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Knowledge Transfer: Linking Arts and Humanities with the Creative Industries

Knowledge Transfer: Linking Arts and Humanities with the Creative Industries. Susan Lansdowne AHRC Knowledge Transfer Programme Manager. The AHRC. Who we are What we do Our Knowledge Transfer Strategy What it is What it covers Delivering the Strategy Current Knowledge Transfer Schemes

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Knowledge Transfer: Linking Arts and Humanities with the Creative Industries

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  1. Knowledge Transfer:Linking Arts and Humanities with the Creative Industries Susan Lansdowne AHRC Knowledge Transfer Programme Manager

  2. The AHRC • Who we are • What we do Our Knowledge Transfer Strategy • What it is • What it covers Delivering the Strategy • Current Knowledge Transfer Schemes • Future support The Way Ahead

  3. The Arts and Humanities Research Council • The AHRC was established on 1st April 2005 by Royal Charter and replaced the Arts and Humanities Research Board • Research Council status underlined the importance of high quality research in the arts and humanities to the cultural, creative and economic life of the nation • Contribute to the shaping of national policy in relation to the arts and humanities

  4. The AHRC’s Role and Remit • Provide support for high quality research and postgraduate training in the arts and humanities with UK HEI sector • Promote awareness of importance of arts and humanities research and its role in understanding ourselves, our society and the world around us • Ensure wider dissemination of research for economic social and cultural benefit of UK and beyond • Contribute to shaping of national policy

  5. AHRC’s Budget £83m(2005/06) Of which • £35.5m Research Awards • £33.5m Postgraduate Awards • £9.5m Museums and Galleries Awards

  6. AHRC’s Subject CommunityHuge Subject Domain • Humanities e.g. history, archaeology. modern languages, English literature, philosophy, law, religious studies • Visual arts and media e.g. painting, sculpture, digital and interactive art, textiles, product and furniture design, communications, cultural and media studies • Music and performing arts e.g. musical composition and performance, performance history and practice of theatre, dance and film.

  7. AHRC’s Subject Community • Around 12,000 (23%) active researchers in the disciplines covered by the AHRC in UK HEIs (2001 RAE Exercise) • 7000 of these in top-rated departments • Several hundred more researchers in the national museums and galleries

  8. To exploit fully the new knowledge and learning that is generated in HEIs, it has to be applied to areas of life where it can make a difference AHRC’s Knowledge Transfer Definition:

  9. AHRC’s broad definition of KT encompasses: • Business interactions • Knowledge interactions with other audiences e.g. museums and galleries, heritage sector • Research that informs public policy • High-quality content for print, film and broadcasting media that is derived from arts and humanities research • Performances and exhibitions through which the outcomes of this research are experienced

  10. Developing KT Strategy: current support • Collaborative Doctoral Awards Scheme • Sponsorship of RCUK’s Business Plan Competition • Sponsorship of DTI’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership product • Knowledge Catalyst • Knowledge Transfer Fellowships

  11. Developing KT Strategy: current support • Strategic Research Programmes • Impact Fellowships • Dissemination Scheme • Research workshops and networks programme in the Nature of Creativity, co-sponsored by ACE, ESRC and DTI • AHRC/DCMS Task Group on Research and Knowledge Transfer for the Creative Industries

  12. Developing KT Strategy: planned support • Collaborative R&D funding programme for arts and humanities and the CIs • Research Exchange Network (REN) • Integrated strategy for Museums and Galleries

  13. The Way Forward • Funds earmarked for KT to grow by 69% over period 2005/06 - 2007/08 • Developing appropriate measures of impact e.g. impact fellowships, sector-interaction studies, finisher data from programmes, qualitative feedback on strategies • Task Group on Research and KT final report due January 2007 will feed into the DCMS’s Creative Economy Programme (www.cep.culture.gov.uk) • Continue to work together to enhance current good practice in KT and build understanding

  14. Knowledge Transfer:Linking Arts and Humanities with the Creative Industries Susan Lansdowne AHRC Knowledge Transfer Programme Manager s.lansdowne@ahrc.ac.uk www.ahrc.ac.uk/about/ke/knowledge.asp

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