for SEO Aug 2007. Contents. Welcome! Today’s Objectives Why Search Engine Marketing #1 Job of Search Engines Interrelationships Between Engines How Search Engines Work SEM Programs How Do People Search SEO Overview

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Search Engine Optimization

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  1. Search Engine Optimization Information, Ideas & Best Practices for SEO Aug 2007

  2. Contents • Welcome! • Today’s Objectives • Why Search Engine Marketing • #1 Job of Search Engines • Interrelationships Between Engines • How Search Engines Work • SEM Programs • How Do People Search • SEO Overview • SEO Truths • Keyword Selection • Site/Page Content • Site Structure • Submission • Indexing • Building Links • Reporting • SEO Tools

  3. Presentation Objectives • Build a solid foundation of search engine optimization understanding – The Why • Understand best practices Search Engine Optimization – The What • Give you the tools and reference resources to build and manage your own campaigns – The How

  4. Why Search Engine Marketing? • Paid Search is the most effective online ad tactic. • Paid Search is highly controllable – start/stop/edit/tweak are easily accessible. • Paid Search & SEO is highly trackeable – both organic and paid search can be tracked through web analytics programs and conversion tracking programs. • Paid Search is a great testing ground – easily update, add or change messaging. Run A/B/C/D etc. split testing for creative and/or landing pages. • SEM drives the highest quality customers. People who are further into the sales funnel and are specifically asking for something that you might be selling. • SEO, if done correctly, can drive a high volume of qualified traffic for near zero media dollars.

  5. The #1 Job of Search Engines Provide the Best Search Results Based on the Limited Information (1-4 keywords) the Searcher Gives the Engine. Better search results (organic & paid) = happier searchers Happier searchers = more search/repeat usage More search usage = more inventory More inventory = more opportunity to sell pay per click advertising

  6. Interrelationships Between Engines • The crawling process is virtually the same for all of the same engine types. • The secret sauce is in the algorithms or the organization of the information the spiders retrieve. • White hat strategies work across the board. • The differences come into play with how engines analyze and use the data to display against specific terms.

  7. Interrelationships Between Local Engines

  8. Types of Search Engines • Crawlers • Rely on search spiders and algorithms • Google/AOL, Yahoo Web, MSN, Teoma • Directories/Human Editors • Rely on submissions and editors to review • Yahoo! Directory, DMOZ, Business.com, CNET, About.com, SuperPages.com • E-Commerce/Shopping Comparison Engines • Rely on merchandise managers and submissions • Froogle, eBay, Amazon.com, Shopping.com, Pricegrabber.com • Meta Search • Automate queries across other indexes • Dogpile, MetaCrawler • Industry Vertical Engines/Directories • Focus on specific industries through human editors & submissions • ThomsonGuide.com, musicsearch.com • Community Search Engines • Utilize user generated input to rank sites • Digg.com, Del.icio.us.com, Technorati.com (blogs)

  9. How Crawlers/Spiders Work Web Page Link Web Page Link Web Page Link Web Page Link Web Page Link Web Page • Search Bots follow links and return information to index • Googlebot, MSNbot, Muscat Ferret (www.robotstxt.org lists 298 bots) S Cached Pages In Database Update & Refresh Schedule Business Rules Algorithm Ancillary Data Sources Index News (hourly) Web Page Content Fresh (recent) Local Content (standard update) Foundation Database (standard update)

  10. How Do They Get Data? – Spiders… Search Spiders follow links and return data to search engine for processing with algorithms. They can: • Read meta tags, title tags and HTML content. • Read URL’s (some read past a ? variable, some don’t). • Read some dynamic content. • Follow links through-out the site if built into page. • Are looking for STRONG uses of keywords. • H1 tags, title tags and HTML content are more important. • Bold and italic words. Spiders can only return what they find. Our job is to help them find the right information.

