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‘ JUMPING ON THE BUS’: REFLECTIONS ON INTRODUCING PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING (PAL) IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY TRAINING. Dr Pieter W Nel Reader in Clinical Psychology Training, dept. of psychology, UH p.w.nel@herts.ac.uk Ross Canade, Aisling Kelly & sarah Thomson
‘JUMPING ON THE BUS’:REFLECTIONS ON INTRODUCING PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING (PAL)IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY TRAINING Dr Pieter W Nel Reader in Clinical Psychology Training, dept. of psychology, UH p.w.nel@herts.ac.uk Ross Canade, Aisling Kelly & sarah Thomson Trainee Clinical Psychologists, uh Annual learning & teaching conference, UH 1st May 2014
OVERVIEW OF PRESENTATION • Clinical psychology training at UH • What is ‘Peer-Assisted Learning’ (PAL)? • Piloting PAL in Clinical Psychology Training at UH • Trainee perspectives on the experience of doing PAL for the first time • Future directions
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY TRAINING AT UH Three year full-time doctoral training programme: academic, clinical practice and researchcomponents 15-17 trainees per cohort Constructivist / social constructionist course philosophy: an emphasis on self-reflection, adult learning, collaborative learning
WHAT IS ‘PEER ASSISTED LEARNING’ (PAL)? Originated in USA, but now being employed by a number of Universities and further education colleges across the UK Mainly used on undergraduate courses (new in clinical psychology training?) The University of Bournemouth defines Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) as ‘... a scheme that fosters cross-year support between students on the same course. PAL encourages students to support each other and to learn co-operatively under the guidance of trained students, called PAL Leaders, from the year above.’ Intention is for both the junior and the senior student to develop and learn from participating in PAL PAL is not teaching or supervision by students, or a means of reducing existing lecturer-student contact
PILOTING PAL IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY TRAINING AT UH • Small group discussions (Year 1 – 3) • Recruiting PAL Leaders to facilitate first year small group discussions (2013/4) • Emailed all second year trainees (in term three) • Supplied information about PAL and the role of PAL Leader • Invited applications (a supporting statement of up to 500 words) • Three PAL Leaders were appointed for 2013/4 academic year • Training PAL Leaders • One day training course • Theory and background of PAL, working with groups and group dynamics, facilitation skills, roles and responsibilities of student leaders • Simulation training (practicing skills and receiving feedback) • Implementing PAL • Allocating a PAL Leader to each of the three small groups • On-going support for PAL Leaders • Feedback from first year trainees • Feedback from PAL Leaders
FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCES OF JUMPING ON THE BUS: Reflections on PAL from the first year’s perspective Benefits of PAL Comfort and safety Openness Being facilitated by a third year Discussing wider issues What could be improved/changed about PAL? Clearer guidelines on difference between PAL and group clinical supervision More regular sessions “More sessions” Do you think PAL should continue? “YES – definitely!” “Yes - it was a really helpful way of learning without being too intensive/ pressured” “Yes! It's great not only to work within different groups in my cohort, but to have more structured contact with members of cohorts in another year”. “Yes definitely”.
JUMPING ON THE BUS TOGETHER:The benefits of PAL for final-year trainees A different method of learning: adding a new dimension to the experience of training within a cross-cohort, peer-led environment Sharing not “spouting” knowledge: “thinking aloud” with others and reflecting on where we are now as final-year trainees Opportunity to critically re-visit and re-evaluate epistemological and philosophical bases of clinical psychology via presentation and discussion of relevant papers and articles – as well as our own positions and values Translating PAL into the real world post-qualification: insights into the role of clinical psychologists in multidisciplinary settings
JUMPING ON THE BUS HALF WAY THROUGH THE JOURNEY: Reflections on becoming a replacement PAL facilitator of an established group 1 of 3 original facilitators had to discontinue for reasons unrelated to PAL - Not able to have a ‘proper’ planned ending. Considerations: How much time to dedicate to the group process and dynamics? Scope of group = academic; not wanting to ‘overegg the pudding’ whilst wanting to give space to potentially difficult and painful circumstances. Challenges? Not group therapy or supervision…BUT…the relative immediacy of the peer facilitator as key to the PAL process. What helped? Honesty regarding feelings (and nerves!), support from PAL organiser, openness and acceptance of group, gaining confidence from group expressing therapeutic dilemmas and anxieties (indication of trust).
FUTURE DIRECTIONS Evaluation of PAL pilot (informal and formal) Number and sessions and regularity? Co-facilitation? Recruitment issues Induction