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Turn speakers on. Suggested viewing – Sit back and relax. Slides change automatically every 8 seconds. If you click forward, sound track is off timing. If you click backward, soundtrack is muted. meditating on the universe a tour of the galaxies Volume 1 – 4.5 minutes
Turn speakers on. Suggested viewing – Sit back and relax. Slides change automatically every 8 seconds. If you click forward, sound track is off timing. If you click backward, soundtrack is muted.
meditating on the universe a tour of the galaxies Volume 1 – 4.5 minutes Available upon request – Volume 2 eastwind@motherignaciahealingministry.com blogsite link www.sisterraquel.com For viewing and sound problems, email eastwind@motherignaciahealingministry.com
eastwind prayer poems cone nebula
active galaxy M82 NARRATIONjames b reuter SJ PRAYER POEMSbernie lopez
IMAGES the hubble heritage team astronomy-page.com space.com N.A.S.A. planetary nebula NGC 3132
MUSIC the prayer ateneo de manila university glee club edge-on galaxy NGC 4013
reflection nebula in the pleiades IC 349
whirlpool galaxy M51 interacting
colliding spiral galaxies NGC 3314
supernova remnant LMC M49
bubble nebula NGC 7635
LR NGC 346 and N66 in the small magellanic cloud
inquiries – eastwind@motherignaciahealingministry.com more inspirationals at – www.sisterraquel.com PLEASE PASS TO YOUR FRIENDS YOUTUBE VERSION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoGv6uQrpD8 OR SEARCH FOR = “CYBER HEAL 9B TOUR GALAXIES amdg
inquiries – eastwind@motherignaciahealingministry.com more inspirationals at – www.sisterraquel.com PLEASE PASS TO YOUR FRIENDS YOUTUBE VERSION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoGv6uQrpD8 OR SEARCH FOR = “CYBER HEAL 9B TOUR GALAXIES” amdg