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Keyword Research (for SEO)

Keyword Research (for SEO). Keyword Research Steps. Generate preliminary list of keywords Add keywords with Google keyword tool Group keywords Validate with alternate tools Check competition. Making Preliminar y List. What does your potential client search for?

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Keyword Research (for SEO)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Keyword Research(for SEO)

  2. Keyword Research Steps Generate preliminary list of keywords Add keywords with Google keyword tool Group keywords Validate with alternate tools Check competition
  3. Making Preliminary List What does your potential client search for? “commercial real estate” or “commercial real estate listings” Also, “office space for rent” “commercial real estate broker” Related searches that indicate client-worthiness? “commercial real estate loan” “small business loan”
  4. Google Keyword Tool One keyword phrase at a time Exact matches only Check all relevant terms Download list Repeat
  5. Group Keywords Group by searcher intent Sale versus lease versus rent? Listings? Lending and loans Forms? Implications for website Lead generation for your business Information resource Can generate future leads Increases value to Google
  6. Validate Keyworddiscovery.com Microsoft AdCenter Google.com/trends Dozens of others
  7. Check Competition Do a Google Search Room to displace site on front page? Local listings? http://pro.seomoz.org/tools/keyword-difficulty
  8. Your Turn Upon graduation, you decide to set up your own consulting agency Do keyword research to help you determine your website’s keyword phrases, design, and content
  9. Conclusions Keyword research is free market research Use it to choose keyword phrases, design website, find added content
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