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SELF-CONCEPT. SELF-CONCEPT. Self-knowledge. Your thoughts about yourself. What you feel of others’ thoughts of you. How you see yourself. How you feel about yourself. Your beliefs about yourself. What you value.

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  2. SELF-CONCEPT Self-knowledge Your thoughts about yourself What you feel of others’ thoughts of you How you see yourself How you feel about yourself Your beliefs about yourself What you value

  3. The importance of self-concept as a shield that protects from positive and exploitive influences • Why are we more dependent on what others think and say when we don’t appreciate or respect ourselves? • What internal and external forces help us appreciate ourselves more?

  4. Discuss strategies for strengthening self-concept • Be a friend to yourself. Take care of your body and mind. Learn to accept the parts of yourself you don’t like. • Set and work toward personal goals; reward yourself when a goal is achieved. • Choose friends who support you. • Guard against negative self-talk; practise self-encouragement. • Let others know what you need. • Care for other people in a way you would like them to care for you. • Get help for dealing with deep feelings of negativity or worthlessness (e.g., in the case of troubled or abusive family life).

  5. Activity: Creating your personal ChartsINTERESTS, APTITUDES, and SKILLS


  7. Self-Evaluation Questionnaire • Complete the questionnaire individually and honestly.

  8. Journal Statement Starters I can show people what I like and who I am by… I am important and I need to let people know that by…

  9. Self Silhouette • Tape black bristol board to the wall. Place an overhead projector facing the wall, so the light shines on the black paper. • Trace each other’s silhouette on the black paper using the light shining on the wall. • Cut out the silhouettes. • Glue phrases or pictures from magazines to the silhouette that depict your likes, dislikes, talents, interests, challenges, and attributes. • Trace a border (approx. an inch thick) around your silhouette and be sure to keep this border clear of any writing or pictures. • After you have created your collage, you must share and explain your creation. • Following this activity you will be completing a “Self Silhouette” Evaluation.

  10. Self SilhouetteEvaluation What are some of your likes, dislikes, talents, and challenges? Which of your talents do you think is most important to you? Why? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why? What did you discover about yourself that you hadn’t realized before? Name three classmates and something you discovered about each of them that you didn’t know before.

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