  11. The Limitation of Search Spiders • They have to have links to follow • They can’t read images • But they can read Alt-Text and File Names • They can’t read Flash (but getting better) • But they can read Alt-Text • They have a hard time w/ dynamic content • Only capture 60 – 65% of content • Only hit the page once per month • Only Google can read past ? currently • Variables mostly don’t count in URL’s

  12. How Do They Get Data? – Feeds… The engines realize they cannot index every bit of every page on the interent 100% successfully – so we can submit info to them. • Google Sitemap • Part of Google Webmaster Tools • Yahoo Sitemap • Same format and shares data with Google • Yahoo Trusted Feed Program • Guarantees inclusion in index, but not placement. • You have ability to put the exact text in their index that you want (title tag, description, keywords, etc.) • You pay per click • Shopping Comparison Engines • Auto feed the major engines according to their feed specs

  13. Search Engine Marketing Programs Search Engine Optimization (SEO) • Listed in the editorial or organic area of engine. • Higher quality traffic – legitimate search results. • No guarantee of placement, mid to long term results. Paid Submission (PS) • Pay to be immediately included in the index. • One time fee per URL – Best for just a few pages not 1,000’s. • No guarantee of placement, but stays with Search Engine Index Pay Per Click (PPC) • Auction, bid or CPC system. • Immediate, cost effective, trackable. Trusted Feed (TF). • Partner with established vendor to build XML feeds. • Cost per Click pay structure. • No guarantee of placement – feed goes away when program is over.

  14. A Google Example SEM of Programs Paid Results: The top two performers from the AdWords CPC program. Main Results: Natural search listings which cannot be bought, but influenced with SEO program. Google does not have a trusted feed or paid inclusion program. Paid Results: AdWords closed-bid CPC placements. Ranked by CTR x CPC. Top three listings distributed to partners. Top three and more distributed to Google’s Content-Targeted Ad network.

  15. A Yahoo Example SEM of Programs Paid Results: Auction style results from YSM! (Overture) In-House Inventory: Yahoo! owns the page, they can do what they want. Paid Results: Trusted feed results. Flat category CPC pricing. Main Results: Natural search listings which cannot be bought, but influenced with SEO program. Google does not have a trusted feed or paid inclusion program.

  16. The Golden Triangle of Search Usability • The results of an eye tracking study on Google. • The focus is on the upper left with a glance over to the top of the right hand side placements. • Underlines the volume importance of the top placements.

  17. How People Use Search Engines • Search plays a role in ~50% of all online purchases. • Most pre-purchase search activity involves generic terms • Branded and product terms peak closer to the purchase • The # of 2, 3 & 4 word searches are on the rise http://www.keyworddiscovery.com/keyword-stats.html

  18. Why Search Engine Optimization? • 55 – 70% of clicks on a search engine results page emanate from the organic search area. • Google: 70% of clicks from organic • Yahoo: 60% of clicks from organic • MSN: 55% of clicks from organic • Organic clicks may or may not be more qualified. • The clicks are free of media costs (although there are internal & management costs). • It is an important part of your entire SEM program.

  19. Search Engine Optimization Truths • The #1 job of SEO is to make finding, crawling and indexing your site as easy as possible for bots • High rankings are built on relevant content & links • Remember the #1 goal of search engines • Following white hat strategies is best • Engines getting smarter about search spam • Do you have time to fight the search engines? • The simpler a site the easier to get ranked • Balance CMS/Rich Media vs Search Objectives • SEO is NOT fast and never ends • Set aside budget for SEO as you would PPC • SEO will effect your marketing, IT, Web site and copy writing groups.

  20. To Maximize Traffic, Think Like a Search Engine • Relevancy is KING because it drives the traffic. • Better relevancy = better results = satisfied searchers = more traffic = more inventory = more CPC sales! • It’s all about the keywords. • Keywords drive the search process so everything revolves around picking and optimizing against the RIGHT keywords. • Establishing relevancy is a numbers game. • 4 billion pages changing every minute can’t be looked at by editors. • Spiders and search robots return key information from pages that match-up to search algorithms and business rules.

  21. General Guidelines for SEO • Build web pages for people – with good SEO as a guiding principle • What is interesting? What do you have expertise in? • Don’t cheat. • While ghost pages, invisible text, link farms and other mechanisms available will help you in the short run – not worth the chance of getting blacklisted. • Do the basics right. • Pick the RIGHT keyword(s) and optimize the page for that keyword set. • Good meta-tags, site copy, title tags, etc. • Use Alt-Tags, text link URL’s and H1 tags. • Build content correctly. • Writing for search engines is more specific than just writing content. • Compare your site to others. • Use software to run comparisons of your site vs. top 2-3 ranked sites in specific engines.

