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Demonstrating impact through performance management

Demonstrating impact through performance management. Anne Austin, Service Manager, Argyll & Bute Council. Measuring performance. For several years now, we have used a joint performance reporting framework in Argyll & Bute

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Demonstrating impact through performance management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Demonstrating impact through performance management Anne Austin, Service Manager, Argyll & Bute Council

  2. Measuring performance • For several years now, we have used a joint performance reporting framework in Argyll & Bute • We gather and record data on the Council’s performance management system, QPR, which we locally call Pyramid • Pyramid can show data, comments, graphs, web links and scorecards. • From the data we collect, we produce a monthly performance report which includes strategic information for the decision makers and operational information for local managers to use

  3. Monthly performance report • Unplanned hospital admissions and re-admissions • Delayed discharges • NHS Continuing Care bed occupancy • Balance of care, overall and in-year • Care home bed vacancies • Integrated community based services data: Overnight Care, OT, Learning Disability, Mental Health, Addictions • Benchmarking data

  4. Scorecard example -Delayed Discharge

  5. Scorecard example -In Year Balance of Care

  6. The impact of RCOP • As Pyramid is already working well for us we decided to use it as the platform for demonstrating the impact of RCOP • The Programme Board and Workstream Leads collaborated to design a set of success measures • There have been a few iterations……… New ideas…

  7. 4 Workstreams encompass the core aims

  8. Preventative and anticipatory care

  9. Pro-active care and support at home

  10. Effective care at times of transition

  11. Hospitals and care homes

  12. Scorecard example -RCOP Workstream 7

  13. RCOP Workstream 7 - Trends

  14. RCOP – Finance Data

  15. Any questions?? People in Argyll & Bute will live longer, healthier, happier lives

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