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Peplos Kore Athens, Greece ca. 530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK. Kritios Boy ca. 480 BCE Early Classical Greek. Akhenaton and Nefertiti Karnak, Egypt, Dyanasty XVIII 1353-1335 BC AMARNA PERIOD. Octopus Vase ca. 1500 BCE Marine Style MINOAN. Funerary Figures (Mostly Female) – CYCLADIC GREEK.
Peplos Kore Athens, Greece ca. 530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK
Kritios Boy ca. 480 BCE Early Classical Greek
Akhenaton and Nefertiti Karnak, Egypt, Dyanasty XVIII 1353-1335 BC AMARNA PERIOD
Octopus Vase ca. 1500 BCEMarine Style MINOAN
Kroisos ca. 530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK
Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (The Scraper) ca. 325 BC (Roman copy) HELLENISTIC GREEK
Sarcophagus from Cerveteri. C520 BCE 6’7” in length. ETRUSCAN
PraxitelesAphrodite Taking a Bath (Roman Copy) Late Classical Period
Praxiteles Hermes and Infant Dionysus(Roman Copy) Late Classical Period
Laocoön & His Sons ca. Early 1st century AD HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Temple of Athena Nike Designed by Kallikrates Completed c420 BC CLASSICAL GREEK
Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt Saqqara, Egypt Dynasty V, ca 2450-2350 BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPT
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE.Architectural design by MNESIKLES HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK
Stele of Hammurabi BABYLONIAN c. 1780 BCE
Charioteer ca. 470 BCE Bronze. EARLY CLASSICAL GREEK
Menkaure and Khamerernebty Gizeh, Egypt Dynasty IV, ca 2490-2472 BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPTIAN
Nike of Samothrace Samothrace, Greece ca. 190 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Dying Gaul Pergamon, Turkey ca. 230-220 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Gudea of Lagash 2141-2122 B.C.Neo-Sumerian period
Kouros Greece ca. 600 BC ARCHAIC GREEK
Apollo from Veii C500 BCE5’10” in height. ETRUSCAN
PolykleitosDoryphoros (The ‘Spear-Bearer’) 440 BCE HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK
The Parthenon, completed in 438 BCE.Sculptural designs by PHIDIASHIGH CLASSICAL GREEK
The Palette of King Narmer Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Early Dynastic 3000-2920 BC
Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game. ca. 540 -530 BC ARCHAIC GREEK
Riace Warrior ca. 470-460 BCE, Bronzewith Copper lips and nipples. EARLY CLASSICAL GREEK
Temple of Hera I Paestum, Italy ca. 550 BC ARCHAIC GREEK
Seated Khafre Gizeh, Egypt, Dynasty IV Ca 2520-2495 BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPT
Aphrodite (of Melos) Melos, Greececa. 150-125 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD
Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty 19 1290-1280 BC NEW KINGDOM EGYPT
Human-headed Winged Bull (Lamassu) ASSYRIAN Reign of Sargon II, 721-705 BCE
Gudea of Lagash 2141-2122 B.C.Neo-Sumerian period