  22. SEO Process

  23. SEO Programs Contain Six Elements • Keyword Selection • Volume vs. Relevancy vs. Competitiveness • Site Content • Align Words, Files, Tags, etc. with Keywords • Indexing & Site Structure • Get More Pages into the Engines • Submission • Making Sure the Engines Know You Exist • Linking • Inbound, On-site and Outbound Links are All Important • Reporting • Consistent, Timely Reporting to Manage Progress

  24. Selecting High Impact Keywords • #1 keyword goal is to find highest volume keywords that are relevant that have the least amount of competition. • Start with keywords that are the most relevant to Your business • Select a wide range from all categories. • Find the largest volume terms that have the fewest competitive sites • Look for 2, 3, 4 keyword search phrases that you can own – not just broad • Own mis-spellings as well as primary spellings • More important in paid search than organic

  25. Selecting High Impact Keywords • Look at Complementary Products/Services that Tend to Buy/Use but You don’t Offer. • Does it make sense to extend your keyword content on your site? • Use Online Tools to Generate A List & Understand Volumes. • Overture Keyword Selection Tool & Wordtracker.com. • Categorize Terms into Content Groups for Site. • Easier to build cohesive site structure by category. • Focus on Terms that Have High Conversion from Paid Search. • These are the highest value ways for people to find your site/product. • If a Local Business, Include City & Neighborhood if Appropriate • Look at Top Three – Five Competitors. • Review Web pages and URLs for keywords. • Look at meta keywords & descriptions in source code for ideas. • Review Web Analytics for Keywords Driving Traffic to Your Site. • Not aspirational, but helpful in finding odd words. • If you Can Get Access to HitWise, Use it to See What Keywords are Going to Your Competitors Site.

  26. Keyword Tools & Exercise Best Keyword Selection/Analysis Tools • Keyword Discover – subscription service • www.trellian.com – worth the $69 for a month • Word Tracker – subscription service • www.wordtracker.com • Overture Search Tool • http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ • Keyword Tool within the Google Account • Using Google’s URL tool, you can pull keywords off of someone elses page. It is content based so not as helpful as a more powerful tool like HitWise.com, but handy.

  27. Site Content Overview • The #1 strategy for getting ranked • Remember content = relevancy • Create and post lots of content. • Think 100 pages plus of good content. • Always add and update content. • The more you change site, the more vibrant the search engines see your domain, the more often they will return and crawl your site. • Minimum of once per week – daily is ideal • Re-use content. • Build once, publish many times • Put newsletters on site with links • Push content to partners • Build articles and case studies that can be used across channels. • Figure out ways to get consumers to generate content • Bulletin boards • Blogs with post backs.

  28. Page Content - Meta Tags • Include Title Tag, Meta Description, Meta Keywords in All Pages that you Want Ranked. • Automatically generate tags if using dynamic pages. Look at a product detail page on Amazon.com. • Title tags • Put keywords up front on title tags. • Keep title tag length to under 40 characters. • Make the title tag descriptive of the product/service. • Meta Description Tags • Include keyword in first sentence of desc. tag. • This is what people will read in search engine – so make it compelling. Sell benefits. Why click on this? • Meta Keywords Tags • Stick with a keyword theme and create variations around it. • Don’t be broad, try different ways of saying same thing. • Keep it under 1024 characters. • Robot Tag • Include a robot tag for the search engines to omit specific pages from crawl.

  29. Meta Tag Exercise • Pick a search term relevant for your site • Review the listings for each major engine for that search term (MSN, Yahoo, Google, Ask) • Look for the displayed information on your site. Did it come from: • Title tag? • Meta Description • Body Copy? • Look at the cached page to see what words are picked up.

