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EC INCO Contract No. 003739

Workpackage 4. EC INCO Contract No. 003739. Mid-Term Incofish Workshop 12-15 March, 2007 La Paz, Baja California Sur. Work Package 4. Partners. MCM DEAT : Marine and Coastal Management Branch of Environmental Affaire and Tourism, South Africa

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EC INCO Contract No. 003739

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  1. Workpackage 4 EC INCO Contract No. 003739 Mid-Term Incofish Workshop 12-15 March, 2007 La Paz, Baja California Sur

  2. Work Package 4 Partners • MCM DEAT: Marine and Coastal Management Branch of Environmental Affaire and Tourism, South Africa • CEFAS: The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, United Kingdom • UNI CONCEPCION: Universidad de Concepción , Chile • USP: University of Sao Paulo, Brazil • UNEW: The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom • UNIPAD: Università degli Studi di Padova; Italy • ECNU: East China Normal University , China • CRDOT: Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques de Dakar, Thiarone, Senegal • UNIABDN: The University Court of the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom • CICIMAR: Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico 10 institutions, 8 countries, 4 continents

  3. Work Package 4 • Objectives: • The overall goal of the “Ecosystem Modelling” workpackage is to provide standardized ecosystem models for all selected ecosystems. • 1.- Compile and make available all data relevant for the construction of models for the selected LMEs • 2.- Construct standardized ecosystem models; • 3.- Work closelywith WP 5 on the size and placement of protected areas, and Explore patterns of response of impacted ecosystems, testing hypothesis on resilience and impact of fisheries on ecosystems. • 4.- Contribute to the explorationof ecosystem attributes in a two levels strategy, one within each model exploring impact of fishing, compatibility of conservation and exploitation under sustainable use of the ecosystems, resilience, among others. The second level will be a meta-analysis, searching patterns of response of aquatic ecosystems (to human activities, ecosystem attributes, structural and functional behaviour, etc...) • 5.- At least five scientific publications must be published and are expected to be of high impact

  4. Work Package 4 Deliverables: D4.1 Data relevant for ecosystem modelling disseminated through WP-1 (Obj-1) D4.2 Ecosystem models available for all incofish ecosystems (Obj-2) D4.3 Spatial ecosystem models available for all selected LME’s (Obj-3) D4.4 Further development of models, interactions with WPs, final report (Obj-3,4) D4.5 At least five scientific publications related to this WP to be published or submitted by WP members before the end of the project (Obj-5)

  5. 15 OK Emphasizing Ecosim With one exception D4.2 was fulfiled between Nov-06 & Jan-07 (one model was added to those programmed) OK

  6. 16-21 March 2007 Moved to March 2007 Emphasizing Ecospace Date for D4.3 is immovable since is associated to D5.2 (MPAs). Date & objective for 4th workshop to be confirmed. Present work

  7. Work Package 4 • products • PUBLISHED PAPERS 5 • MANUSCRIPTS SUBMITTED: 6 • MANUSCRIPT IN PREPARATION: • partner (1-3) 16 • Join contributions (>3): 1 (suggested 8; on running 1 +3) • SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS 25 • WORKSHOPS 4 (independent of Incofish meetings) • SUBMISSIONS TO SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS: 13 • MEDIA RELATED 2 partners, 5 events • SURVEYS 1 (USP) • FORMATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES (15) • 1 posdoctorate • 5 doctorate (1 graduated) • 9 masters

  8. Work Package 4 thanks

  9. Flow diagramas have been constructed by WP1 staff. We are coordinating activities to complete this task

  10. connectance Scale after predation strength (including fishery) Trophic pyramids Size - shifted

  11. Ecomod <ecosystem references >

  12. Ecomod <ecosystems outputs>

  13. Incofish models

  14. Incofish models

  15. New model included Moray ecosystem model is going to be incorporated

  16. D4.3 D5.2 CICIMAR Bay of La Paz Mexico WP4

  17. Objectives 3 and 4 According with the project strategy for Deliverable D4.3, it is expected that some spatial models constructed within the WP4 will move towards WP5 to explore MPAs. In this sense, 9 of the 13 WP4-models listed will approach MPAs. Concerning Deliverable D4.4 (exploration of patterns of response of impacted ecosystems, testing hypothesis on resilience and impact of fisheries on ecosystems); WP4 members suggested several topics and pointed out some ideas to be worked during the project. These ideas are under discussion and will be reported as publications which is directly associated with the compliment of Deliverable D4.5.

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