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Translation of Scientific Texts. EST: ( English for Science & Technology) Introduction of ST theories, techniques and inventions; expressing facts, experiments, hypothesis,etc. Conciseness, preciseness, logic, unambiguous, verbal accuracy & lucidity of expression.
Translation of Scientific Texts • EST: (English for Science & Technology) • Introduction of ST theories, techniques and inventions; expressing facts, experiments, hypothesis,etc. • Conciseness, preciseness, logic, unambiguous, verbal accuracy & lucidity of expression. • Subject matter/ style of language; • Translator’s language
Lexical Features • Proper Nouns: Hertz: 赫兹;volt: 伏特 • The Borrowing of Daily words: Transmission:传递;传达;(发射,播送,传动,遗传) Derivative: 派生物;(导数,) Loop: 环形(环线,回路,循环) • Words based on Latin, Greek or modern English Word-formation Anemia: 贫血;thermonuclear: 热核;seismograph: 地震仪; laserbomb: 激光炸弹;black hole: 黑洞;antibody: 抗体;cinerama: 全景电影;translatology: 翻译学;
Translation of non-terminology in EST • By extension: ( extended meaning) Eg: Electric power became the servant of man only after the motor was invented. 只是在发动机发明之后, 电力才开始造福人类。 Alloys belong to a half –way house between mixture and compounds. 合金是介于混合物和化合物的中间物质。
Translation of non-terminology in EST • By Specification: (specified not in general) Eg: The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity. 瞳孔可以随着光线强弱的变化放大或缩小。 • Omission: Eg: Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength. 不锈钢硬度大,强度高。 In conduction and convection, energy transfer through a material medium is involved. 在传导和对流时,能量通过某种物质媒介传递。
The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo. 用发电机能把机械能转变为电能。 For generations coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy sources used to transport men from place to place. 多年来,煤和石油一直被认为是交通运输的主要能源。 It takes the moon light little more than a second and a quarter to reach us, so that we obtain sufficient early information of the condition of our satellite. … 月球状况的信息
Syntactic Features • Long, complex sentences • Passive voice (impersonal style), non-restrictive verbs( infinitives, gerunds, participles) • The translation of long &complex sentences: 确定主谓结构、分句间关系及各修饰关系
Stylistic Features & Translation • Argumentative: (ST Papers, Works;) 严肃书面语,文字结构严谨、朴实,逻辑性强,多用被动及复杂长句。 -----结合专业知识,灵活运用翻译技巧
ADA Ada is a new computer language that is still being designed. It is sponsored by the US Department of Defense (DOD). Ada is called after a friend of Charles Babage, who pioneered computers. It will probably become the DOD’s standard for programming the computers built into its weapon system. Some people believe that Ada could also replace every other computer language but one (Cobol) in civilian use.
ADA 是一种尚在设计中的新的计算机语言,由美国国防部提供研究经费。ADA是根据计算机先驱查尔斯巴贝奇的一台计算机的名字命名的。它很可能会成为美国国防部武器系统中的计算机编制程序的标准语言。有些人相信,除了一种语言(即Cobol语言)之外,ADA也可以代替任何一种民用计算机语言。
2. Expository 用词精练,句式简短,多用祈使句;不带感情色彩,平铺直叙。顺序、内容不得任意删改。 3. Popular Science 比较接近文学作品,翻译时,用词要灵活,适当润色,感情色彩,趣味性和知识性。
How to Use Your Digital Watch If your watch is in a continuous display of hour: minutes—Press command button once—month: date is displayed for one or two seconds. Then, hours: minutes will reappear. Press command twice (quickly)—seconds are displayed, press again continuously and display returns. If watch is in alternating display hours: minutes to month: date—press command button once—seconds are displayed, press again—alternating display returns.
如何使用电子表 如果表一直处于“时:分”显示状态,那么: · 按一下指令按钮---便出现“月:日”显示。显示延续1-2秒钟,而后重新显示“时:分”。 ·快速按两次指令按钮---便显示出“秒”,再按一次 指令按钮,又恢复到“时:分”。 如果表处于“时:分”与“月:日”交替显示状态,那么: ·再按一次指令按钮---便出现“秒”,再按一次指令按钮,便恢复交替显示状态。
Translation Methods • Based on the original order of the text: 顺序法 This simple fact shows that the more of the force of friction is got rid of, the farther will the ball travel, and we are led to infer that if all the impeding forces of gravitation and resistance could be removed, there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop. 这个简单的事实证明,摩擦力去除得越多, 球会滚得越远,由此我们可以推论出,如果一切起阻碍作用的引力和阻力能够去除的话,就没有理由认为处于运动中的球还会停下来。
2. Translation in the reversed order 逆序法 Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has strong affinity. 铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最普遍的是和氧结合在一起,因为铝对氧有很强的亲和力。由于这个原因,在自然界中任何地方都找不到游离状态的铝,所以一直到十九世纪人们才知道有铝。
3. Cutting : 切分法 Eg: Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced. 制造过程可以分为单件生产和批量生产。前者指生产少量的零件,后者指生产大量相同的零件。 Most of what we know about the earth below the limited depth to which boreholes or mine shafts have penetrated has come from geophysical observation. 钻孔或钻井已达到的深度是有限的。在这深度以下,我们对于地球的了解,大部分来自于地球物理学方面的观测。