  30. Meta Tag Exercise – Google <title>Alabama Football</title> <meta name="description" content="BamaOnLine.com: Alabama Football Alabama Football Alabama Football">

  31. Meta Tag Exercise – Yahoo! This information is in the Yahoo! directory

  32. Meta Tag Exercise - MSN Combination of Title Tag, URL & Meta Descriptions

  33. Site Content Recommendations • Create and host a blog on your site • BLOG stands for Better Listings on Google • Add content multiple times per week • Create and host a bulleting board • User created content around a subject is good • MrExcel.com, WebProWorld.com • Moderate if you want it to be useful and have life • Don’t do a guest book – used by link spammers • Write articles on your expertise and post • Also use to generate links • Make sure robots can find it • Create and market an RSS feed • Great onsite content and creates links back to site • Optimize press releases and host on site • The “News” engines are separate content structures • News.yahoo.com is the 5th largest search engine

  34. Utilizing RSS Feeds for Content & Links • Start by using an RSS feed yourself • Web-based: my.yahoo.com, pluck.com, www.newsgater.com • Desk-top: www.awasu.com, www.bradsoft.com/feeddemon • Integrated: www.newsgator.com, www.pluck.com, www.firefox.com • Find feeds at www.feedster.com • Still want to do an RSS feed? • Do you have the time to commit to content? Do you have enough to say? • Plan your RSS feed • What are the target audiences for the RSS feed (you’ll need this to market) • What will you feed? Product news, site news, opinions, forum content, etc. • Create a list of publishing requirements for both software & content • Does the solution need to integrate with a content management system? • What RSS metrics to you want to monitor? Subscriber counts, individual item hits, rough number of feeds, clicks to site • Do you want the subscriber to be able to precisely select the content they want to receive? Authors, specific subjects, etc..? • Do you want the RSS feed to be hosted on your server or 3rd party? • Do you want to target promotional messages based on subscriber interests?

  35. RSS Feeds (Con’t) • Select RSS software and start publishing • Desktop feed versions (limited advanced features) • Basic hosted online RSS services (limit SEO benefit) • Advanced RSS publishing solutions • High-end email integrated solutions (large scale volume) • Promote the RSS feeds through your own channels • Create an RSS page that explains what it is, why it’s good, recommend a reader and list all of your feeds • Promote in conjunction with your newsletter and on top of your site with the orange button • Promote to External Channels • Submit to all directories, search engines & RSS aggregations sites • Ping the RSS aggregation sites each time you update your content • Syndicate your feed to other web content sites A more detailed 7 step plan is at the back of the presentation

  36. Writing for Search Engine Optimization • Focus the pages on a set of keywords (see pyramid theme concept on next slide) • Utilize headline – subhead – body format • Use lots of sections and segments to have more opportunity to have <H> tags • Write naturally, be an expert – you still have to sell or persuade! • Use lists and bullet points • Link from inside of content to other relevant pages • Keep word count per page to 500 – 750. If you need more space – go to the next page with a strong link (not just a next)

  37. The Theme Pyramid Concept • The idea is to build topic areas in your site that provides a content heaven and reinforces itself. • Start with broad content and work your way down to more specific 2-3-4 word keyword phrases • Don’t link across, but link up and down with good link structure.

  38. Flash and Search Engines Bots have a very difficult time extracting links & text from the .swf files (the flash movie itself). Here are four ways to help: • Get your search engine to do the work with the Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK. • This gives search engines the ability to parse text & links in a .swf file. • Publish the text of a .swf file as a template into the html file that wraps the .swf • Flash is displayed as a .swf (the movie) and html (the wrapper). Search engines can read the html wrapper. • Manually add text to the META tags of the html wrapper • Detect and serve (the most developer intensive) • Use a detection script to identify if a user agent is a browser or a search bot (list of bots in index). • Feed the bot a script of the flash in text or XML repleat with H1 tags and solid content. • Give this link to your web developer http://webmonkey.wired.com/webmonkey/04/44/index4a.html

  39. Site Content Structure You must find the balance between relevant content on page and poor user experience. • Use H1, H2, H3 Tags for Headers instead of images. • A style sheet • Use Alt-Tags for every image and Flash. • Use keyword(s) a lot in the copy in context. • Move keyword rich content higher in page build, move JavaScript lower. • The page still has to sell/motivate the user. • Keyword content that does not directly aid in encouraging the next action can go below the fold. • Articles, directories, how-to’s, blogs, message boards, etc. are all good forms of content IF the spider can find them.

