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TROPICAL SPIDERS AND THEIR KIN 3-30-10. Trinidad Chevron, Psalmopoeus cambridgei. More Psalmopoeus cambridgei. Even more Psalmopoeus cambridgei. Another juvenile in a tree. The common name, Chevron Spider, becomes obvious. This guy lives in the adjacent pipe.

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  2. Trinidad Chevron, Psalmopoeus cambridgei

  3. More Psalmopoeus cambridgei

  4. Even more Psalmopoeus cambridgei. Another juvenile in a tree. The common name, Chevron Spider, becomes obvious. This guy lives in the adjacent pipe.

  5. Can you find the Psalmopoeus in its natural habitat on this strangler fig tree in Trinidad?

  6. Psalmopoeus in hunting mode. Note the iridescence on the legs.

  7. Same Psalmopoeus outside of its lair.

  8. Goliath Bird-eating spider, Therophosa leblondi from the Amazon Photo by David Bull

  9. Texas Brown Tarantula, Aphonopelma (=Dugesiella) hentzi – threat display (l) and on its back (r) – note the fangs in each photo - southwest U.S.

  10. If you’re lucky, we may let you hold one, like Alana Whitehead is here.

  11. Red-rumped Tarantula, Brachypelma (=Euathlus) vagrans - Belize

  12. We occasionally find a female outside her burrow with her eggs during the day – she is either thermoregulating or dehumidifying them.

  13. When alarmed, the female usually quickly takes her egg case to her burrow.

  14. After hatching, the spiderlings congregate on webbing at the burrow’s entrance for a day or so.

  15. Red-rump egg case with shed skins of spiderlings.

  16. Scary Sign at Cockscomb

  17. Pink-toed Bird Spider, Avicularia avicularia: adult,web, & collection in Trinidad.

  18. Golden Orb Weaver, Nephila clavipes: Female full of eggs and a pair on a web

  19. Argyrodes, a small, metallic kleptoparasite on Nephila webs

  20. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web; happens most frequently to the tallest person in the group (e.g., Dr. Bob).

  21. The worst kind!

  22. Ogre-faced Spider, Dinopis and its “castnet” - Trinidad

  23. Belize 2005 on Gibnut trail

  24. Belize 2005 Gibnut Trail

  25. The web of an Australian funnel web spider, genus Atrax.

  26. The ctenid spiders are the dominant “hunting” spiders of the tropics. One, the Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria), is very dangerous – and aggressive. Be sure to shake out your pants each morning!

  27. A Nurseryweb Spider, Dolomedes, on her nest full of spiderlings

  28. Fishing spider, Dolomedes sp., in Cockscomb.

  29. Cyclosa– hiding in a string of junk. Can you see the spider? Trinidad, November 2009

  30. Huntsman Spider, Heteropoda venatoria, with egg case: Punta Gorda, Belize

  31. Wolf Spider, Hogna (=Lycosa), with its egg sac attached to its spinnerets, and newly hatched spiderlings on its abdomen

  32. Another Hogna with young.

  33. Orb Weaver in Trinidad

  34. An orb weaver in Belize.

  35. Heinous Spider in Trinidad with its eggs

  36. Heinous spider in Costa Rica with its egg sac.

  37. Spitting Spiders, Scytodes, with eggs. Simla, Trinidad.

  38. A sated tick on Bufo marinus! Tikal 2006

  39. Opilionid with a mite parasite.

  40. A male opilionid in Trinidad.

  41. Opilionid eating a centipede – Trinidad.

  42. Tailless Whipscorpion, Amblypygi, genus Tarantula - Belize.

  43. Tailless Whipscorpion, Amblypygi, with young- Trinidad, November 2009.

  44. Tailless Whipscorpion, Amblypygi, with young- Trinidad, November 2009.

  45. Pseudoscorpions are always quite small and often hitch-hike on other invertebrates.

  46. Pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpionida) on Amy Wilberding’s hand, Caracol 2005

  47. Scorpions and their stinger.

  48. Scorpion, Cockscomb 2005

  49. This is the largest species of scorpion in Belize and is about 4 inches long when the tail is extended.

  50. Scorpions are secretive and are usually hiding in rotting logs. They are nocturnal, and we will see them around where we stay and visit. Be sure to shake out pants and shoes each morning!

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