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Why do students and teachers like vocabulary tests? Is the popularity justified?

Why do students and teachers like vocabulary tests? Is the popularity justified?. Arthur McNeill (lcamcneill@ust.hk). Outline of presentation. Brief examination of three popular tests Some vocabulary assessment principles To what extent do the popular tests contribute to vocabulary learning?

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Why do students and teachers like vocabulary tests? Is the popularity justified?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why do students and teachers like vocabulary tests?Is the popularity justified? Arthur McNeill (lcamcneill@ust.hk)

  2. Outline of presentation • Brief examination of three popular tests • Some vocabulary assessment principles • To what extent do the popular tests contribute to vocabulary learning? • New directions

  3. Current situation

  4. Three dominant tests • Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) (Nation 1990) • Swansea Vocabulary Levels Test (X-Lex) (Meara & Milton 2003) • Lexical Frequency Profile (LFP) (Laufer & Nation 1995)

  5. TEST 1: VLT

  6. TEST 2: X-LEX

  7. TEST 3: LFP

  8. Three dimensions of vocabulary assessment (Read 2000)

  9. A framework for vocabulary testing (Read & Chapelle 2001) TEST PURPOSE Inferences Uses Intended impacts | | | VALIDITYConstruct Relevance Actual CONSIDERATIONSvalidity and utility consequences | || MEDIATINGConstruct Performance Test FACTORSdefinition summary and presentation reporting \| / TEST DESIGNDecisions about the dimensions Discrete – Embedded Selective – Comprehensive Context-independent – Context-dependent | VALIDATIONArguments based on theory, evidence and consequences

  10. Criticism of vocabulary assessment “…vocabulary assessment is grossly undernourished, both in its theoretical and practical aspects – it has been driven by tradition, convenience, psychometric standards, and a quest for economy of effort rather than a clear conceptualisation of its nature in relation to other aspects of reading expertise.” Pearson, Hiebert & Kamil (2007)

  11. Disagreement about vocabulary’s contribution to L2 proficiency Is there a distinct vocabulary construct? How can assessment reflect the “pervasiveness of lexical phenomena in language”? (Read & Chapelle 2001)

  12. New Hong Kong Wordlists and Resource Pack

  13. A customized LFP?


  15. Every Encounter counts

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