  40. Site Structure Recommendations • Make a Crawler Page (Site Map) for the Site. • Include every link to every page you want crawled on this one page. • Link from the top of your most trafficked pages (usually the home page). • Put in the form of a site map and link at bottom of all pages. • Minimize dynamic content – or do it smartly. • Keep JavaScript to a minimum or call separate pages – bots don’t execute JavaScript and will often times stop crawling the site if confused and can’t find links. • Make sure you post content into HTML onto the page, not as includes or dynamic files. • Let the content stay on the page instead of dynamically populating every time from a DB. • Content should be as high up on the page as possible – some engines truncate search. • Includes should not include key content – they count as separate page. • Amazon.com automatically generates title tags, meta description and meta keywords for product pages. • Don’t put Session ID’s into a URL string. • Google in particular will ignore URL’s with session ID’s because in increases the number of unique URL’s for the same content. • Amazon.com (below) actually hides the session ID from Google when they come to the site. • Re-write Dynamic content URL’s to be static & searchable. • Old Amazon: amazon.com/store?shop=cd&sku= B00004WFIZ&ref=p_ir_m&sessionID= 107-6571839-6268523 • New Amazon:amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ref= B00004WFIZ/ref=pd_ir_m/107-6571839-6268523

  41. More Site Structure Recommendations • Use breadcrumbing as a text rich, internal link, navigation • Home > workshops > search engine marketing • Re-think image file names. • Search engines can’t read images, but they can read image files names and alt-text. • Example: Instead of X34012.jpg – use binoculars034.jpg • Keep page sizes small – in general a good principle, but it helps spiders zip through the pages. • Each page should be UNDER 100k > preferably in the 30k – 50k range. • Put most important content at the top of the page. • Spiders will put the most emphasis on the first 250 words. • Make sure the meta tags are seen early in the page. • Move JavaScript to includes and/or later in the page so the content is first and foremost.

  42. Submitting Your Site • Submit to Directories first. • They take longer, cost $$ for businesses. • Human editors take a look at page and put into categories that go into index. • Dir.Yahoo.com, DMOZ.org are two most important (full list in appendix) • Pay the $299 for Yahoo if you need to. If SEO is your goal – it’s worth it. • Find niche directories for your expertise area • Use paid submission programs if you’re in a hurry • Inktomi, FAST and Ask all have quick entry for a small fee for a few URL’s (less than 50). • Submit to Everyone • Most engines have some form of free submittal although they are low on the priority list. • Google prefers to find your page through links, but you can hand submit a URL. • Hand submissions are preferred so that no alarms are set off at the engines and are especially important with directories like DMOZ and Yahoo. • Use an automated submission tool for smaller engines. • Use Google Site Map to submit entire site to Google • http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemap

  43. Linking is Uber Important – Three Types • Update Onsite Links to Highlight Critical Keywords. • Change link structures to include keywords in anchor text and title tag in the link structure. • Get Other (Quality) Sites to Link to You - Good for Overall Traffic AND Rankings. • Improves Google page rank. • THE most important aspect of Google’s ranking algorithm. • Quality over quantity – link with partners that are at page rank 3 or higher, if possible. Any quality link, regardless of page rank is good. Higher PR is better. • The structure of the link is important – if possible, structure your link to your site with the keyword in it. • Example: Instead of “Click Here” use “More on Binoculars” (if Binoculars is a keyword). • A more advanced trick is to use the title tag in a link. • Example: <a href="http://www.binocularsrus.com" title=“Purchase binoculars and scopes">Buy Binoculars!</a> • Link Out to Other Sites. • Google and other engines give higher prominence to sites that are useful to the searcher. Part of this is having links to other sites in the theme or community you are trying to get ranked within. • Setting up a resources page also makes it easier to get other people to link to you if you link to them first.

  44. Link Warnings! • Link building is an on-going process • Slowly build links so that the growth appears natural • Stay in context as much as possible • Mix up the link anchor text that you distribute so that it appears more natural • Put several different link options on a link to us page on your site • Affiliate programs do NOT help your link popularity because links go through a re-direct • When requesting links, request using an email from the site requesting the link • Assign a resource to continue to build links

  45. Deconstructing Link Structure This is what a search engine sees: <a href="http://www.binocularsrus.com" title=“Purchase binoculars and scopes">Buy Binoculars!</a> • This is the code when you view > source of a web page • The link is http://www.binoculars.com • The Anchor Text is Buy Binoculars • This is the part that is visible to users and is most important. • The Title tag is optional, but very helpful • The search engine also looks for context of the link • Is it part of a paragraph or longer text string • Is it mixed in with 12 other links that are not related? • What is the relevancy of the link? • Is the link going to a site that supports the anchor text or is it random?

