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SUSFOOD An FP7 ERA-NET, 2012-2014. The overarching goal of Susfood is to maximise the contribution of research to the development of food systems aiming at more sustainability from production to consumption. A large European partnership. AAAAA. The ERA-Net SUSFOOD defines
SUSFOOD An FP7 ERA-NET, 2012-2014 The overarching goal of Susfoodis to maximise the contribution of research to the development of foodsystems aimingat more sustainability from production to consumption
The ERA-Net SUSFOOD defines sustainability in the food area • A food system that • supports food security • makes optimal use of natural and human resources • respects biodiversity and ecosystems for present and future generations • which is • culturally acceptable and accessible • environmentally sound • economically fair and viable • and which • provides the consumer with nutritionally adequate, safe, healthy and affordable food
ExternalAdvisory Group (24 advisors) • NGOs: consumer (BEUC), environment (BEE) • ERANETS : exchanges with the Platform Era-Net (ARD, Safe-foodera, ETB Pro, CoreOrganic, Ruragri, Fisheries, ICT Agri) • JPIsFacce, HealthyDiet for a healthy life, Oceans • ETPfood for life (key-trust « sustainable & ethicalfood production »), Plants for the future, TP Organic • FP7 Projects: FAHRE, FUSION, Food Manufuture, SENSE • Expertsfrom SCAR (not members of Susfood), KBBE net and JRC-IHCP • Industries(Food and Drink Europe, Eurocommerce) • EUREKA/Euro Agri Food Chain • Research associations (Food Force, EuropaBio, Marine Stewardship Council) • IDDRI • JRCs(IRMM Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements ) A group built to gathervariousstakeholder profiles for reflectingupon Susfood priorities and output
MappingResearch & identifyingneeds using a Meta KnowledgeBase (MKB) • An open web based archive, developed in the ICT-AGRI ERA-Net • which will give an overview of the existing research • freely accessible • 2 levels of mapping • Research funding structures, operators and infrastructures in each partner country • Data from partners and policy makers • - Research programmes(national, regional, interregional) Data from partners and policy makers • - Research projects • Data provided by the R&D actors (researchers, SMEs) • Therefore we encourage researchers from universities, research institutes and industries to post their research projects in the MKB at http://susfood-db-era.net/drupal/
Priorityresearch areas and cross-cutting issues 1: Policy coherence and alternative business strategies to make sustainable food an easy choice for consumers 2: Interdisciplinary research approach to innovative functional design of food products and support for registration of novel products 3: Redesign input, waste and side flow strategies to increase resource efficiency and provide added value in food processing, manufacture etc. 4: Harmonization of the methods and metrics for integrated assessment of sustainability of food products and food patterns 5: Innovation in food processing technologies: flexible and innovative processes and automation techniques 6: Connection between stakeholders of food system 7: Shaping consumer behavior and food choice 8: Integration of information systems for personalized and sustainable choices CC1: Equity and ethics in food production and consumption and access for consumers to a variety of products CC2: Localization of activities (production, transformation, retail), and internalizing external costs of food to optimize environmental, health and social impact and economic efficiency
First Call: Selected key topics • Improving input, waste and side flow strategies to increase resource efficiency and provide added value in food products and food processing, manufacture, reducing input (energy, water etc.) in the food chain • Innovation in food processing technologies and food products to support a sustainable food chain • Understanding consumer behaviour to encourage more sustainable food choices • 98 submittedpre-proposals
First Call: Funding • Including 3 external funders from France (DNCF), • Belgium (IWT) and Germany (BMBF)
Main contact persons Coordinator: INRA www.susfood-era.net Contact: susfood@paris.inra.fr