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Verilog Introduction. Fall 2004-2005. Module. module <module-type> (<ports>); <components> endmodule. Module. module myadder (Cout, Sum, a,b, cin); input [3:0] a,b; input cin; output [3:0] Sum; output cout; <components> endmodule. Ex1: module mynand (x, a, b); input a, b;
Verilog Introduction Fall 2004-2005
Module module <module-type> (<ports>); <components> endmodule
Module module myadder (Cout, Sum, a,b, cin); input [3:0] a,b; input cin; output [3:0] Sum; output cout; <components> endmodule
Ex1: module mynand (x, a, b); input a, b; output x; wire x,y; and A1 (y,a,b); not A2 (x,y); endmodule Ex2: module mynand (x, a, b); input a, b; output x; wire x,y; assign y = (a==1 & b==1)?1:0; assign x = (y==0)?1:0; endmodule Structural code Behavioral code
Components • Definitions • Parameters • Nets • Registers • Tasks and functions • Declarations • Primitives and Instances • Continuous assignments • Procedural assignments • One pass • Cyclic
Parameters • Used to define constants • e.g: parameter width = 8;
Nets • Used to connect components • Are driven and can change at any time. • Types: wires, wand, wor, supply0, supply1 • E.g.: wire x; wire [width-1:0] a, b; //both a and b are buses
Registers • Used to hold values. • Can change only at discrete time. • Types: reg, integer, time, real • e.g.: reg r1, r2; reg [width-1:0] r3;
Primitives • basic logic gates • and, or, not, xor …. • Pre-defined • User-defined primitives are also possible. • The order of the ports is fixed. nand A1 (<output>, <input1>, <input2>, <input3>,….);
Tasks/functions • Used to organize code • Functions - encapsulate combinational logic. • Tasks – can encapsulate sequential logic.
Continuous assignments • Data flow between wires and registers. • Express combinational logic. • Data “propagates” through the wires. • Not executed in source order. • “net” is always the LHS of a CA • e.g. wire x; assign x = (a==b)?1:0;
example wire x, y; //In response to a change in either “a” or “b” assign x = (a==b)?1:0; //x changes first assign z = (y==0)?1:0; //z changes third assign y = (x==1)?1:0; //y changes second
Procedural blocks • Represent both combinational and sequential logic. • More than one procedural block. • All run concurrently. • Within a block, can be concurrent or sequential. • LHS must always be a register. • Two types: • One pass: initial • Cyclic behavior: always
One Pass • A single block of statements. • Executed just one time. • Begin at time 0. • Use of the keyoword: initial e.g.: reg x; initial x = 0;
example initial begin x = 1; y = f(x); #1 x = 0; //After a delay of 1 time unit y = f(x); //Sequential behavior. end
Cyclic behavior • Begin at time 0. • Executed a number of times. • Event driven. • Use of keyword: always • Can be blocking (sequential execution) or non-blocking (non-sequential execution). e.g.: always #10 clock = ~clock;
Example of combinational logic Ex 3: //nand operation reg x, y; always @ (a or b) begin //x =~y; //If this statement is present, then x will be evaluated first //and the code will not give the expected behavior. if(a & b) //As it is, y will be evaluated first, followed by x. y = 1; else y = 0; x = ~y; end
Example of sequential logic Ex 4: //shift register reg a,b; always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if(reset) begin a =0; b=0; end else begin a = b; //Shift the value of b to a b = c; //Shift the value of c to b end end // behavior is different if we switch // the two commented statements.
Blocking assignment • Consecutive statements are blocked until the current statement is evaluated (sequential evaluation). • Use of “=“. • Previous example • Preferred usage for combinational logic, where the data must propagate.
Non-blocking assignment Ex. 5: reg a,b; always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if(reset) begin a =0; b=0; end else begin a <= b; //Shift the value of b to a b <= c; //Shift the value of c to b end end // behavior is the same even if we // switch the two statements.
Non-blocking assignment • All the statements are executed in parallel. • Use of “<=“ • Preferred usage for sequential logic.
To do • Include a Verilog file in a project. • Examples 1 to 5, create Verilog files and simulate them.