  46. Inbound Link Strategies – Part I • Submit to Human Directories. • Yahoo!, About.com, DMOZ.org, Zeal.com, Business.com. • Write a Press Release with Rich Keyword LINKS and Post to: • http://www.prWeb.com • http://www.prbot.com • http://www.openpress.com • http://www.express-press-release.com • http://www.free-press-release.com • http://www.prleap.com • http://www.prfree.com • Run a Link Analysis of Competitors Ranked Highly on Your Premium Keywords. • Use the link: www.domain.com to see who is linking to who. • Establish relationship with sites, then ask for links. • Provide the Linking Code on-Site. • Include keywords in anchor text. • Have 4-5 varieties to distribute. • Ask Partners, Clients, Friends, Trade Associations for Links. • Give them the code for linking back.

  47. Inbound Link Strategies – Part II • Do competitive analysis of links to other sites that are ranked more highly and go after those sites. • Send an email requesting a link or exchange • Send it from the domain requesting the link • Submit articles to article directories • Write a short article (500 – 700 words). • Submit to top ten article directories (see index) • Do this weekly. • Participate in Bulletin Boards and Chats • Use a signature that links back to your site • Use links in your responses online • Should you try buying links? • Only if you can get a high quality link in content • Most link brokers stick you in with other links out of context • Require the link to be live for ~6 months to get traction • Google, etc. can visit link brokers and see who is selling text links then discount their value • Find non-profits with relevancy to your topic and offer $$ to host links. Visit www.guidestar.org for ideas

  48. Inbound Linking Hierarchy • PR10, In-Content, Keyword Rich Anchor Text, Title Tag to a Content Specific Page, One Way Link • PR 3-9, In-Content, Keyword Rich Anchor Text, Title Tag to a Content Specific Page, One Way Link • PR 3-9, Keyword Rich Anchor Text, Title Tag to a Content Specific Page, One Way Link • PR 3-9, Keyword Rich Anchor Text, Title Tag to a Content Specific Page, Reciprocal Link • PR 3-9, Keyword Rich Anchor Text to a Content Specific Page, Reciprocal Link • PR 3-9, Domain Anchor Text to a Content Specific Page, Reciprocal • PR 3-9, Domain Anchor Text to the Homepage, Reciprocal • PR 0-2, Domain Anchor Text to the Homepage, Reciprocal • PR 3-9, Paid Link with lots of other links on page • Any link farm The Best Harmful

  49. What Does Amazon Do? • Generate title, description and keyword tags per product. • <title> Amazon.com: Electronics: AudioSource LS400 100-Watt Compact Indoor/Outdoor Speakers (White) </title> • <META name="description" content="AudioSource LS400 100-Watt Compact Indoor/Outdoor Speakers (White)"> • <META name="keywords" content="AudioSource LS400 100-Watt Compact Indoor/Outdoor Speakers (White), Electronics, Indoor-Outdoor Speaker"> • Hide large sections of JavaScript to move content and text higher up on page. • Generates cleaner URL structures than before (although room for improvement). • Old Amazon.com: amazon.com/store?shop=cd&sku= B00004WFIZ&ref=p_ir_m&sessionID= 107-6571839-6268523 • New Amazon.com:amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ref= B00004WFIZ/ref=pd_ir_m/107-6571839-6268523 • No more sessionID or query strings in URL. • Need to put in product name and manufacturer in URL to improve. • Use a default site map which is the browse box on the left hand side (all text links) and the directory of all stores. • http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/subst/home/all-stores.html

  50. SEO Reporting • Internal reporting • Use web analytics tool to track referring data • Keywords, domains • Only ~50% of visitors will be identified • The rest are from direct URL types in, unidentified links and bookmarks • Monitor total traffic from search engines • Attach sales to search engine visits • External reporting • 3rd party keyword analysis tools (easier) • WebPostion Gold 4.0 is what we use • # of terms in top 30, 10, 5 and 1 across 4 major engines • # of links (inbound, on-site, outbound) • # of pages indexed • Report on SEO base metrics monthly • Include optimizations made

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